1st PUC History Question Bank Chapter 7 Beginning of Modern Age

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Karnataka 1st PUC History Question Bank Chapter 7 Beginning of Modern Age

1st PUC History Beginning of Modern Age Text Book Questions and Answers

I. Answer in one word or one sentence (Each carries 1 Mark).

Question 1.
Who was called as the ‘Navigator’?
Prince, Henry, The navigator of Portugal.

1st PUC History Question Bank Chapter 7 Beginning of Modern Age

Question 2.
Who explored the main land of ‘South America’?
Ferdinand Magellan.

Question 3.
What is the meaning of the word ‘Renaissance’?
Which means rebirth or revival.

Question 4.
From Which word is the term ‘ Renaissance ’ derived?
Latin word ‘‘Renasaree’’.

Question 5.
Which country was called as the ‘Mother land of Renaissance’?

Question 6.
Who invented the printing press?
John Guttenberg.

Question 7.
Who was known as the ‘father of Renaissance’?
Petrarch, a great humanist.

Question 8.
Who was called the ‘Father of Humanism’?
Petrarch is called as a great humanist.

Question 9.
Who is the author of ‘ Divine Comedy ’?
Dante, a Italian.

Question 10.
Name the author of ‘Utopia’.
Sir Thomas More, England

1st PUC History Question Bank Chapter 7 Beginning of Modern Age

Question 11.
Who wrote the book ‘Paradise Lost’?
John Milton, England

Question 12.
Who painted the ‘Mona Lisa’?

Question 13.
Who propounded the ‘Law of Gravitation’?
Sir Isaac Newton

Question 14.
Who was the leader of the Reformation?
Martin Luthar

Question 15.
Who Published the ‘952 Theses’ against the Catholic Church?
Martin Luthar

Question 16.
Who is called the ‘Morning Star of Reformation’?
John Wycliffe.

Question 17.
What is ‘Counter Reformation’?
“Reformation from within” it is to be called as counter-reformation.

1st PUC History Question Bank Chapter 7 Beginning of Modern Age

Question 18.
‘Inquisition’ was a Roman Catholic Court.

Question 19.
Who founded the ‘Society of Jesus’?
Ignatius Loyola.

Question 20.
Who was the Pope during the reformation movement?
Pope Leo X.

Question 21.
What were‘Indulgences’?
The people who committed sins and crimes secured the indulgence by paying money.

Question 22.
What were the followers of Ignatius Loyola called as?

II. Answer the following in 2 words or 2 Sentences (Each carries 2 Mark).

Question 1.
Who occupied the city of Constantinople and when?
Ottoman Turks in 1453.

Question 2.
Why was Prince Henry called as the ‘Navigator’?
He was great interest in ship building and Navigation. He was not explorer but he was the motivating force behind the great sailor. He opened the school of Navigation. He engaged the services of enterprising Italian sailors, Geographers, Map-makers, and ship builders. All these aspects made him as ‘Henry the Navigator’.

Question 3.
Who discovered sea route to India and when?
Vasco-da-Gama a Portuguese sailor discovered sea-route to India In 1498, reached Calicut in the Malabar Coast.

Question 4.
Name any two ships of Magellan.
The Victoria The San Antonio, The Trinidad, The Conception, and the Santigo.

1st PUC History Question Bank Chapter 7 Beginning of Modern Age

Question 5.
Which was the first ship to circum navigate the world and who led this?
“Victoria” He was killed by Philippine tribe people later ship was led by Jhon Sabestian Elcano).

Question 6.
Name any two geographical explorers.
Ferdinand Magellan Vasco-da-Gama Christopher Columbus. Bartholomeo Diaz. Etc.

Question 7.
Name any two Humanists of the Renaissance.
Petrarch, the father of Humanist Dante, Cicero, Baccaccio, and Cervantes.

Question 8.
Mention any two works of William Shakespeare.
Julius Caesar, Romeo, Juliet, Othello Macbeth, Tragedy. The Tempest, The Twelfth Night, The winter’s Tale Comedy.

Question 9.
Name any two painters of Renaissance.

  1. Leonardo-Da-Vinci: The last supper, head of a woman, virgin of rocks etc.
  2. Michael Angelo: The last judgment, Day and night, Dawn and sunset etc.
  3. Sanzio-Raphael: Sistine Madonna.

1st PUC History Question Bank Chapter 7 Beginning of Modern Age

Question 10.
Name any two paintings of Leonard da Vinci.
Leonardo-Da-Vinci: The last supper, Head of a woman, virgin of rocks etc.

Question 11.
Name any two paintings of Michael Angelo.
Michal Angelo: The last judgment, Day and night, Dawn and sunset etc.

Question 12.
Name any two scientists of the Renaissance.
Galileo, John Keppler, Hans Hipperhey, Nicholas Copernicus, Wiliam Harvey.

Question 13.
Where and in which year was Martin Luther born?
Martin Luther born at Eiselben in Germany. He was born in 1483.

Question 14.
Who was John Wycliffe and to which country did he belong?
He was the early leader of the Reformation. He was an English priest and professor of Theology at Oxford University in England.

Question 15.
Name the two sects of Christianity.
Roman Catholic:
Protestants were the two sects of Christianity.

1st PUC History Question Bank Chapter 7 Beginning of Modern Age

Question 16.
Who led the counter Refomation? Name the organsiation he founded.
Ignatius Loyala led the vounter reformation society of Jesus – called as Jesuits.

III. Answer the following in 15 to 20 Sentences (Each carries 5 Marks).

Question 1.
What were the causes for the geographical explorations?
Many causes were responsible for geographical exploration among the chief are mentioned below:
1. Capture of Constantinople:
Ottoman Turks captured Constantinople in 1453 A.D. and they closed the trade between the east and west. This forced these to find a new trade route to east.

2. Demand for commodities:
There was a great demand in Europe for Asian commodities, species like pepper, ginger, clove cardamom etc. muslin cloth, pearls, Ivoiy and precious stones were also great demand. It was Lucaratiye trade for merchants. European merchants were not ready to give up their bussiness so, it made another cause for their discoveries.

3. Travelers Accounts:
Many sailors and travelers visited Asian countries and they gave explanation about the wealth of Asian countries Marco Polo, a Jewellery merchant of Venice along with Nicolo polo widely traveled in the east. He gave details about the Asian countries. This made westerners to find the new route to Asian countries.

4. Spread of Christianity:
The kings, nobles merchants and missionaries were very enthusiastic to spread chriltianity in new lands.

5. Efforts of prince Henry:
The training school of navigation started by him. He encourage the navigation and support the sailors. Invention of printing press, the establishment of Banks and Joint stock companies, rulers and merchants support were other causes for discover the new nations.

Question 2.
What was the role of Columbus and Vasco da Gama in geographical explorations?
Christopher Columbus:
He was a sailor from Genoa in Itally. He secured the help of king Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain. They patronized Columbus with ships, men and money. He discovered San Salvador, one of the Islands of Bahamas (West Indies) in 1492. He believed that he had reached India and hence called the natives as Red Indians, as they were red in colour. He made more voyages and discovered the land mass of South America, Cuba and Hatti.

He was a Portuguese sailor who discovered sea route to India in 1498. He patronized by Emmanuel II the Portuguese king. He reached Malabar coast in India. He was welcomed by king Zamorin of Calcutta.

Question 3.
Describe the results of the geographical explorations.

  1. The geographical discoveries had a great impact on the political, economic, social religions and cultural history of the world.
  2. Discovery of new lands provided a lot of opportunities.
  3. Magellan proved that, the earth is round.
  4. The explorations increased the contact the east. So, large number of merchants, Christian missionaries for spread Christianity came to the east.
  5. New cities like London, Lisbon, Amsterdam etc were formed in Europe they became a very big trade centres.
  6. The kings sent missionaries to eastern countries to spread Christianity by converting the natives of new lands.
  7. It support the stability of Monarchies in the Europe.
  8. Geographical discoveries caused the competitions among European nations and it leads conflict among themselves and they established trading centres at eastor countries for their safeguard.
  9. Discovery of new lands encouraged slave trading, ship building, Banking and commerce. It also helped Renaissance and Reformations.

1st PUC History Question Bank Chapter 7 Beginning of Modern Age

Question 4.
What were the causes for Renaissance?
1. Capture of Constantinople:
It was by Ottoman Turks in 1453. But these Turks were not liberal minded as the earlier Arabs. So, It compel the many scholars to flee to Itally, The Pope, Bishop, Princes and merchants sheltered the scholars. The encouraging conditions in Italy helped the study of classical literature. So, commencing the Renaissance in Europe.

2. Spread of Education:
The catholic mission schools and universities established in different parts of europe. They imparted new thinking and learning, it changed the out look of people.

3. Geographical discoveries:
It made contact between west and east So, contacts leads new ideas, thoughts and knowledge. This helps to got new techniques like reason, observation and experimentation.

4. Fall of Feudalism:
The rise of centralized monarchies ended the feudal system in Europe.

5. Art and Architecture received Royal patronage.

6. Role of printing press is also another important factor in spreading new ideas and thoughts to the people.

Question 5.
Describe the important features of the Renaissance.
Important features of Renaissance:
1. Humanism:
An intellectual group in Italy started humanist movement, they encouraged humanism, a sympathetic study of man. Later it spread all comers of Europe. It developed broad and open mind and a critical approach. Petrarch is known as the father of Humanism other mine important humanists were Dante cicero, Boccaccio and Cervantes. They wrote Vigorously about human aspects.

2. Classicism:
It created sprit and interest about ancient Greek and Roman classics. It helped to generate an expression of classicism in Art, Architecture and literature, A new way of classical culture in Europe developed.

3. Vernacular Languages:
Renaissance helped the development of vernacular languages like English, German, Italian and Spanish, Latin, Roman and greek were translated in the vernacular languages.

Question 6.
What were the contributions of Renaissance to literature?
Contributions of Literature:
Humanism and classics were the most important themes of the Literature. English, Spanish, Dutch, French etc, writers were supported to create literature. Writers like Petrarch, Dante and Boccaccio were popularly known as the momig stars of the renaissance.
Important renaissance writings are as follows:

  1. Dante (Italy) The Divine comedy, The monarchy.
  2. Petrarch (Italy) Laura, Africa
  3. Machiavelli (Italy) The prince, the history of Florence.
  4. Boccaccio (Italy) The tales of Decomeron life of Date.
  5. Sir Thomas More (England) Utopia.
  6. Edmund Spencer (England) Fairy queen.
  7. John Milton- Paradise lost, Paradise.
  8. Wiliam shakesphere (England) Plays-Julius Caesar, Hamlet, Othello, Macbeth, comedy, The Tempest, The writers is Tale.
  9. Leonardo Bruni – (France) Translated the books of plato, Aristotle and Socrates to Italian language.

1st PUC History Question Bank Chapter 7 Beginning of Modern Age

Question 7.
What were the contributions of Renaissance to Art and Architecture?
Renaissance art and architecture was humanistic and realistic. The gothic architecture developed during this period. It was a mixture of Greek Roman, Doric, Ionic and Coruithian styles of architecture. It consisted of large arches and domes, tall pillars and beautiful decorations. The structure were built in stones. Large palaces, churches, monasteries and public buildings were built.

  1. The Medici and the France palaces i s Rome.
  2. The palaces of pope Julius III – London.
  3. S. PaidL cathedral – London.
  4. The pitty palace – Florence.
  5. St.Mark’s Cathedral – Venice
  6. Sistine Chapel – Vatican are the important architectural buildings of the doors of the Baptistery at Florence.
  7. Donatello – Statue of St.George in Florence, stutre of St.Mark in Venice.
  8. Michael Angelo – the Statue of the david etc. were beautiful sculptures of Renaissance period.

Question 8.
Give and account to the Scientific Progress during the Renaissance.
Several great scientists of this period contributed much to the progress of science in several fields- Physics, Mathematics, Astronomy, Geography and Chemistry.

  • Caesarean operation – Jackot Nufer
  • Uses of Gun Powder – Roger Bacon
  • Parachute – Leonardo-Da-Vinci
  • Nicholus Copernicus – Flying Machine.
  • Telescope – Hans Lipperhey (Germany)
  • Improved Telescope – Galileo (Italy). He declared the world is controlled by natural laws. He discovered
  • thermometre, Barometer and pendulum.
  • Issac Newton – Law of Gravition.
  • William Harvey – Blood Circulation.
  • John Guttenburg – Printing Press.

Question 9.
Describe the results of the Renaissance.

  1. The Renaissance marked the dawn of the modem Age and end of the medieval Age.
  2. The churches lost its holding over the kings and people
  3. Vernacular languages developed.
  4. Renaissance contributed Art, architecture paintings and science field.
  5. Manorchy was strengthened.
  6. Education was improved, Many Schools, Colleges and Universities opened and taught ancient classics.
  7. Created National Consciousness in several Countries.

Question 10.
What were the causes for reformation?
1. Religions Causes:
The Catholic church practiced many evils, The clergy also lined secret and immoral lives. Pope and clergy led luxurious lives. This was opposed and cuses for reformation.

2. Influence of the Renaissance:
Intellectual writers condemed the church evil practices and they gave strength to self expression, and freedom, It fortified the strong feeling of self-confidence.

3. Political Causes:
In 16th Century nationalism aspects were rised, The church influence was curbed. It restrict to religions, spiritual and moral aspects.

4. Economic Causes:
Roman catholic churches directly collect the taxes from the people later it was felt burden for people so, kings and people disliked it.

5. Indulgence sale:
Indulgences were letters of forgiveness issued in the name of the people, this act of Pope a great resentment among the people. Martin Luther opposed the sale of Indulgence certificate, He openly condemned the church immoral acts.

He wrote the manifesto to of reformation, He challenged the pope. He established a new church for his followers. Thus Christianity divided into sects as Roman catholic protestants.

1st PUC History Question Bank Chapter 7 Beginning of Modern Age

Question 11.
Write about counter-reformation.
The rapid spread of Protestantism alarmed the Catholics and they felt the urgency to check further damage to the catholic church. They demanded reformation from within, and the movement came to be known as counter-reformation. The Roman catholic church made efforts to win back the protestant dominated countries to the Roman obedience.

A concreted counter-reformation movement was launched with the fourfold purpose of punishing, reforming, converting and rendering social services. Society of Jesus established to render service to God and society.

Question 12.
Describe the results of reformation.

  1. The Reformation freed the individual from blind faith and provided him intellectual freedom.
  2. The movement revitalized the Christian world weather catholic or protestant. It cleared about the doctrines of Christianity.
  3. The teachings of Jesus and Bible once again received importance.
  4. Christianity was divided into 2 sets
    • Catholic faith
    • Protestant faith
  5. Reformation weakened the power of Pope and church.
  6. Reformation strengthened the nationalism and monarchs.
  7. Society of Jesus members spread catholic religion all over the world through missionaries and education.
  8. Reformation encouraged literature, Many Literary form Produced in vernacular languages.
  9. Civil wars broke out between Catholic and Protestant countries. It causes heavy bloodshed, death and destruction of property. The position of the pope reduced to minimize.
  10. The Confiscated wealth of the church was utilized for economic development.

IV. Answer the following in 30 to 40 sentences (each carries 10 Marks).

Question 1.
Describe the causes and results of geographical explorations.
Many causes were responsible for geographical exploration among the chief are mentioned below:
1. Capture of Constantinople:
Ottoman Turks captured Constantinople in 1453 A.D. and they closed the trade between the east and west. This forced these to find a new trade route to east.

2. Demand for commodities:
There was a great demand in Europe for asian commodities, species like pepper, ginger, clove cardamom etc. muslin cloth, pearls, Ivory and precious stones were also great demand. It was Lucrative trade for merchants. European merchants were not ready to give up their business so, it made a another cause for their discoveries.

3. Travelers Accounts:
Many sailors and travelers visited Asian countries and they gave an explanation about the wealth of Asian countries Marco Polo, a Jewellery merchant of Venice along with Nicolo polo widely traveled in the east. He gave details about the Asian countries. This ride westerners to find the new route to Asian countries.

4. The spread of Christianity:
The kings, nobles merchants and missionaries were very enthusiastic to spread Christianity in new lands.

5. Efforts of prince Henry:
The training school of navigation started by him. He encourages the navigation and support the sailors. The invention of printing press, establishment of Banks and Joint stock companies, rulers and merchants’ support were other causes for discover the new nations.

  • The geographical discoveries had a great impact on the political, economic, social religions and cultural history of the world.
  • Discovery of new lands provided a lot of opportunities.
  • Magellan proved that, the earth is round.
  • The explorations increased the contact the east. So, large number of merchants, Christian missinaries for spread Christianity came to the east.
  • New cities like London, Lisbon, Amsterdam etc were formed in Europe they became a very big trade centres.
  • The kings sent missionaries to eastern countries to spread Christianity by converting the natives of new lands,
  • It supports the stability of Monarchies in the Europe.
  • Geographical discoveries caused the competitions among European nations and it leads to conflict among themselves and they established trading centers at eastor countries for their safeguard.
  • Discovery of new lands encouraged slave trading, ship building, Banking and commerce. It also helped Renaissance and Reformations.

1st PUC History Question Bank Chapter 7 Beginning of Modern Age

Question 2.
Explain the causes and results of the Renaissance.
1. Capture of Constantinople:
It was by Ottoman Turks in 1453. But these Turks were not liberal-minded as the earlier Arabs. So, It compels the many scholars to flee to Itally, The Pope, Bishop, Princes and merchants sheltered the scholars. The encouraging conditions in Italy helped the study of classical literature. So, commencing the Renaissance in Europe.

2. Spread of Education:
The catholic mission schools and universities established in different parts of europe. They imparted new thinking and learning, it changed the out look of people.

3. Geographical discoveries:
It made contact between west and east So, contacts leads new ideas, thoughts and knowledge. This helps to got new techniques like reason, observation and experimentation.

4. Fall of Feudalism:
The rise of centralized monorchies ended the feudal system in Europe.

5. Art and Architecture received Royal patnonage.

6. Role of printing press is also another important factor in spreading new ideas and thonghts to the people.

  • The Renaissance marked the dawn of the modem Age and end of the medieval Age.
  • The churches lost its holding over the kings and people
  • Vernacular languages developed.
  • Renaissance contributed Art, architecture paintings and science field.
  • Manorchy was strengthened.
  • Education was improved, Many Schools, Colleges and Universities opened and taught ancient classics. –
  • Created National Consciousness in several Countries.

Question 3.
Describe the cultural contributions of the Renaissance.
Renaissance art and architecture was humanistic and realistic. The gothic architecture developed during this period. It was a mixture of Greek-Roman, Doric, Ionic and Corinthian styles of architecture. It consisted of large arches and domes, tall pillars, and beautiful.

  1. The Medici and the France palaces in Rome.
  2. The palaces of pope Julius III – London.
  3. St.Paul’s cathedral London.
  4. The pitty palace – Florence.
  5. St.Mark’s Cathedral – Venice
  6. Sistine Chapel – the Vatican are the important architectural buildings of the doors of the Baptistery at Florence.
  7. Donatello – Statue of St.George in Florence, structure of St.Mark in Venice.
  8. Michael Angelo – the Statue of the david etc. were beautiful sculptures of Renaissance period.

Important renaissance writings are as follows:

  1. Dante (Italy): The Divine comedy, The monarchy.
  2. Petrarch (Italy) Laura, Africa
  3. Machiavelli (Italy) The prince, the history of Florence.
  4. Boccaccio (Italy) The tales of Decomeron life of Date.
  5. Sir Thomas More (England ) Utopia.
  6. Edmund Spencer (England) Fairy queen.
  7. John Milton: Paradise lost, Paradise.
  8. Wiliam Shakespeare (England): Plays-Julius Caesar, Hamlet, Othello, Macbeth, comedy, The Tempest, The writers is Tale.
  9. Leonardo Bruni: (France) Translated the books of plato, Aristotle and Socrates to Italian language.

1st PUC History Question Bank Chapter 7 Beginning of Modern Age

Question 4.
Explain the Causes and results of the Reformation.
1. Religions Causes:
The Catholic church practiced many evils, The clergy also lined secret and immoral lives. Pope and clergy-led luxurious lives. This was opposed and cuses for reformation.

2. Influence of Renaissance:
Intellectual writers condemed the chuch evil practices and they gave strength to self-expression, and freedom, It fortified the strong feeling of self-confidence.

3. Political Causes:
In 16th Century nationalism aspects were rised. The church’s influence was curbed. It restrict to religions, spiritual and moral aspects.

4. Economic Causes:
Roman catholic churches directly collect the taxes from the people later it was felt burden for people so, kings and people disliked it.

5. Indulgence sale:
Indulgences were letters of forgiveness issued in the name of the people, this act of Pope a great resentment among the people. Martin Luther opposed the sale of Indulgence certificate, He openly condemned the church immoral acts. He wrote the manifesto to of reformation, He challenged the pope. He established a new church for his followers. Thus Christianity divided into sects as Roman catholic protestants.

  1. The Reformation freed the individual from blind faith and provided him intellectual freedom.
  2. The movement revitalized the Christian world whether catholic or protestant. It cleared about the doctorines of Christianity.
  3. The teachings of Jesus and Bible once again received importance.
  4. Christianity was divided into 2 sets
    • Catholic faith
    • Protestant faith
  5. Reformation weakened the power of Pope and church.
  6. Reformation strengthened the nationalism and monarchs.
  7. Society of Jesus members spread catholic religion all over the world through missionaries and education.
  8. Reformation encouraged literature, Many Literary form Produced in vernacular languages.
  9. Civil wars broke out between Catholic and Protestant countries. It causes heavy bloodshed, death and destruction of property. The position of the pope reduced to minimise.
  10. The Confiscated wealth of the church was utilized for economic development.

1st PUC History Question Bank Chapter 7 Beginning of Modern Age

Question 5.
Describe the role of Martin Luther in the Reformation movement.
He was born in a poor pleasant family at Eiselben (Germany) in 1483 A.D. He was greatly influenced by the philosophy of St.Angustine. He became a professor of Theology in the university of Wittenberg in 1511. He got an opportunity to visit Rome. He was disappointed by the evil practices of the church and the immoral activities of Pope.

He decided to condemn the activities of the church. He wrote the book ‘The manifesto of reformation. Luther wrote his objections in the form of 95 theses and posted them on the church door at Wittenberg. This promoted a debate on the subject. This was challenge to the pope and his supporters.

Luther also started attacking the doctrines of the catholic church. He tried to build his own churches. He translated Bible into the German language. The translated Bible became very popular. The Lutheran teachings spread like wildfire throughout Germany. German Princes, Peasants clergymen, and others rose against the church and seized its property and abolished traditional forms of worship.

Martin Luther established a new church for his followers. It was known as Lutheran National church’ They rejected the leadership of the pope. The conflict between Lutheran churches and catholic churches broken and led religious wars. The struggle ended with the peace of Augsburg in 1555.

According to this peace treaty, Lutheranism was recognized in Germany. Lutheranism spread into many countries of Europe, Sweden, Denmark, and Norway accepted Luthemism.