2nd PUC Geography Model Question Paper 6 with Answers

Students can Download 2nd PUC Geography Model Question Paper 6 with Answers, Karnataka 2nd PUC Geography Model Question Paper with Answers helps you to revise the complete Karnataka State Board Syllabus and to clear all their doubts, score well in final exams.

Karnataka 2nd PUC Geography Model Question Paper 6 with Answers

Time : 3 hrs
Max. Marks : 100


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Section – A

I. Answer the following questions in a sentence each: (1 × 10 = 10)

Question 1.
Which country has the highest birth rate at present?
At present, Niger with 51.26 birth per 1000 people has the highest birth rate.

2nd PUC Geography Model Question Paper 6 with Answers

Question 2.
Where do we find the highest sex ratio in the world?
The highest sex ratio in the world has been recorded in Latvia and Estonia.

Question 3.
Which is the oldest sea route of the world?
The cape of Good Hope sea route is the oldest sea route of the world.

Question 4.
How is milk supplied in Newzaland?
In Newzaland milk is being supplied through pipelines fron Farms and factories.

Question 5.
What is cyber space?
Cyber space is the world of electronic computerised space. It is emcompassed by the internet such as world wide web. it is the electronic digital world for communicating information over computer networks or the elctronic medium of computer networks in which online communication takes place.

Question 6.
What is settlement patterns?
The terms settlements patterns refers to the spatial arrangement of houses.

Question 7.
Which country was the first one to adopt family plaining and when?
India was the first country to adopt family plaining in 1952.

Question 8.
Which state has more females?
Karela state has more females.

2nd PUC Geography Model Question Paper 6 with Answers

Question 9.
Which state is the lowest literacy state?
Bihar state with 63.82 % is the lowest literacy state.

Question 10.
What is sedentary subsistance farming also known as?
Sedentary farming is also known as Nomadic Herding.

Section – B

II. Answer any ten of the following in 2 – 3 sentence each (2 × 10 =20)

Question 11.
What are the types of population?
The types of pollution are:

  1. Air pollution.
  2. Water pollution.
  3. Land Pollution.
  4. Noice Pollution.

Question 12.
Mention the three important Railway gauges.
The Four Railway zones With their head quarters are:

  1. Southern Railway – Chennai.
  2. Eastern Railway – Kolkata.
  3. Northern Railway – New Delhi.
  4. South Central Railway – Secunderabad.

Question 13.
Name the eastern coast ports of India.
Kolkata, Haldia, Paradeep, Vishaka patnam, Chennai are the eastern coast ports of lndia.

2nd PUC Geography Model Question Paper 6 with Answers

Question 14.
Classify the roads.

  1. National Highway.
  2. State Highway.
  3. District roads.
  4. Village roads.
  5. Border roads.

Question 15.
What are the main types of minerals?
On the basis of chemical and physical properties minerals are divided into 2 main types and they are

  • Metalic minerals.
  • Non – Metalic Minerals.

Question 16.
What are the uses of sugar cane?

  1. Sugar cane is the source of sugar, gur and Khansari.
  2. It provides raw material for manufacturing alcohol.
  3. The sugar is used for sweet meats, beverages syrups, and medicine.
  4. The crushed stem called Bagasse and leaves are used as fuel and as raw material for the preparation of paper, fertilizers and chemical products.
  5. It is also used as fodder and manure.

Question 17.
What are theuses of Rice?
Rice is used as starch, to prepare aleoholic drinks, sweet meats and to feed for domestic animals. It is used as animal food and to prepare bran oil.

Question 18.
Which are the major sources of Irrigation?
The major sources of Irrigation are:

  1. Well irrigation
  2. Tank irrigation
  3. Canal irrigation
  4. Drip irrigation
  5. Sprinkler irrigation

2nd PUC Geography Model Question Paper 6 with Answers

Question 19.
Which state used rain water harvesting by cheek dam method and who was the award winners?
Rain water harvesting by cheek dam method was nicely used in Rajastan by Myagassess any award winner Sri. Rajendra Singh popularly known as “water man”.

Question 20.
Define city and million cities.
City is a densely populated area of considerable size is a city which is larger than a town. An urban centre with 1 lakh and more population is called city.
Million city:
Total population of 1 million and above the urban area is known and million cities.

Question 21.
What is Biogas?
Biogas is based on the use of dung to produce gas which is used as domestic fuel especially in rural areas. It is based on the decomposition of organic matter to yield gas consisting of methane, CO2, which can be used as source of energy.

Question 22.
Explain the coffee Robusta?
Coffee Robusta is one of the varieties of coffee. Is is poor in quality and high yeild variety. It can resist the pest and diseases. About 68.9% Of indian coffee production came under coffee Robusta.

Section – C

III. Answer eight of the following in 25 – 30 sentences each (5 × 8 = 40)

Question 23.
Describe the branches of human Geography.
Human Geography relates all elements of human life and the space they in habit. By the influence of nature man has created many features. The field of human Geography is wide so it is divided into many branches and each branch deals with distinct aspect of human life with respect to the influence of environment.

Every branch of human Geography is linked with other humanities. The important branches of Human Geography are: Economic Geography Political Geography urban Geography Cultural Geography Social Geography Population Geography Settlement Geography

  1. Economic Geography: It deals with the study of influences of various Geographical factors on the economic activities of man. Ex: agriculture, transport and communication.
  2. Political Geography: It deals with the study of influences of ! Geographical environment on Political aspect. Ex: State, nation, and boundaries.
  3. urban Geography: It deals with interaction, mobility, accessibility and aslo distribution and movement of urbon population. It also covers land use pattern, Socio-economic composition, age and Sex structure and employment.
  4. Cultural and Social Geography: Cultural Geography is also referred as social Geography. It helps to get the knowledge of culture and Social life of the world.
  5. Population Geography: It is also known as Demography, It deals with the human race, religion, language, population growth, distribution, density,
    composition and migration are the important elements of population geography.
  6. Settlement Geography: It enables to know the pattern and distribution of different types of human settlements. It reflects man-environment relationship; The elements of settlement Geography are location of settlement, density, form, function and morphology.

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2nd PUC Geography Model Question Paper 6 with Answers

Question 24.
Discuss the distribution of population in the world.
The population of the world is unevenly distributed. The distribution of population is expressed in terms of density. The density is the ratio between the numbers ofpeople to the size of land. It is usually measured as number of persons per sq km.
Density of population = \(\frac{\text { Total population }}{\text { Total geographical area }}\)
Continent wise total population and Density of population 2011.
2nd PUC Geography Model Question Paper 6 with Answers 2
By looking at the table we can say that some areas are densely populated and some are thinly populated. The density of the world population has been divided into three regions nemely

  1. Areas of High Density which comprises.
    • Eastern, Southern and South eastern parts of Asia.
    • North western part of Europe.
    • North eastern part of USA. and South eastern part of Canada.
  2. Areas of Medium Density: Argentine, Southeast Africa and Australia.
  3. Areas of low Density: North and South poles, The hot and cold deserts and high rainfall zones.

Question 25.
Explain animal rearing in the world.
Domestication of animals for a specific purpose is known as animal rearing. People in different parts of the world have domesticated different animal for different purpose. Animal products like milk meat, bones, skins, hair and Wool was obtained to satisfy basic needs of the human beings.

Animal rearing is carried on by two methods as traditional and modem method. In the tropical grassland the fulani of Nigeria and the masai of East Africa are the cattle herders. In the drier parts, short grass grows and sheep and goats are reared. In the past, the Kirghiz of central Asia had large flock of sheep.

People engaged in commercial grazing, use scientific methods of rearing animals a commercial basis, commercial grazing is practised the temperate grass land namely prairies of North America, Pampas of South America, steppes of Asia, Downs of Australia. In USA and Argentina, beef cattle are reared on a large scale.

Question 26.
Write a note on the Mediterranean see route.
This route passes through the heart of the old world and serves more countries and people than any other. It passes through suezcanal, south of Asia and connects south east and East Asia and also Australia and Newzealand, Many products are transported through this route, crude oil it is the most important product from the middle east region.

Question 27.
Describe the types of urban settlements.
Urban settlements are classified as:

  1. The size of population: The urbon centres are divided into town, cities.
  2. Occupational Structure: The Economic activities is an important criteria for designing urban settlements in terms of population size and their occupation, secondary and Tertiary occupations are predominant in the urban areas.
  3. Functions: All urban settlements have some common functions they are.

Administrative towns:
Some urban centres are engaged in administrative function which may termed as the good administrative centres. Ex: New Delhi, Canberra, Washington D.C and London.
The types of urban settlements are designated as towns, cities, million cities.

  1. Town: A town is one is a rural community, having much smaller in size ofa population than acity.
  2. City: A density populated area of considerable size is a city which is larger than a town. A city can regarded as a leading town and has a greater number of economic functions like transport, educational institutions.
  3. Conurbations: The term conurbation applies to a large area of urban development that resulted from the merging of several towns of cities. Ex: Greater London, Greater Mumbai.
  4. Million city: Total population of 1 million and above, the urban area is known as million cities.
  5. Mega city: A mega city is a general term for cities together with their suburbs with population of more than 10 million people or mega city is defined as a metro politian area with total population in excess of 10 million people
  6. Megalopolis: Megalopolis are the extended urban or metro politan area typically consisting, of several sites merging with the suburhs of one or more cities.

2nd PUC Geography Model Question Paper 6 with Answers

Question 28.
Explain the tupes of Migrations.
Migration can be broadly classified into two groups. They are

  1. Internal migration.
  2. International migration.

1. Internal Migration:
Movement of people from one region to another within the same country is called Internal Migration.
There are four divisions in intereal Migration. They are:
(a) Rural to Rural:
65.5% of the total migration of the countiy is Rural to Rural Female migrants are more in this division. It is due to Matrimonial migration and it is called women Migration.

(b) Rural to urban:
17.6% of the total migration falls to this division. Rural-urban migration is caused by push of the rural areas and pull of the urban areas – Bothe males and females have migrated from Rural to urban areas.

(c) Urban to urban:
11.2% of the migration belonged to this division people from small town likes to move to large cities which has more facilities. So class 1 cities have grown at faster rate.

(d) urban to rural:
Urban areas are affected by pollution. Big cities like mumbai, chennai, Bangalore have many diseases connedted to lungs, high cost of living pressure on public utility. The old and retired people like to spend the old age life in villages. So people move from urban to rural.

Internal migration included both inter state and Intra state Migration movement of people from one state to another state is called inter state. Ex: Movement from Karnataka to Rajasthan. Movement of people within the state is called intra state migration. Ex: Movement from Hassan to Bellary.

2. International Migration:
Movement of people from one country to another is called international migration. The term emigration is used for out migration from one country to another and Imigration for in-migration from across the international border out relocation is called emigration and when a country receives migration is called Im migration

Question 29.
What is conservation? Give example.
Water conservation refers to the action taken to use water elegantly. It involves the controlling, protecting, managing and planning for the wise use of our water resources. Ex: reducing run-off losses Reduction of Irrigation lossers, Re-use of water, and prevention of wastage of water.

2nd PUC Geography Model Question Paper 6 with Answers

Question 30.
Give an account of Thermal and Nuclear energy of India.
The electricity genarated by using fossil fuels like coal, petroleum and Natural gas is called thermal electricity or thermal energy. It has some advantages the initial capital for the construction of thermal plant is Low and time is short it has disadvantages also i.e., low efficiency in terms of heating value and higher operation cost.
The following conditions are necessary for successful development of thermal electricity they are:

  1. There must be coal, petroleum and natural gas in abundance.
  2. Large space for the construction of thermal plant.
  3. Abundant supply of water.

In India there is lot of demand for energy but the production of energy is not sufficient. There is in equality in the distribution of power resources so thermal power provides feasible source of power development so thermal power has recorded much fester rate of Growth than other forms. The energy generated from the fission of the atomic minerals like uranium, Thorium, and plutonium is called Nuclear energy.

The demand for energy has been increased with the increase of population in the country There is power crises as the production is in sufficient to meet energy needs of the country nuclear power programme was formulated. India has reserves of atomic energy minerals of uranium and thorium which is required for the nuclear power.
The lstnuclear power plants was started in 1969 at Tarapur near mumbai. Now there are 7 Nuclear power station in India they are:

  1. Tarapur nuclear plant near mumbai in maharastra it was establesed in 1969.
  2. Ranapratap sagar plant near kota in Rajastan established in 1973.
  3. kalpakam nuclear plant near chennai in T.N established in 1984.
  4. Narora Nuclear plant near narora in uttar pradesh estableshed in 1991.
  5. Kakrapara atomic power plant near kakrapur in Gujarath established in 1993.
  6. Kaiga nuclear plant at Kaiga near Karwar in Karnataka established in 2000.
  7. Kudam kulam in Tamil Nadu recently commissioned in 2013.

There is a proposal to setup new neuclear plants at srisailam in A.P, Jaipur in Rajastan. Tuticorin in T.N, Talcher in odisha and Kolkatta in West Bengal. India is the 6th leading producer of Nuclear power in the world.

Question 31.
What do you mean by satellite?
The important development of the 20th century is the artifical satellite. Satellite play a vital role in the field of communication, the 1st communication satellite was launched in 1962. There are a number of communication satellites owned by both Govt, and private.

The satellites accept data signals, transmitted from an earth station, amplify them and re-transmit them to another earth station Artifical satellite has marked new era in the history of global tele communication. Radio and television networking over India are done through satellite technology, so it is called as “Space Age communication Technique”.

  1. The worlds 1st artificial satellite SPUTNIK-I was launched by the soviet unioninl957.
  2. The INSAT-IIB was launched in 1993
  3. The last of the IN SAT-ID series recently India has lanuched a satellite IRSP-2.

The satellite constuction and launching is carried by Indian space Reasearch Organisation [ISRO]. ISRO centre is at Bangalore. The satellite launching centres at sriharikota in A.P. Satellite controlling master centre is near Hassan in Karnataka.

Question 32.
Explain the concepts of sustainable development in India.
The term sustainable development is defined as development to achive the needs of present generation without compromising future generations needs, the united nations established a world commission of environment and development [WCED] headed by the Norwegian prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland. The comission Gave its report entitled “our common Future” in 1987.

The report defines sustainable development as a development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future genarations to meet their own needs. Thus sustainable development takes care of ecological, social and economic aspects of the development.

2nd PUC Geography Model Question Paper 6 with Answers

Question 33.
What are the effects of Globalization.
There are both +ve and -ve effects of globalization
Positive effects:

  1. Many foriegn industries setup industries in India and this help to provide employment to many people in the country. This helped to reduce the level of unemployment and poverty in the country.
  2. The foreign companys are brought in highly advanced technology with them and this help to make the Indian history more advance. It marks the advent of the real Integration of Indian Economy into the global economy.

Negative effects:
It is increased computation in the Indian market between the foreign companies and Domestic companies. This happened mainly in the pharmaceutical, chemical, manufacturing and cement Industries. The Govt oflndia must try to make such economic policy with regard to Indian Industries globalization that are benefical and not harmful.

Question 34.
Explain the chief advantages of plant tissue culture.

  1. Rapid multiplication it means thousands of plants can be produced with in a year starting from a single plant.
  2. Freedom from pests and pathogens, it refers to the production of disease free plants and production of Disease and pest resistant plants.
  3. Economy of space and resources thousands of plants can be raised in a small land.
  4. Round the year multiplication as per demand.
  5. Easy transport due to miniaturization.
  6. Selective multiplication of diserd plants.

Section – D

IV. Answer any one of the following (10 × 1 = 10)

Question 35.
Give an account of automobile Industry in India.
Automobile Industry is a heavy industry it includes motor cycles, motor cars, Buses, Trucks, and tractors assembly of number of individual part is the charateristics feature of this Industry. The real development of the industry began with the establishment of the automobiles at kurla [Mumbai] in 1947 and Hindustan motors at uttarpada [Kolkatta] in 1948.

Auto mobile industry has made progress in India and it is one of the librent sectors of economy. It has one of the largest market in the world. India’s passenger car and commercial vehicle manufacting industry is the 6th largest Industry in the world. In Asia India ranks 3rd exportor of passengar cars. India has become the 2nd fastest growing automobile market in world after china.

Question 36.
Discuss the important features and aims of Damodar valley project.
2nd PUC Geography Model Question Paper 6 with Answers 3
The Domodar valley corporation [DVC] was started in 1948 it is based on the pattern of Tennesse valley Authority [TVA] in U.S. A . River Domodar rises in Chotanagpur plateau of Jharkhand. It is a tributary of Hoogliriver it is known as sarro w of Bengal as it causes floods in Bengal. Damodar river valley project is a joint venture of 2 states Bihar and West Bengal.

2nd PUC Geography Model Question Paper 6 with Answers

It is the 1st multi purpose project of India. It is planned on the pattern of tennesse valley Aurthority of USA. The Domodar valley corporation was establised on 18 Febrauary 1948. The main aim of this project is to control floods, for irrigation, generating Hydro – Electricity, fishing, navigation, afforestation, Recreation facilites. This project has 4 dams, three hydal power station, one Barrage, three thermal power stations.
1. Tilaiya Dam:
This Dam is constmcted across the river Barakar it is the tributary of Damodar. Its length is 366 mtr and height is 30.mtrs and it’s capacity is 395 million c.mtrs. It is the only concrete Dam. 2 Power stations have been setup here.

2. Konar Dam:
It is contructed on river Konar. It’s length is 3549 mtrs and it’s height is 49 mtrs. It is an earthen Dam. It’s storage capacity is 337 millian c.mtrs. It provides Irrigation facilities.

3. Maithon Dam:
It is constructed on Barakar river it’s length is 144 mtrs height is 94 mtrs. Storage capacity is 1,357 million c.mtrs. There are three Hydro electric power stations here.

4. Panchet hill Dam:
It is also an earthen dam It is constructed on river Damodar, It’s length is 2,545 mts. and height is 45 mtrs. It’s storage capacity is 1,497 million c.mtrs.

5. Durgapur Barrage:
It is created on river Damodar for the storage of Irrigation water. It is 692 mtrs. long and 12 mtrs heigh. It stores the water released from konar, Tilaiya, maithon and pancheth hill Dams.

Section – E

V. Answer any two of the following each (10 × 2 = 20)

Question 37.
Construct a line graph by using the following data.
Karnataka selected district-wise area under rice (in hectares)

District Area
Bellary 122721
Davanagere 130208
Mysore 123803
Raichur 164925
Shimoga 131070
Mandya 88657

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2nd PUC Geography Model Question Paper 6 with Answers

Question 38.
(a) Construct a single bar graph by using the following data.
Karnataka Decade – Wise Sex ratio. (Per 1000 Male)

Year Female
1951 966
1961 959
1971 957
1981 963
1991 960
2001 965
2011 968

(b) Construct a pie Diagram using the following data.
India-Types of Railway-gauges-2012

Types Percentage
Broad gauge 86
Meter gauge 10
Narrow gauge 4

2nd PUC Geography Model Question Paper 6 with Answers 5

(b) Calculation of degree
Broad guage 86 = \(\frac{86}{100} \times 360\) = 309.6
Meter guage 10 = \(\frac{10}{100} \times 360\) = 36°
Narrow guage 4 = \(\frac{4}{100} \times 360\) = 14.4°
Total = 360°
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Question 39.
Answer any two Questions of the following:

  1. Distinguish between primary and Secondary Data.
  2. Explain the three segments of GPS.
  3. Explain the components of GIS

1. The primary source of data is:
The data which are collected for the first time by a researcher or group of researchers, institution or organizations are called primary sources of the data. The primary data is collected in the following ways.
(I) Through personal Interview:
This is the most commonly used method of collecting data as the interviewer has the opportunity of Explaining the study and answering any Question from the respondents. In this method, the researcher gets direct information from the respondents through dialogues and conversations.

(II) By personal observations:
It is the collection of data or information by individuals or groups of individuals through direct observations in the field. In carrying out
personal observations, the person who involved must have theoretical knowledge of the subject and scientific attitude for unbiased Evahiatioa

(III) By Questionaire:
The most common method used in surveys is the Questionnaire. In this method, simple Questions and their possible answers are written on a plain paper and the respondents have to tick mark the possible answer from the given choices. This method in useful in carrying out the survey of a larger area. The researcher must have the following features while preparing the Questionnaire.

  1. The number of Questions must be minimum.
  2. The Questions should be clear and precise.
  3. The Question should not indicate an alternative to the answer.
  4. Avoid Questions that give a clue.

The other methods are:

  • Telephone interview
  • Measuring properties State Govt.

(IV) Semi Govt publications:
In this we have the publications and reports of corporation, Boards, urban devt, Authorities are the sources of secondary data.

(V) Private publications:
Private publication publishes year books, monographs.

(VI) News papers and periodicals:
he daily newspapers and periodicals or magzines are the sources of secondary data.

(VII) Unpublished sources:
The papers or findings which prepared by researchers are kept unpublished in the in stitution.

  1. Government Documents: The reports, papers, findings, monographs and documents are prepared and published and maintained as unpublished records.
  2. Semi-Government Records

The secondary source of data:
The data those have been collected and analysed already by some departments, organizations, Ngo’s are called secondary data.
Secondary sources of date is classified into two sources.

  1. Published Sources:
  2. Unpublished sources:

Under published sources we have:
(A) International publication:
In this years books, monographs and reports are published by different agencies like WHO, FAO, UNDP and UNESCO.

(B) Government publications:
The important source of secondary data are the publications of the Govt, of India, state Govt and district Bulletins. These publications comprise the census of India, weather reports and statistical abstract by corporations, boards, district council and civil departments prepare and maintain the periodical reports.

(C) Private Documents:
The companies, trade unions, different political and non-political organisation and welfare association are having unpublished reports and records.

2. Three segments of GPS:
(a) The space segment:
The satellites of GPS are launched and positioned at an altitude of20,200 km almost 3 times of the earth’s radius. The space segment consists of a constellation of 24 functioning GPS satellite located in six orbital planes with 4 satellites in each orbital plane.

(b) The control segment:
It consists of facilities necessary for satellites especially healthy monitoring, telemetery tracking command and control clock error computation of satellites. There are 5 ground GPS station namely

  1. Hawaii
  2. Colorado spring
  3. Aseension Island
  4. Diego-Garlia
  5. Kwajalein

(C) The user segment:
It is a total user and supplier community, both civilian and military. The user segment consists of all earth based GPS receivers. The receiver is camposed of an antenna and preamplifier radio signal micro processor, control and display device, data recording unit and power supply. The GPS receiver decodes the timing signals from the visible satellites the space and control segments are largely transparent to the operations of navigation functions.

3. The components of GIS.
The components of GIS are:

  • Data: Geographical data .can be divided into three classes namely spatial, non-spatial, and continuous data.
    • Spatial: Any data which is associated with a specific geographic location is called spatial Data. Ex: Bangalore city.
    • Non-spatial Data: Any data which is not associated with a specific geographic location is called a non spalial data.
    • Continuous Data: The data which have no discrete boundaries and have frizzy boundaries like soil, atmospheric temperature and land elevation.
  • Software: GIS software is designed to collect, store, process, geographical data and construct maps.
  • Hardware: Hard ware comprises storing and processing devices like central process unit (CPU) Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse, Printer, Scanner, are useful for GIS.
  • People: This component consists of the skilled people who involve in data capturing, processing and analyzing.
  • Analysis: It involves the processing of GIS data with various analyses so as to get meaningful information.