Students can Download 1st PUC English Model Question Paper 4 with Answers, Karnataka 1st PUC English Model Question Papers with Answers helps you to revise the complete Karnataka State Board Syllabus and to clear all their doubts, score well in final exams.
Karnataka 1st PUC English Model Question Paper 4 with Answers
Time: 3 Hrs. 15 Mins.
Max. Marks: 100
- Follow the prescribed limit while answering the questions.
- Write the correct question number as it appears on the question paper.
- One mark questions attempted more than once will be awarded zero.
- For multiple-choice questions choose the correct answer and rewrite it.
I. Answer the following in a word, a phrase or a sentence each: (12 × 1 = 12)
Question 1.
Where did the man have a little hut in the lesson ‘The Gentlemen of the Jungle’?
The man had a little hut at the edge of the forest.
Question 2.
What does the ‘cage’ stand for in the poem ‘The School Boy’?
The ‘cage’ stands for school.
Question 3.
Who did Krishna approach to cure his piles in ‘Around a Meditational Creeper’?
The Malayali Sadhu, the godman.
Question 4.
What was the narrator doing to earn his living in ‘Oru Manushyan’?
Teaching English to some migrant labourers.
Question 5.
Mention any one of the things which should be made available free of cost in ‘Money Madness’.
Bread, fire and shelter should be made available free of cost.
Question 6.
Where did Babar Ali run classes for poor children?
Babar Ali runs classes for poor children at his village in Murshidabad in West Bengal.
Question 7.
What does the speaker want to be in the poem ‘If I was a tree’?
The speaker wants to be a tree.
Question 8.
What did the mother give Bhima when he was a baby in ‘Watchman of the Lake’?
Iron decoction.
Question 9.
What does the speaker want to embrace in the poem ‘Farmer’s Wife’?
The speaker wants to embrace life.
Question 10.
Who is Plummer in ‘Fredrick Dougie’?
Mr Plummer was an overseer at Mr Anthony’s forms.
Question 11.
What are the old woman’s eyes compared to?
The old woman’s eyes are compared to black holes.
Question 12.
The narrator first met the two boys
(a) in the city
(b) on the outskirts of Verona
(c) at the square.
(b) On the outskirts of Verona
II. Answer any EIGHT of the following in a paragraph of 80 – 100 words each. (8 × 4 = 32)
Question 13.
How did the man buy peace finally in ‘The Gentlemen of the Jungle’?
The man was exploited by all the animals of the commission and each time he built new huts, Mr. Rhinoceros, Mr. Buffalo, Mr. Leopard, Mr. Hyena and others occupied the hut. So he was very much irritated with the animals’ behaviour and he lost faith injustice. He waited for an opportunity to take revenge against the animals. Accordingly, when he built a new hut sooner Mr. Rhinoceros came to occupy it, but the elephant had already occupied the hut. Other animals also came to occupy the hut and they all quarrelled amongst themselves. And while they were fighting, the man used this opportunity to get revenge and peace. He set the hut on fire and killed all the animals of the jungle. This action of the man was just and apt to the situation and circumstances. The animals’ imperial policy reminds us of the colonial policy of whites over blacks. The man is symbolic of the black people and revolted against the dominance of the brutal whites. So his action is justified with this apt quote “Peace is costly but it is worth the expense”.
Question 14.
What was the story behind Mara’s loss of teeth in ‘Around A Meditational Creeper’?
Once Mara laid a trap for the rabbit in the forest, so he went next morning to check it but there was no animal in the trap. So he decided to brush his teeth as there was a stream nearby to wash face before returning home. He broke a small stick from a nearby plant to brush a third or fourth time, he felt a sour taste in the mouth. He wanted to try another stick but before that he wanted to rinse his mouth. He took some water from the stream and after churning it around in his mouth, spat it out. He lost the teeth on one side, which had been touched by that stick.
Question 15.
What was the routine of the narrator in the city ‘Oru Manushyan’?
The narrator would wake up daily at 4 pm to save on the expense of drinking his morning tea or eating the noon meal. He used to go on the streets to eat something in restaurants and wander around until 9.00 pm. He would return to his room and conduct tuitions for migrant labourers from 9.30 pm to 11.00 pm. He taught English to them not to a great extent but only sufficient to write address in English. This was the narrator’s daily routine.
Question 16.
Comment on the collective madness as described in ‘Money Madness’.
The poem Money Madness by D.H. Lawrence focuses on how a man becomes more materialistic and loses the values and sentiments in society. He only respects money than relationships. The society goes on measuring the man in terms of money. The man who does not have money does not get respect from society and who have money would be respected and obeyed by all. So to get all these social status, a man gives much importance to money and he never helps fellow being who is in difficulties. The poet says that man has a madness and it is widely spread among men. He affirms that if society goes behind money, individual to goes behind the same. He confirms that no man gives a pound without pain and no man gives a ten pounds without trembling, the man loses his generosity.
Man makes money, but money makes man and many things. So, the man fears of money and tries to accumulate it and respects it instead of a man. The poet also warns that money-less people should not be treated neglected and should not be treated on status. The poet fears about mankind if it measures man in terms of money, there would be no future for human relationships. If people do not regain sanity about money, certainly money has got men down to become its slaves. So, the poet offers a genuine solution that bread should be free, shelter should be free and fire should be free to all the people in the world. By overall view of the poem, the poet worries of the man’s greedy on money and offers a better solution for a better tomorrow.
Question 17.
Give a descriptive picture of Babar Ali’s School.
Babar Ali’s school was started at the age of nine while playing a game. Very soon children began to love his way of teaching and flocked to his ‘school’. Babar did not charge a single pie for his teaching. He also got the help of the local educated people, who came and taught the children, Babar was successful in getting the help of nine high school student volunteers. The oldest of them is Debarita who goes to college in Behrampur. Babar himself studies in class XII in a school quite for from his house. He commutes the long-distance, attends classes in the mornings and comes back in the afternoons to his ‘school’ to teach youngsters who have worked hard in the mornings and are now ready for learning.
The fact that his school is entirely free, he and his staff teach well, there is a midday meal, and his school is recognized by the West Bengal government attracts many students to his school. The increasing strength of his school just shows how eager people are to get their children educated, and how good, selfless work gets noticed by people soon. Those who cannot afford education in regular schools, do not mind sending their children to learn from teachers like Babar. This only proves that Indians are realizing the significance of education in life.
Question 18.
Why does the speaker want to be a tree?
The initiation is a definite success. Bahar Ali’s intention when he started his school was to help the less fortunate people by providing free education. Today, more and more under on’ alleged people have utilized this opportunity of his and are coming up in society. Moreover, we can clearly see that Babar Ali’s action has inspired millions of people around the world. If more people take part to change the world for the better, there will be a greater success than he would have wished for Babar Ali has brought about the change he wanted to see in his surroundings. If a young boy from a village had the will and determinations to make a change in the world out there, it is not right on own part to remain as mute spectators but we must also actively participate towards. bringing the change.
Question 19.
Give an account of the dispute between village head man and Mara in ‘Watchman of the Lake’.
Question 20.
How does the farmer’s wife intend to solve the problem?
The farmer’s wife laments the death of her husband. She is angry because her husband has left her with four children. She is worried about their future. She was born with a bent head. She had endured a lot of sufferings. He had kicked lier when he was drunk. She had suffered all this thinking he was a man. But he had committed suicide. She decides to teach her children to face life and survive against all odds. To embrace life, not death, she decides to struggle for life.
Question 21.
How were the slaves treated by the slaveholder and their mistress?
The slaves suffer a lot under their master, id their wives. If the slave is born to master uvA slave woman that boy has to suffer more than other slaves. Because he is a constant offence to their mistress. She always finds fault with them, they try to do all to satisfy her but she never is pleased until she sees them beaten. Especially when she sees her husband of showing to his mulatto children favours which he withholds from his black slaves. So the master is forced to sell these slaves to neighbouring farms.
Question 22.
What transformation is found in the poet in ‘Do not ask of Me, My Love’?
The transformation from imagination to reality can be seen in the perception of love. Every teenage person imagines the illusions and dreams in his love but when he is in deep he comes to realise that it is not a complete world but another world is there out of that. This concept is excellently brought out by the poet. The poem also gives a message to the youth in which way he has to lead life. To which world he has to dedicate his life. There are so many problems that are there to care for youth, But the youth simply spends time in the name of love by dreaming the illusions.
III. Answer ONE of the following in about 200 words. (1 × 6 = 6)
Question 23.
How does Mara try to save the lake as well as the Kingdom?
‘Education is a true religion’ is a good thought of Nasiruddin where all the people are quarrelling about their religions and castes he is the man who gives education for and says education is true religion. Anybody can steal anything but nobody can steal education. It is immortal light which lights millions of other lights, understanding this Nasiruddin excellently quotes. ‘Education is a true religion’. Getting inspired by his thought many people send their children to schools. because they understood the value of education and its uses. Babar’s commitment is also not deniable, he started with eight and continued now with eight hundred, it shows how he had changed the people and attracted the children towards school. Babar Ali is a good example for the quote, “Where there is a will there is a way”.
Otherwise in the teenage, he got the thought and initiated it and followed it and made others follow it. if some others in his place would have played ¡n the grounds in the age. So he is a great success, and his name is spread all over the country. It should be not stopped with this but ignites many souls to take initiative to see a better tomorrow for India. Hence, Babar Ali is a legend of youth and stood perfectly an icon of youth to the modern world.
Formal schooling not only takes away the joy of childhood but also hinders – the child’s growth forever. Explain.
The poet William Blake relevantly argues on the education of the children. He says that the boy cries happy being with the nature and hens freely in nature so he loves to rise happily in the summer morning. But when he thinks of school his happiness disappears and feels the school as a prison. The boy does not think freely in the school. The poet excellently says that the boy sits in the school in fear and anxiety’ and he questions how he can learn the subjects. When the child loses his happiness he doesn’t show interest in learning it and becomes a major obstacle for his mental and physical growth.
The poet emphasises on nature. He says that the boy gets happiness in the singing of a bird and watching the huntsman. Nature is a sweet company to him. But when the boy enters formal schooling he spends the time in irritation and anxiety. The poet stresses on free-learning and informal schooling that is learning in nature! That helps to widen his mental horizon and physical growth. The poet is not arguing against education but discourages formal schooling and encourages informal learning. He gives valuable advice to parents to give a lot of sweet memories of learning in childhood then the child gets all-round development and ensures the future of the nation certainly.
Totally, the poem is an excellent attempt to bring out the torture of formal schooling to the children. The poem gives a message to discourage the formal schooling and encourage free learning for children.
‘Appearances are deceptive’. How does the story ‘Two Gentlemen of Verona’ brings out this idea?
The narrator assumed that they were greedy by observing the work the boys do. But nobody knows or understands the reality by appearance. In the same way, the narrator had done a mistake by calculating that they are planning to go to states and so on. But for this boys would not get hurt but answered intelligently. So one should not have prejudice by seeing the appearance because who knows what is there behind them, Hence the quote justifies “All that glitters is not gold”.
IV. Read the following passage and answer the questions set on it. (10 × 1 = 10)
A robot is an automatic machine which can work as a human being. It can replace man in various branches of scientific and industrial tasks. The robots which resemble humans are called androids. The word ‘robot’ was first used in the play Rossum’s Universal Robots by the dramatist; Karel Capek who had derived it from a Czech word ‘Robota’ which means a forced or bonded labourer. The industrial revolution and automation stimulated the invention of robotic devices to perform certain human tasks. A human worker has certain limitations. He cannot work continuously. He cannot work for a long period because he gets tired. Robots can perform a variety of jobs such as welding and painting a car, house cleaning, cutting grass etc. An android robot named Shaky was developed in California to do a variety of research jobs.
Question 24.
What is a Robot?
A robot is an automatic machine which can work as a human being.
Question 25.
In which play was the word ‘Robot’ first used?
‘Rossum’s Universal Robot’s by Karel Capek.
Question 26.
Who derived the word ‘robot’ from the Czech word?
Karel Capek.
Question 27.
What are the limitations of the man mentioned in the passage?
Man cannot work continuously and he cannot work for a long period as he gets tired.
Question 28.
Man cannot work for a long time because
(a) he is lazy
(b) he gets tired
(c) he has enough time.
(b) he gets tired
Question 29.
What are the jobs a robot can perform?
A robot can perform a variety of jobs such as welding and painting a car, house cleaning, cutting grass etc.
Question 30.
Why was Shaky developed?
Shaky was developed to do a variety of research jobs.
Question 31.
Where was Shaky developed?
In California.
Question 32.
The Robots which resemble humans are called _______
Question 33.
Add prefix to the word ‘like’ to make it an antonym.
V. A. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and prepositions given in brackets: (4 × 1 = 4)
Question 34.
On hearing this ______ Elephant who was one of the high ministers ______ the jungle kingdom replied in _____ soothing
voice and said “My lord there is no disturbance _______ the peace in your kingdom. (a, in, of, the)
The, in, a, of
B. Fill in the blanks with the suitable form of the verbs given in brackets: (4 × 1 = 4)
Question 35.
The commission met and the members ______ (declare) that they ______ (have + hear) sufficient evidence from both
sides. They _____ (anounce) their verdict. Hearing it the man ________ (begin) to grumble.
declared, had heard, announced, began
C. Choose the correct form of the Verb that agrees with the Subject: (3 × 1 = 3)
Question 36.
I _____ (have/has) only rags to wear and I _______ (is/am) Mars, the mad how can I ______ (follow/follows) your majesty.
have, am, follow
D. Correct the following sentences and rewrite them: (2 × 1 = 2)
Question 37.
I am thanking you for your help.
I thank you for your help. / Thank you for your help.
Question 38.
This is a best thing to do.
This is the best thing to do.
E. Re-write as directed: (6 × 1 = 6)
Question 39.
The lion wanted to have _____ (piece/peace) and tranquillity in his kingdom.
(Fill in the blanks with the correct word given in the bracket)
Question 40.
Learning to write an address in English was considered a great _______ (Educate) there.
Question 41.
[Rearrange the segments to form a meaningful sentence].
He took some money from me.
Question 42.
Mara did not have any teeth on the right side of his mouth.
[Add a question tag.]
did he?
Question 43.
Babar Ali started his school at the age of nine.
[Frame a question using the right form of’do’]
Did Babar Ali start school at the age of nine?
Question 44.
Mara went to the Forest to bring some bamboo shoots.
[Frame the question so as to get the underlined words as an answer]
Why did Mara go to the forest?
VI. (A) Refer to the following list of events and answer the questions set on it: (4 × 1 = 4)
Question 45.
(a) How long will Inaugural event last?
(b) When will the prize distribution begin?
(c) Which cultural event is held before lunch?
(d) What is the time allotted for fishpond?
(a) 2 hours (9 am to 11 am)
(b) At 11 am
(c) Song and dance
(d) 3 pm to 4 pm
Question 46.
You need a study certificate from the Principal of your college. Write a letter to include the following points.
- Your admission number and the year.
- Reason for the Certificate.
- Last date for the submission.
VII. A. Match the expression under column ‘A’ to its corresponding language function under ‘B’. (1 × 5 = 5)
Question 47.
A. Expressions | B. Functions |
1) He is my friend Raghu. | a) Complimenting |
2) You are looking beautiful. | b) Introducing |
3) May I go out sir? | c) Expressing sympathy |
4) Could you please give me your notes? | d) Seeking permission |
5) So sad. | e) Requesting |
(1) – (b), (2) – (a), (3) – (d), (4) – (e), (5) – (c).
B. Complete the dialogue. (1 × 4 = 4)
Question 48.
Kiran: _______ how are you?
Prakash: I am fine _______
Kiran: Will you attend my birthday today?
Prakash: Sure _________
Kiran: _______
Kiran: Hi Prakash, how are you?
Prakash: I am fine thank you.
Kiran: Will you attend my birthday today?
Prakash: Sure See you at the party
Kiran: O.K. Thank you. Bye.
C. Dialogue writing: (1 × 3 = 3)
Question 49.
Suma buys a gift from a gift centre to present her friend. Write a dialogue between Suma and Shopkeeper.
Shop Keeper: Good morning madam, How can I assist you?
Suma: Good morning sir. I need to buy a birthday gift.
Shopkeeper: We have a variety of gifts in our shops what kind of gift are you looking for madam?
Suma: I want to buy Lord Ganesha idol.
Shopkeeper: Here it is. It consists of Rs. 200
Suma: It’s O.K. wrap the gift, please.