1st PUC History Question Bank Chapter 13 Map Work: Historical Places of World Importance

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Karnataka 1st PUC History Question Bank Chapter 13 Map Work: Historical Places of World Importance

1st PUC History Map Work: Historical Places of World Importance Text Book Questions and Answers

1st PUC History Question Bank Chapter 13 Map Work: Historical Places of World Importance

Question 1.
Mark Any Five of the following Historical places on the outline map of world, and add an explanatory note on each marked place in two sentences. (5 + 5 = 10)

  1. Waterloo
  2. Hiroshima
  3. Lisbon
  4. Moscow
  5. Mecca
  6. Berlin
  7. Constantinople
  8. Cape of good hope.

1st PUC History Question Bank Chapter 13 Map Work Historical Places of World Importance 1

  1. Water loo: It is in Belgium. In 1815, Napolean fought his last battle here
    against the Allied armies of Europe. This is famous as The Battle of Waterloo.
  2. Hiroshima: It is in Japan The first Atomic Bomb was dropped on this city by U.S. A at the end of world war U in 1945. As a result the city was destryed and around 80,000 people were killed.
  3. Lisbon: It is the capital city of Portugal Most of the Portuguese navigators, in including Vasco-Da-Gama of the Age of discovery started their voyages from this city.
  4. Moscow: It is the capital city of Russia, located on the banks of the river Moskava. It was one of the centre of Russian Revolution of 1917.
  5. Mecca: It is in sandi Arabia prophet Mohammed, the founder of Islan was bom here. It is regarded as the holiest city of Islan.
  6. Berlin: Present capital city of Germany. After world war II it was divided into parts as East Germany and West Germany. In 1990 both were United.
  7. Constantinople: Presently called as Istanbul in Turkey, Ottoman Turks captured Constantinople in 1453, which causes discovery of new sea routes.
  8. Cape of Good hope: Is is in South Africa Bartholomew Diaz called it Cape of storms’ Later Vasco-Da-Gama renamed it as Cape of Good Hope.

1st PUC History Question Bank Chapter 13 Map Work: Historical Places of World Importance

Question 2.
Mark any five of the following Historical places on, the outline map of world, and add an explanatory note on each marked place in two sentences (5 + 5 = 10)

  1. Rome
  2. Paris
  3. Nagasaki
  4. Babylonia
  5. Alexandria
  6. London
  7. Genev
  8. Athens.

1st PUC History Question Bank Chapter 13 Map Work Historical Places of World Importance 2

  1. Rome: It is the capital of Italy. It was also the capital of Roman Empire. Vatican City in Rome is the centre of Pope, who is religions head of the Catholics.
  2. Paris: It is the capital city of France. Bourbon family ruled over france till the french Revolution of 1789. In modem times many historical treaties were signed here.
  3. Nagasaki: It is in Japan. During the world war II America dropped atomic bomb on August 9, 1945. As a result of this more then 70,000 people killed.
  4. Babylonia: It is in present Iraq. It was the capital of Mesopotamian civilization. The famous law giver Hammurabi ruled from here. Nebuchalnezzal fuilt the Hanging Gardens.
  5. Alexandria: It is in northern Egypt. It was founded by Alexander the Great. It was intended to be the link between Greece and rich Nile Valley.
  6. London: It is the capital of United Kingdom. It is located on the banks of the river thames. It was the main centre of Industrial Revolation.
  7. Geneva: It is in Switzerland. It was one of the centres of Protestant movement International organisations like ILO, WHO, WTO and GATT are located here.
  8. Athens: It is the present capital city of Greece. It was one of the city states of Ancient Greek civilization. The city was named after the Goddess

1st PUC History Question Bank Chapter 13 Map Work: Historical Places of World Importance

Question 3.
Mark any 5 of the following Historical places on the outline map of world, and add an explanatory note on each marked place in two sentences.

  1. Venice
  2. Versailles
  3. Jerusalem
  4. New York
  5. Hiroshima
  6. Cape of good hope
  7. Moscow
  8. Mecca

1st PUC History Question Bank Chapter 13 Map Work Historical Places of World Importance 3

  1. Venice: It is in Italy. It was one of the centres of trade and commerce during medieval period. Famour Traveller Marco polo and Nicolo polo belonged to this city.
  2. Versailles: It is in France. Louis XIV built the largest palace have. After the world war I. Treaty of Versailles was signed here between Germany and the allied powers in 1919.
  3. Jerusalem: It is in Israel. It is a holy city of the 3 major religions. Indians, Christianity and Islam. Jesus war crucified here in 30 C.E.
  4. Newyork: It is Located in U.S.A. It was one of the colonies of British. The head quaterstrf UNO is located hase.
  5. Hiroshima: It is in Japan. The first Atomic bomb war dropped on this city by U.S.A at the end of world was II is 1945.
  6. Cape of Good hope: It is in South Africa. Bartholomew Diaz called it cape of stormsi. Later vasco-da-gama renamed it as ‘cape of Good Hope’ under the direction of Kinga John of Portugal.
  7. Moscow: It is the capital city of Russia located pn the banks of river Moskva. It was orfe of the cgntr.e of Russian Revolution of 1917.
  8. Mecca: It is in Saudi Arabia. Prophet Mohammed, the founder of Islam was bom here. It is regarded as the holiest city of Islam.