Students can Download 1st PUC English Model Question Paper 3 with Answers, Karnataka 1st PUC English Model Question Papers with Answers helps you to revise the complete Karnataka State Board Syllabus and to clear all their doubts, score well in final exams.
Karnataka 1st PUC English Model Question Paper 3 with Answers
Time: 3 Hrs. 15 Mins.
Max. Marks: 100
- Follow the prescribed limit while answering the questions.
- Write the correct question number as it appears on the question paper.
- One mark questions attempted more than once will be awarded zero.
- For multiple-choice questions choose the correct answer and rewrite it.
I. Answer the following in a word, a phrase or a sentence each: (12 × 1 = 12)
Question 1.
Who provided the delicious meal to the members of the commission in ‘The Gentlemen of the Jungle’?
The elephant / Mrs Elephant.
Question 2.
Who loves to rise on a summer morning in the poem ‘The School Boy’?
The boy / the schoolboy.
Question 3.
What did the narrator do to earn his living in ‘Oru Manushyan’?
He taught English for migrant labourers.
Question 4.
In the poem ‘Money Madness’ what should be free for everyone?
Bread, fire and shelter.
Question 5.
Where did BabarAli teach hundreds of students?
In his school Anand ShikshaNikethan.
Question 6.
Where are the three hundred thousand gods sheltered in If I was a Tree?
In the body of the cow.
Question 7.
Whom did the village headman consider as a ‘Lunatic’ in ‘The Watchman of the Lake’?
Question 8.
How many children did the farmer’s wife have?
Four children.
Question 9.
Who was the mother of Frederick Douglass?
Harriet Bailey.
Question 10.
What does the old woman demand for her service in the poem? ‘An Old Woman’?
Fifty paise.
Question 11.
How far was Poleta from Verona?
30 kilometres.
Question 12.
What was more painful for the speaker in the beginning in ‘Do not ask of Me, My Love’?
The problem of poverty and deprivation was more painful for the speaker.
II. Answer any EIGHT of the following in a paragraph of 80 – 100 words each. (8 × 4 = 32)
Question 13.
Why was the Commission of Enquiry appointed by the King of the Jungle?
One day the elephant wanted protection from torrential rain. So he requested the man to allow him to push its trunk in the man’s hut. The man agreed. The elephant pushed its trunk inside, and slowly pushed itself into the man’s hut and flung him out. The man started grumbling. Flaring the noise the animals stood around listening to the heated argument between the man and the elephant. The lion, the king of the forest wanted peace and tranquillity in his kingdom. So he ordered the elephant to appoint a Commission of Enquiry to look into the matter and report accordingly.
Question 14.
Describe the experience of the boy in school?
The poet William Blake relevantly argues on the education of the children. He says that the boy’ is very happy being with nature and he learns freely in nature as he loves to rise happily in the summer morning. But when he thinks of school. his happiness disappears and he feels the school as a prison. The boy does not think freely in the school. The poet excellently says that the boy’ sits in the school in fear and anxiety and lie questions how he can learn the subjects. When the child loses his happiness he doesn’t show interest in learning and it becomes a major obstacle for his mental and physical growth. The poet emphasises on the culture. He says, the boy gets happiness in the singing of a bird and watching the huntsman. Nature is a sweet company to him. But when the boy enters formal schooling, he spends the time in irritation and anxiety.
The poet stresses on free-learning and informal schooling, that is learning in nature. That helps to widen his mental horizon and physical growth. The poet is not arguing against education bitt discourages formal schooling and encourages informal learning. He gives valuable advice to the parents to give a lot of sweet memories of learning in childhood so that the child gets all-round development and ensures the future of the nation. Totally, the poem is an excellent attempt to bring oui the torture felt by the children at formal schooling. The poem gives the message to discourage formal schooling and encourage free learning for children.
Question 15.
Why did Mara tie the medicinal creeper to the tree?
The Narrator was a good friend of Mara. He was told several unbelievable stories by Mara. But the narrator did not believe him and assumed that they were all cock and bull stories. But when he heard of Appanna’s account about a herb that if it was squeezed the milk became hard. He wanted to check it. So he plucked some leaves from the creeper and took them to his friend Chandru, a pathologist. He told Chandru what he had heard about that plant. They decided to conduct the experiment and brought a litre of milk and put those leaves in the milk and mixed with mixer and poured into a vessel. After a few minutes, the milk became firm and rubbery. So he came to believe in and learn the facts about the medicinal creeper.
It signifies that the narrator did not believe until it comes to his experience. Most of the educates become cynics to the uneducated stories about medicinal creepers.
Question 16.
Why does the speaker want to be a tree in the poem, If I was a Tree?
The initiation is a definite success. Bahar Ali’s intention when he started his school was to help the less fortunate people by providing free education. Today, more and more underprivileged people have utilized this opportunity of his and are coming up in society. Moreover, we can clearly see that BabarAli’s action has inspired millions of people around the world. 1f more people take part to change the world for the better, there will be a greater success than he would have wished for Babar Ali has brought about the change he wanted to see in his surroundings. If a young boy’ from a village had the will and determinations to make a change in the world out there, it is not right on own part to remain as mute spectators but we must also actively participate towards. bringing the change.
Question 17.
Write about Mara’s dream in Watchman of the Lake.
Mara thought that it is the noblest job to watch the lake and provide water to the village. As water plays a dominant role in each and every person’s life. He sustains the water without being overuse or waste. So he watched the lake and protects the river and tank. He is the reason and causes to build the tank and so king appointed him as the right person to protect it. He cares about each and every stone of the tank and warns the fishmongers and helped the needy. Mara doing this job feels content and solace, so he orders his son and son’s son and so on to continue the same job. He even lost his breath when the village needs to protect the tank from floods. Hence every wave of river Veda reflects his name in the tank and the king had built a temple in memory of Mara and goddess.
Question 18.
What was the role of various people in the development of Babar Ali School?
Many people played an important role in the development of Babar Ali’s school. First of all, was his father Nasiruddin who believed that education is the man’s true religion. He gave the rice which was grown in his paddy field for Betar Ali’s mid – mega program in his school. Tulu Rani Hazara was illiterate fishmonger by morning and proceeding educationalist by afternoon. She urged the people to send their children to Babar Ali’s school. They recounted more than 80 students to Babar Ali’s school. The most educated staff of Babar’s school was Debarita. He Guided the students well. Senior students volunteers worked as teaching staff in non-school. Retired IAS officers too contributed to Batarch school.
Question 19.
Write a note on the cruelty of Mr Plummer.
The boys were very useful for the narrator. When the narrator wanted a pack of American cigarettes or seats for the opera or the name of a good restaurant, the’ were always there in all these needs with cheerful competence. They had also taken the author on a guided tour to the different places of interest at Verona including Juliet’s tomb.
Question 20.
How is the plight of the old woman depicted in the poem ‘An Old Woman’?
The poem “An old woman” depicts the worst condition of an old woman, who is an old beggar near the Horseshoe shrine. She holds the sleeves of the passers-by. and follows them asking for a fifty paise coin. Even though by appearance she looks like a beggar, she has her self respect and in return for the fifty paise, offers to show the tourists around the Horseshoe shrine. She laments about her helplessness in those wretched hills to eke out a living. Her physical appearance evokes sympathy in the passers-by. Phrases like “bullet holes for her eyes, “cracks that begin around her eyes spread beyond her skin”, and shatterproof crone” describe the pathetic condition of her miserable existence.
Question 21.
How had the war affected the boys in “Two Gentlemen of Verona”?
War is the element of destroying if knows only destroying but it can only destroy the physical structures like a house, buildings and so on, but it never destroys the spirit of the boys, it never destroys their strong will power to work for the sake of their sister’s treatment. In other words, the boys win the war and war surrenders itself for the courage of boys. Instead of facing the boy’s courage to live the war ran away in front of their lion’s hearts. Hence Jacopo and Nicola proved to be the models and icons of the modem youth, where morality has been destroying in this present world.
Question 22.
How is the speaker of the poem “Do not ask me, My Love” affected by the harsh realities of life?
The poem “Do not ask of Me My love” by Faiz Ahmad Faiz, presents the concept of love and contemporary issues of our society. The poem begins when the lover expresses his helplessness in not being able to love his beloved as in the past. He explains how she seemed so very bright when he had felt that only she was his world. He even exaggerates how her beauty had given breath to the everlasting spring. Her eyes were everything to him and nothing else was there except her in his world. He had felt that with her by his side, the world was his and he could attain everything. But now, he has realised that all that was just an illusion and only his imagination.
He gives as his reasoning his realisation that there out in the wide world were issues, more important than his love for her. He is now more concerned about social problems, war, destruction, poverty diseases and pain of people and would rather try and solve those problems than stay in his illusory world of love for his beloved. He assures her that his love for her has not diminished, but the social problems have taken priority-justified by these lines, “You’re beautiful still my love, but I’m helpless too….” In a way, it is a message to all, that love in youth is quite common, but one’s country and social problems are more important and deserve concern and commitment from all. The speaker has opted for the more fulfilling choice of social reformation than his love.
III. Answer ONE of the following in about 200 words. (1 × 6 = 6)
Question 23.
The story Oru Manushyan depicts the transformation of a man. Discuss.
The narrator used to forego his breakfast and morning tea so that he had the money for his evening meal and tea. One day, as usual, he came to a crowded restaurant and had his regular meal and tea. When he to pay the bill, he realized that his wallet had been picked. He revealed this fact to the owner who only found it funny and laughed out loud. Though the narrator offered to leave his coat with the owner, he forced the narrator to take off all his clothes. As the narrator was very shamed taking off his trousers, a stranger stopped him and paid his bill. He later made the narrator wear his clothes and took him away. When the narrator praised and thanked him, the stranger just laughed. He did not reveal his name but only warned the narrator against speaking about him.
The stranger showed five wallets to the narrator, out of which one was the narrators. The stranger told the narrator to check whether his money was intact, and he wished him good luck. The narrator had mixed feelings by now. It was clear that his humiliation at the restaurant was due to the stranger’s picking his wallet and rendering him helpless. But he was also thankful to help at the right moment, avoiding the humiliation of standing stark naked in front of all the people. He fait that the stranger had perhaps undergone a transformation during his own interaction with the restaurant owner. This made him say at the end, ‘May God help you’, and leave without saying anything more to the stranger.
Describe the scarifies made by Mara to build and to save the lake.
‘Education is a true religion’ is a good thought of Nasiruddin where all the people are quarrelling about their religions and castes he is the man who gives education for and says education is true religion. Anybody can steal anything but nobody can steal education. It is immortal light which lights millions of other lights, understanding this Nasiruddin excellently quotes. ‘Education is a true religion’. Getting inspired by his thought many people send their children to schools. because they understood the value of education and its uses. Babar’s commitment is also not deniable, he started with eight and continued now with eight hundred, it shows how he had changed the people and attracted the children towards school. Babar Ali is a good example for the quote, “Where there is a will there is a way”.
Otherwise in the teenage, he got the thought and initiated it and followed it and made others to tòllow it, if some others in his place would have played ¡n the grounds in the age. So he is a great success, and his name is spread all over the country. It should be not stopped with this but ignites many souls to take initiative to see a better tomorrow for India. Hence, Babar All is a legend of youth and stood perfectly an icon of youth to the modern world.
How does the farmer’s wife lament over the death of her husband?
In the poem ‘The Farmer’s Wife’, is a tragic poem that reflects the helpless conditions of farmers’ widows. The plight of the widows is explained by one such widow. The poet uses many phrases to contrast her condition with that of her dead husband. She called the farmer as ‘virtuous’ and herself a ‘poor sinner’. The farmer was unable to pay the debts and he left all the debts to his wife, so she was very sad on his act of committing suicide. The feminist concept was also highlighted in the poem, the phrase “I was born with a head bent” justifies the discrimination in our society between men and women. Man is born with his head held high, but a woman is born with her head bent.
But he did not face bravely creditors and left all this to his wife to solve. She accused her husband that he poisoned himself and gone away by poisoning his wife’s existence. She remembered the memories of his beating, blaming, drinking, and kicking haunting her. She never dreams that he would commit suicide. It was true that the crop was gone but the debt remained their and dignity had hit the dust. She expresses her helplessness that how she would be able to bear the burden of their four children. She compared her condition with “worm-eaten cotton pods.” She got ambiguity and asked what was that and why he committed suicide. At last, she confidently asserts her determination to struggle out her life even without her husband the sake of for her children. So, she shows a strong will to survive against all difficulties.
IV. Read the following passage and answer the questions set on it. (10 × 1 = 10)
The Indian Army is the second largest in the world, it consists of infantry, cavalry’, artillery’, camel corps and war tankers.’ The Army has a strength of 11,00,000 soldiers. They are the main force of the army. In addition, there are 96,000 Armed Reserved Personnel. The chief of the Army is ranked as General, who is the head of the Army. The Army headquarters is at New Delhi which is the capital city of India. The General is in a charge of control, training, functioning and administration of the Armed Forces. The Indian Navy guards our coast and Islands. It is the sixth-largest in the world. The rank of Naval chief is the Admiral. The Naval headquarters are at New Delhi. The Indian Navy is equipped with ships, carrying modern missiles and submarines. INS Vibhuti and INS Godavari are such important ships. The Navy is also equipped with aircraft carries called INS Virat and IND Vikramaditya. A Naval base known as seabird is at Karwar in Karnataka. Indian Airforce is the fifth biggest in the world. The rank of Air chief is Marshal. The headquarters of the Airforce is at New Delhi. In order to administer the Airforce effectively, it has been divided into five commands, Bangalore and Hyderabad are the main Airforce training centres.
Question 24.
Where does the Indian Army stand in the world?
The Indian Army is the second largest in the world.
Question 25.
What is the strength of the Indian Army?
11,00,000 soldiers.
Question 26.
Where is the headquarters of the Indian Army?
New Delhi.
Question 27.
Name the rank of Naval chief.
Question 28.
Mention one of the important ships of the Indian Navy.
INS Vibhuti and INS Godavari.
Question 29.
Where is seabird situated?
Question 30.
The headquarters of the Air force is at
(a) Bangalore
(b) New Delhi
(c) Hyderabad
(b) New Delhi
Question 31.
Who is Marshal?
Air Chief.
Question 32.
What are the main Air force training centres?
Bangalore and Hyderabad are Airforce training centres.
Question 33.
Add a suitable prefix to form an antonym of ‘Natural’.
V. A. Fill in flic blanks with appropriate articles and prepositions given in brackets: (4 × 1 = 4)
Question 34.
Frederick Douglass was ______ slave by birth. He was separated ______ his mother when he was _________ infant. After that, he had seen his mother only ______ night. (at, an, from, a)
a, by, an, at
B. Fill in the blanks with the suitable form of the verbs given in brackets: (4 × 1 = 4)
Question 35.
The narrator _______ (live) far away from his home town which _______ (be) full of crooked people who ________ (commit) nany vices for money. The narrator _______ (teach) English to migrant labours in that city.
lived, was, committed, taught.
C. Choose the correct form of the Verb that agrees with the Subject: (3 × 1 = 3)
Question 36.
Nicola and Jacopo _______ (conduct/conducted) tourists around Verona. They also ______ (helps/helped) the narrator who _______ (was/were) impressed by their remarkable domeanour.
Conducted, helped, was
D. Correct the following sentences and rewrite them: (2 × 1 = 2)
Question 37.
He called me a fool.
He called me a fool.
Question 38.
I live in an Bangalore.
I live in Bangalore.
E. Re-write as directed: (6 × 1 = 6)
Question 39.
Freedom is a fundamental _______ (Write / Right)
(Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word given in brackets)
Question 40.
Frederick Douglass fought for the _______ (emancipate)
(Complete the sentence with the right form of the word given in bracket)
Question 41.
Polished / they / shoes / hawked / and / newspaper.
(Rearrange the segments to form a meaningful sentence)
They polished shoes and hawked newspapers.
Question 42.
Babar Ali started a school for under privileged children.
(Add a question tag)
didn’t he?
Question 43.
Mara tied the creeper to a nearby tree.
(Change into a question beginning with the right form of “do”)
Did Mara tie the creeper to a nearby tree?
Question 44.
The elephant threw the man out of the hut.
(Frame a question so as to get the underlined word as answer)
Whom did the elephant throw out of the hut?
VI. A. Read the following table and answer the questions set on it: (4 × 1 = 4)
Indian Premier League
Question 45.
- Which team has the highest run rate?
- How many matches have Royal Challengers played?
- How many matches has Rajasthan Royals lost?
- Name the team that has the lowest run rate.
- Mumbai Indians.
- 6 matches.
- 3 matches.
- Sunrisers Hyderabad.
Question 46.
Write a letter to The Principal of Mourya PU College, Bangalore inviting him/her and staff to attend the “Cultural Programme” organised by your college. Your letter should include the following points. (1 × 5 = 5)
- Date and time of the function
- Venue of function
- List of some programmes.
VII. A. Match the expression under column ‘A’ to its corresponding language function under ‘B’. (1 × 5 = 5)
Question 47.
A. Expressions | B. Functions |
1) Take aright turn | a) Making a request |
2) Hi, how are you? | b) Expressing gratitude |
3) It is very kind of you | c) Complimenting |
4) You look great | d) Greeting |
5) Could you please carry this bag? | e) Giving direction |
(1) – (e), (2) – (d), (3) – (b), (4) – (c), (5) – (a)
B. Complete the dialogue. (1 × 4 = 4)
Question 48.
Rekha: Hi, Adarsh ________
Adarsh: I’m fine _______ How are you Rehka?
Rekha: I’m fine too. Thank you. We have a party at home today ________?
Adarsh: _______ I will definitely come.
Rekha: Hi. Adarsh. how are you?’
Adarsh: I’m fine, thank you. How are you, Rekha?
Rekha: I’m fine too. Thank you. We have a party at home today, will you please come?
Adarsh: OK. I will definitely come.
C. Dialogue writing: (1 × 3 = 3)
Question 49.
Salim goes to a hospital and enquires with the receptionist about an appointment with E.N.T. Specialist.
Write a dialogue between Salim and the receptionist.
Receptionist: Good morning Sir, how may I help you?
Salim: Good morning madam. I want an appointment with ENT specialist.
Receptionist: When do you want?
Salim: Tomorrow at 10 a.m.
Receptionist: OK your appointment is fixed.
Salim: Thank you, Madam
Receptionist: Welcome sir.