2nd PUC Computer Science Question Bank Chapter 17 Web Designing

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Karnataka 2nd PUC Computer Science Question Bank Chapter 17 Web Designing

2nd PUC Computer Science Web Designing One Mark Questions and Answers

Question 1.
What is HTML?
HTML means Hypertext Mark – up Language, & it is the language used to create www pages.

2nd PUC Computer Science Question Bank Chapter 17 Web Designing

Question 2.
What will be the extension of hypertext markup language file?

Question 3.
What is the use of web page?
Present information to user though text, images, video & links.

Question 4.
What do you mean by domain?
Name that identifies a computer on the Internet.

Question 5.
WTiat do you mean by hosting?
Web Hosting is a means of hosting web – server application on a computer system through which electronic content on the Internet is readily available to any web – browser client.

Question 6.
What is XML?
XML is a extended markup Language for documents containing structured information.

Question 7.
What is web scripting?
The process of creating & embedding script in a web page is known as web scripting.

Question 8.
What is DHTML?
DHTML refers to Dynamic HTML extensions that will enable a web page to react to user input without sending requesting to the webserver.

2nd PUC Computer Science Web Designing Two Marks Questions and Answers

Question 1.
What are text files?
Files containing only text data without images or links. They simply display some information to the user.

2nd PUC Computer Science Question Bank Chapter 17 Web Designing

Question 2.
With the help of syntax include images in web page.
HTML Tag is used to include image on the webpage is img < img src = ” http : | | www. echecho. com / rainbow, gif “> If the image is stored in the same folder as the HTML page, you can leave out the domain reference. < img src = ” rainbow, gif “>

Question 3.
Write the steps for creating web page.
<html> Marks the beginning of hour HTML.
< head > Begins the heading section of an HTML documents.
< title > ..< / + title > Gives an HTML document a title that appears on the browser menubar, also will appear on search engines or bookmarks referencing your site (must appear between the < HEAD> ….</ HEAD > tags; should be straight text, no tags.
< / head > Defines the end of the heading.
< body > Defines the body of an HTML documents (text contained within the < BODY >…</ BODY > tages appear in the browser window). Can be used with “BGCOLOB”, ” TEXT”, LINK”, & ” VLINK” altributes < / body>
< / html > Defines the end of your HTML Document.

Question 4.
Write the opening and closing tags.
< HTML> & </HTML >

Question 5.
What is the use of Netscape?
It is a web browser used for surfing the net.

2nd PUC Computer Science Web Designing Three Marks Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Explain the program include tables in web page.

< ! DOCTYPE html >
< html >
< head >
< style >
td, th, table
border : 1 px solid black;
< / style >
< / head >
< body >
< table style = "width : 300 px:>
< tr >
< th > First Name < / th >
< th > Last Name < / th >
< th >Marks in HTML < / th >
< / tr >
< tr >
< td > santhosh < / td>
< td > Rajendran < / td >
< td > 50 < + d >
< / tr >
< tr >
< td > Dheeraj < / td>
< td > Naik < / td >
< td > 94 < / td >
< /tr >
< tr >
< td > John < / td >
< td > Matthew < / td >
< td > 80 < / td >
< / tr >
< tables >
< / body >
< / html >

2nd PUC Computer Science Question Bank Chapter 17 Web Designing

Question 2.
What are steps used in creating web hosting?

  1. Domain Registration
  2. Email forwarding
  3. Site Statistics
  4. Business Account
  5. Front page Extensions
  6. CGI, Perl, & PHP. scripts

Question 3.
How do you register & domain?

  1. Determining name.
  2. Think about the name.
  3. Getting an ISP & web host
  4. Domain Name server
  5. Register
  6. Why should I setup a domain name
  7. What is a domain name alias or domain alias?

Question 4.
What is web scripting?
The process of creating & embedding script in a web page is known as web scripting. A script or a computer – script is a list of commands that are embedded in a web – page, normally & are interpreted and executed by a certain program or scripting engine, script may be written for a variety of purpose such as for automating processon on a local – computer in which scripts are written called scripting languages There are many scripting languages available today. Most common ones are VBscript, Jarascript. ASP, PHP, PERL, JSP etc.

Question 5.
What is the use of PHP files?

  1. Password protection
  2. Browser customization
  3. Form processing
  4. Building and displaying pages created from a database.
  5. Dynamically editing changing or adding content to a web page.

Question 6.
Give the features Of XML.
XML is a Extended Markup Language for documents containing structured information. XML is a text-based mark – up language that is fast becoming the standard for data interchange on the web. An XML tag acts like a field name in program. It puts a lable on a piece of data that identifies it (for example, < message > ..< / message > ). XML document is always constrained to be well formed. There are several rules that determine when a document is well formed, but one of the most important is that every tag has a closing tag.

Question 7.
Give the features of DHTML.

  1. An object-oriented view of a web page & its elements
  2. Cascading style sheet & the layering of content
  3. Programming that can address all or most page elements.
  4. Dynamic fonts

2nd PUC Computer Science Question Bank Chapter 17 Web Designing

Question 8.
Write the difference of client-side scripts?
Client – side scripting enables interaction within a web page. The client-side scripts are downloading at the client- end & then interpreted & executed by the browser. The client-side scripting is browser dependent. That is the client-side browser must be scripting enabled in order to run the scripts. Of client-side scripting may be.

  1. To get data from users to screen or browser
  2. Online games
  3. Customizing the display of page in browser without reloading the page. Example rollover a hyperlink highlights that link without reloading the page.

Question 9.
Write the server-side scripts.
Server-side scripting enables the completion or carrying out a – task at the server end. & then sending the result to the client end. In server-side script, the server does all the work. So it doesn’t matter which browser is being all the client end. Server-side scripting is used when the information is sent to a server to be processed at the server end.

Question 10.
Create a web page for creating your college time table?
Class time table
2nd PUC Computer Science Question Bank Chapter 17 Web Designing 1
2nd PUC Computer Science Question Bank Chapter 17 Web Designing 2
2nd PUC Computer Science Question Bank Chapter 17 Web Designing 3
2nd PUC Computer Science Question Bank Chapter 17 Web Designing 4

2nd PUC Computer Science Question Bank Chapter 17 Web Designing

Question 11.
Create an web page using forms.

< html>
< head >
< title> My page < / title>
< / head >
< body>
< form name = " my form"
action = " http: | | www. mydomain. com / myform handler" method = " post" >
< div align = " center" >
< br > < /br >
< input type = " text" size = " 25" value = " Enter your name here! ">
< br > < /br>
< / div >
< / form >
< / body >
< / html >

Question 12.
What are the advantages of web designing?

  1. Websites are the good means of communication
  2. It helps in gaining trust
  3. Better way of marketing
  4. Improves performance of a business.

Question 13.
What are the advantages & disadvantages of www?

  1. Free availability of information
  2. Provides easy communication facilities
  3. Easy exchange of large amount of data.
  4. Help in managing information in business
  5. Accessible from anywhere


  1. Network traffic can slow down the process
  2. No regulation
  3. Quality of data is not assured.

Question 14.
Write a note on URL.
Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is global that identifies a resource on www.
Eg : http : | | www. yahoo. com

  1. First part of URL indicator the protocol & second parts of resource name.
  2. It was developed by tim – Berners – Lee in 1994 & Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF).

2nd PUC Computer Science Web Designing Additional Questions and Answers

Question 1.
What is the use of markup languages?
They are used to design the web pages.

Question 2.
Name any two – markup languages?

2nd PUC Computer Science Question Bank Chapter 17 Web Designing

Question 3.
What does < hr > tag do?
< hr > tag stands for horizontal rule. This inserts a straight line to separate the sections of the document.

Question 4.
Which tag do you use to insert images into a webpage?
< IMG > is the tag, which is used to insert images into a webpage.

Question 5.
What is the extension given to a HTML document?

Question 6.
Mention any one HTML tag.
< head > or < html > or < body > or < img>.

Question 7.
What is the use of mark – up language? Name anyone?
Markup language are computer languages used to design web pages. They are used to create documents, which present information in different ways. Ex: HTML, XML.

Question 8.
Explain any two HTML tags.
It contains the title of the document and it is displayed in the title bar at the top of the browser Window DOCUMENT < / TITLE >

Question 9.
What is HTML? Explain any four HTML Tags.
HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language.
If a particular text matter is to be displayed in a font slightly bigger than the regular font then the tag < BIG > may be used.

If a particular text matter is to be displayed in a font slightly smaller than the regular font then the tag < SMALL > may be used.

This tag is used to display the data in a thicker & darker manner.
< B > WELCOME < / B >

This tag is used to display there data with an underline below it.
< U > WELCOME < / U >

2nd PUC Computer Science Question Bank Chapter 17 Web Designing

Question 10.
Expand HTML. Write the use of HTML.
HTML: HyperText Markup Language uses

  1. It is used in the world wide web (www) to create web pages.
  2. It provides a facility through which all the information can be made available at one place.
  3. HTML document can include text, pictures & links to other related information or documents.
  4. It is easy to learn & implement and allows the user to display information in a very attractive manner.