2nd PUC Geography Model Question Paper 7 with Answers

Students can Download 2nd PUC Geography Model Question Paper 7 with Answers, Karnataka 2nd PUC Geography Model Question Paper with Answers helps you to revise the complete Karnataka State Board Syllabus and to clear all their doubts, score well in final exams.

Karnataka 2nd PUC Geography Model Question Paper 7 with Answers

Time : 3 hrs
Max. Marks : 100

(i) Graph sheets and statistical tables will be supplied on request.
(ii) Scientific calculators may be used.
(iii) All working steps should be clearly Shown.

Section – A

I. Answer the following questions in a sentence each: (1 × 10 = 10)

Question 1.
What is Rabi cropping?
Rabi cropping is one of the seasonal cropping which starts in the middle of October when the south west monsoon ends and the north-eastmonsoon begins.

2nd PUC Geography Model Question Paper 7 with Answers

Question 2.
What is family planning?
Family planning is a measure of planning the. number of children in the family.

Question 3.
What is census?
Census refers to the collection of statistical data regarding the quantity of people living in a particular region in a particular period of time and all the other details of their life.

Question 4.
Name the four types of coal.

  1. Anthracite
  2. Bituminous
  3. Lignite
  4. Peat

Question 5.
Which mineral is called the Black diamond?
Coal is called the Black diamond.

Question 6.
Mention the types of Iron ore of India?

  1. Magnatite
  2. Hematite
  3. Limonite
  4. Siderite

Question 7.
What is Geo-thermal energy?
Geo-Thermal energy is the power developed from the heat generated by the earth.

Question 8.
What is GSP?
G S P means Global Positioning System.

Question 9.
Name the three varieties of coffee.

  1. Coffee Robusta
  2. Coffee Arabica
  3. Coffee Liberica

2nd PUC Geography Model Question Paper 7 with Answers

Question 10.
Define Horticulture.
Horticulture refers to the cultivation of vegetables, fruits, spices medicinal and aromatic plants, plantation crop. It is also known as garden cultivation.

Section – B

II. Answer any ten of the following in 2 – 3 sentences each (2 × 10 = 20)

Question 11.
What is mixed farming?
Raising of food crop and rearing of livestock on the same field is called Mixed firming.

Question 12.
Why is bauxite an important mineral?
Bauxite is the chief source of aluminum. Aluminum is used for several purposes. As aluminium is used for several purposes, it is called the wonder metalof 20th century.

Question 13.
Which are the two air transport cor-poration in India?

  1. The Indian Airlines
  2. The Air India International.

Question 14.
State the important benefite of GIS.

  1. GIS has the ability of presentation Mapping.
  2. GIS has ability to use maps as an organising tool for large database.
  3. GIS has the ability of SPatial analysis.

Question 15.
What are conventional source of energy?
Conventional source of energy cannot be renewable and cause environmental-pollution. It includes coal, petroleum Mid natural gas.

Question 16.
What is well Irrigation? Mention its type.
Using under ground water for Agriculture by digging well is called well Irrigation. There are two types, They are

  1. Open Well
  2. Tube Well.

Question 17.
Write any four objectives of Multipurpose River valley project.
The Objectives of Multipurpose River valley project are:

  1. It provides water for irrigation.
  2. To generate hydro electric power.
  3. To control floods.
  4. To prevent Soil erosion.

Question 18.
Name the types of line graph.

  1. Single Line graph
  2. Double Line graph
  3. Polyline graph

Question 19.
What are the sources of primary data?
The sources of primary data are

  1. Through personal Interview.
  2. By observation
  3. By Question aire
  4. By other Methods.

2nd PUC Geography Model Question Paper 7 with Answers

Question 20.
What is metro Railway?
Railways are also used in a systematic way in big cities to control urban passengers movement and good transportation. The under ground ways are used for the move¬ment of trains and They are called metro-Railway.

Question 21.
Name four nuclear power station of India.

  1. Tarapur in Maharashtra
  2. Narora in Uttar pradesh
  3. Kalpakam is TamilNadu
  4. Kaiga in Karnataka

Question 22.
Name the states that have benefited from the Bhakranangal project.
The states which are benefited from the Bhakra Nangal project are punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Himachal Pradesh and Delhi.

Section – C

III. Answer any eight of the following in 25 – 30 sentences each (5 × 8 = 40)

Question 23.
Explain the meaning and field of Ge-ography.
The human Geography deals with the influence of geography on human beings and their activities. It deals with the functional re lationship between man and his environment; man and his adjust ments to his surroundings. Natural environment is changing from region to region and time to time Human Geography man be defined in a nut shell as the study of their relation of physical environment to human activities and his traits.

The elements ofboth natural and cultural environment influence on human life. The elements on the earth surface both physical as well as cultural varies from one place to another the way of human life also varies. Human life is a product of man Environment relationship. It is the study of man and nature relationship.

The field of Geography is very vast. It studies the inter relationship between the physical and cultural environment. The physical environment are relief, drainage, soil elimate, vegetation, etc., and the cultural environment are economic activities, houses, villages, cities, Industries etc., The physical environment is greatly modified by human beings and human life is influenced by nature.

The natural environment is modified by man. Culture and Technology have helped man in making use of the environment. Human beings are developing technology through environment So Human Geography is a dynamic subject.

Question 24.
Explain the growth of population in the world.
The growth ofpopulation refers to the change in number of inhabitants of a country during a specific period. In 1804, the world population reached one billion, due to the impact of the industrial revolution, improvement in living standard, the rate of population growth increased. It reached two billion in 1927. At present according to U.N. estimates of2013, the world is in habited by 7121 million population.
2nd PUC Geography Model Question Paper 7 with Answers 1
Source: World Population Data Sheet.
2nd PUC Geography Model Question Paper 7 with Answers 2
Growth of population is not uniform. The population growth was rapid almost throughout the 20th century. Population growth rate is highly variable between developed and developing countries.

Question 25.
Explain secondary occupation.
The industries which are concerned with the process of converting raw material into fin-ished products are called manufacturing in-dustries and They are also called as second¬ary occupations. The manufacturing industries. Play an important role in the economic development of a country. Now a days Industries are developed on a large scale, with the help of huge capital, modem technology, skilled labour etc.

this has helped in getting the employment opportunities and improving the standard of living. It also helps in earning foreign exchange. The developed countries like Russia, USA and Japan people are engaged in secondary occupation than in primary j occupations.

2nd PUC Geography Model Question Paper 7 with Answers

Question 26.
Describe the importance of pipelines.
A pipeline is a line or conduit of pipe carrying a liquid gas these have become more popular for transporting certain products for long distances. The oil transport was first began in Pennsylvania U.S.A in 1861.
It has a large net work of pipe lines they are transporting natural gas petroleum and refined product BIGINCH is the famous Pipeline which carries petroleum from gulf of Mexico in the North-East states. In Europe pipeline system was laid to distribute refined products from sea porti to inland markets.

In Africa pipelines are found in Nigeria and other countries of crude oil and natural gas production. In south America, the net work of pipelines are good it connects many major cities. In Australia pipelines are found only in the urban areas. China has one of the most impressive network of pipelines. India has good network of pipelines connecting ports oil and gas fields, refineries and markets.

Question 27.
Explain the shapes of rural settlements.
The rural settlements are of different shapes. They attain different number of Geometrical forms and shapes like:

  1. Linear pattern: In such settlements, houses are located along a road, milway line, river and canal, edge of a valley or a long levee.
  2. Rectangular Pattern: Such patterns of rural settlements are h und in plain areas or wide inter mountain valleys the roads are rectangular and cut each other at right angles along which house are built.
  3. Circular pattern: Circular villages develop around lakes, tanks and some times the village is planned in such a way that the central part remains open and is used for keeping the animals to protect them from wild animals.
  4. Star shaped pattern: Where the several roads meets, star shaped settlements develop as the houses built along the roads.
  5. T, X, Y and T shaped settlements: These settlements develop at tri junctions of the roads while Y shaped settlements emerge as the places where two roads coverage on the third one and houses are built along these roads.
  6. Double Village: These settlements extend on both sides of a river where there is a bridge.
  7. Triangular pattern: This shape of settlements set by the confluence of two rivers and also the junction point of two railway lines are often triangular Allahabad situated in the triangle formed by the confluence of the Ganga and the Yamuna has a typical triangular shape.

Question 28.
Discuss the composition of population in India.
The composition ofpopulation includes the study of sex ratio, literacy age, structure, rural and urban population.
1. Sex ratio:
The numberof females per 1000 males is. known as the sex ratio. As per 2011 census, the average sex ratio of the country was 940 females for every 1000 males. This indicates that there are more males than females in India. The sex ratio differs from state to state. Kerala state has more females than males. As per 2011 censue Kerala has 1084 females for every 1000 male and Haryana has 877 female for every 1000 males.

2. Literacy:
Literacy rate has increased in recent years. Literacy rate has increased from 1951 to 2011. The male literaly was 82.1 % in contrast to the female literancy of only 65.5%. Kerala with 93.91 % is the highly literate state in India Bihar with 63.82% is the lowest rate.

3. Age Structure:
On the basis of age the entire population is divided into 3 categaries namely Infants (0-14 years) adults (15-59 yrs) and aged group (above 60 yrs) According to 2011 census, about 31,10% of the total population of the country is infants. 5.3% are old age and adults 63.60% adults are increasing every year with high birth rate the number of working population in also increasing.

4. Rural and urban population:
According to 2011 census, 76.4% of the people lived in rural areas and 23.61% is urban areas in India. Maharashtra has the highest urban population, and sikkim has the lowest urban population. Uttar pradesh has more rural population and mizoram has low rural population in the country.

2nd PUC Geography Model Question Paper 7 with Answers

Question 29.
Explain the canal Irrigatiohn in India.
India has one of the largest canal system of the world-canals are the second largest source oflrrigation in the country. Canals irrigate a sizable area in TamilNadu, West bengal and Gujarat.
Cannals are of 2 types:
1. Inundation Cannal:
Taken out directly from rivers without making any barrage or dam which remain operational during Rainy season only.

2. Perennial Cannals:
Which are taken out from the reservoirs by constructing barrage or weir to regulate the flow of water. Cannal Irrigation is practised in sutlej, Ganga plain and deltas of peninsular rivers. Uttar Pradesh ranks 1st in india with regard to cannal Irrigation which is most expensive. Cannal Irrigation suffers from a number of drawbacks such as water logging, increase in water table and alkalinity of soils.

Question 30.
Give an account of the distribution and production of sugarcane in India.
The distribution of Sugar cane cultivation in India is uneven. It’s cultivation is concen-trated in U.P, Maharastra, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andra pradesh, Gujurath, Bihar, Hariyana and Uttaranchal. Uttar pradesh occupies 1st place in production and area cultivated. The largest concentration is in the upper ganga – yamuna doap.

Maharastra gets second place both in area and production. Tamil Nadu is the 3rd largest producer of sugar cane in India. Karnataka is the 4th largest sugar cane producing in India. Andra pradesh is in the 5th place.

India is the second largest producer of sugar cane in the world. The average yield per hectare is very low in the country due to in suffient rainfall inadequate irrigation facilities, little use of fertilizers and methods of cultivation.

Question 31.
Describe the occurance, production and distribution of crude oil in India.
The term petroleum has been derived from 2 Latin words petra means Rock and oleum means oil. Thus petroleum is obtained from Rocks layer. The sedimentary Rock of the earth. So it is called Rock oil or crude oil. Thetotalproductionofpetroleumin India was 380.9 Lakhs tomes in 2011-12. India is not a significant producer of petroleum.

Now the domestic crude oil production has increased this is due to the efforts made by ONGC and oil india limited. The total crude oil reserves are 759.6 million tonnes. Bombay high and Gujarath stands 1st. The other places are Assam, A.P and T.N. Bombay High is the Largest oil producing area it is located on the contentenal shelf of the coast of Maharastra.

The oil is taken from the depth of over 1400 mtrs with the help of the plat form ‘Sagar Samrat’. Petroleum was 1st discovered in India at makum [Assam] in 1867. The ls, oil well was drilled at digboi. The important oil fields of Assam state are digboi, Rudra sagar and Sibhsogur.

The oil reserves of Gujrath is located largely in coastal plains Ankaleshwar and cambay are the main oil fields. The deltas of Godarari the krishna and kaveri holds great potential of oil production.

2nd PUC Geography Model Question Paper 7 with Answers

Question 32.
Discuss the significance and distribution of software Industries in India.
Software Industry is one of the Knowledge based industry. The Indian software Industry has emerged as one of the fastest growing sectors of the Indian economy in recent years. It has great impact on the country’s economy. The software Industries has profound influence on the people’s life styles.

The software are used in television, telecom, miltary, railways, weather instruments and computers. The software industry has surpassed the electric hardware production. The software industry has provided employment lakhs of software engineers have created their brand image in the global market.

Software industries have also influenced on the development of industries, trade and commerce. So the computers are one of the basic materiels of the human beings. It is called as ‘computer Age’ Indian software industry has achieved a remarkable distinction in providing excellent quality products.

A large number of indian software companies have acquired informational quality certification. Software industries are widely distributed in the country. Karnataka is the pioneer of software industry.

Question 33.
Explain the Imports and Exports of India?
India’s Imports:
The various types of goods that are imported from foriegn country’s to India is known as India’s Import. India Imports fertilizers, petroleum, chemicals, Gold, Capital Goods.

  1. Petroleum crude and products. The important imports of India petroleum crude and products. India imports petroleum products of 23% of our total imports.
  2. Pearls, precious and semi precious stones.
  3. Capital goods.
  4. Fertilizers.

India is a major importer of chemical fertilizer as our country is agrarian and the internal production of fertilizer is insufficient.
India’s Exports:
Export of India refers to the sale of goods and services to other country’s of the world the export growth is not uniform. The export of India is classified into 3 types.

  1. Primary commodities.
  2. Manufacturing goods.
  3. Services.

The primary commodities are coffee, Tea, Tobbaco, species, fruits, vegetables, milk, etc. The important exports of Indian are.

  1. Agricultural and Allied products.
  2. Ores and minerals.
  3. Gems and Jewellary.
  4. Electronic Goods.
  5. Textiles.
  6. Handicraft.
  7. Engineering Goods.
  8. Petroleum Products.

India has become one of the Important service exporter.

Question 34.
Discuss the challenges of Sustainable Development in India.
The challanges of sustainable development in India are:
1. Population:
Population is a major challenge for the sustainable development. The basic challenges will be storages of drinking water and arable land for food production.

2. Poverty:
Almost 25% of the world’s population , lives on less than one meal a day.

3. In equality:
In equality continues to be a serious obstacle to sustainable development with the number of people suffering from under nourishment. In many regions of the world cultivating area is limited. In future the current state bio-diversity loss should be conserved.

4. Shortage of Drinking water:
It’s a major barrier to sustainable development at the current rate of development every second person will suffer from water j shortage by year 2025.

2nd PUC Geography Model Question Paper 7 with Answers

5. Human Health:
In many cases death in developing countries are avoidable. Huminity should direct more attention and money in the coming years to the struggle against diseases. The main task is to reduce the death rate.

6. Consumption of energy:
consumption of all forms of energy is continually raising sustainable and environamently friendly energy source is required.

7. Deforestations:
The world’s forest deminsh mainly due to expansion of agriculture. Improving the recoveiy and management of the forest will be of utmost importance.

8. Petrol consumption:
It is constantly raising the summit emphasised the need to realise the decisions of the “Kyoto protocol” for reaching an agreement on emission norms for greenhouse gases in developed countries.

Section – D

IV. Answer any one of the following (10 × 1 = 10)

Question 35.
What do you mean by the term planning? which are the two approaches to planning? Explain each of them.
Planning is the process by which an individual or organisation decides in advance on some future course of action it involves the process of thinking, formulation of a scheme’ of a programme implication of set of action to achieve some goal.
The 2 apporaches of planning are:

  1. The sectoral planning.
  2. Regional planning.

1. Sectoral planning:
It means formulation and implementation of the sets of schemes or prommages aimed at development of various sector of the economy like agriculture, irrigation, transport, communication social Infrastructure and services.

2. Regional planing:
Some areas are more developed and some lag behind this uneven pattern of development over space necessitates that the planners should have spatial, perspective and draws the plans regional imbalance in development. This type of planning is known as Regional planning.

2nd PUC Geography Model Question Paper 7 with Answers

Question 36.
Mention the importance of Cement industry development in India.
The cement Industry is one of the basic Industry cement is a mixture of limestone cement clay, silica and gypsum and it is essential for all construction of roads, bridge, dam, buildings and canals. The production and consumption of cement is an Indicator of the progress of a nation.

India is not only one of the major cement producing country’s of the world but it is also one of the largest cement consumer as well as exporter. The 1st cement plant was estableshed by south-Indian industries at Ranipet near chennai in 1904. But it failed soon the successful unit was made at porbandar in Gujarat in the year 1914.

In 1934 associated cement company [ACC] was established. India is the 2nd largest producer of cement in world after china it brings sufficient revenue to the Govt. After Independence the development of cement Industries started. At present there are 153 cement plants India has become one of the exporter of cement.

Section – E

V. Answer any two of the following (10 × 2 = 20)

Question 37.
Construct a pie diagram using the fol-lowing data India. The percentage of N.H. is terms of Width-2011

Types Percentage
Single lane 21
Double lane 54
Four/Six/eight 25

Calculation of degrees
Single lane = 21 = \(\frac{21}{100} \times 360\) = 75.6
Double lane = 54 = \(\frac{54}{100} \times 360\) = 194.4
Four / six / eight = 25 = \(\frac{25}{100} \times 360\) = 90
2nd PUC Geography Model Question Paper 7 with Answers 3

2nd PUC Geography Model Question Paper 7 with Answers

Question 38.
(a) Construct a single bar graph. India-Selected state-wise Rice production (in percentage).

States Production
West Bengal 15.80
Andra Pradesh 12.71
Uttar pradesh 11.91
Punjab 10.86
Orissa 7.31
Tamilnadu 7.08
Karnataka 3.70

(b) Construct a line graph by using the following data.
Karnataka: Selected district-wise population (in lakh) – 2011

District Population
Belgaum 47.8
Bagalkot 18.9
Uttar Pradesh 21.8
Bidar 17.0
Raichur 7.31
Tamilnadu 19.3
Dharwad 18.5

2nd PUC Geography Model Question Paper 7 with Answers 4

2nd PUC Geography Model Question Paper 7 with Answers 5

Question 39.
Answer any two Questions of the following.

  1. Explain the three segments of GPS.
  2. Write the importance of remote scaning.
  3. Explain the primary sources of data

1. The segments of GPS are:
(A) The space segment:
The satellites of GPS are launched and positioned at an altitude of20,200 km almost 3 times of the earth’s radius. The space segment consists of a constellation of 24 functioning GPS satellite located in six orbital planes with 4 satellites in each orbital plane.

(B) The control segment:
It consists of facilities necessary for satellites especially healthy monitoring, telemetery tracking command and control clock error computation of satellites. There are 5 ground GPS station namely

  • Hawaii
  • Colorado spring
  • Aseension Island
  • Diego-Garlia
  • Kwajalein

(C) The user segment:
It is a total user and supplier community, both civilian and military. The user segment consists of all earth based GP S receivers. The receiver is camposed of an antenna and preamplifier radio signal micro processor, control and display device, data recording unit and power supply.

The GPS receiver decodes ‘ the timing signals from the visible satellites the space and control segments are largely transparent to the operations of navigation functions.

2. The importance of remote scaning:
Remote sensing is the science and art of obtaining information about an object, area or phenomenon through the analysis of data acquired by a device that is tiot in contact with it. In remote sensing the process involves an interaction between incident radiation and the targets of interest. This device can be a camera or a bank of sensors operated from an airplane or a satellite.

Satellite are the main source of data collection for detail study of phenomena related to earth surface. The satellite data is based for mapping, monitoring studying the various phenomena related to earth’s surface, satellite data is better as it gives wide area coverage frequent revisits, high resolution, timely delivery, low labour force and storage in digital format to support GIS technology.

2nd PUC Geography Model Question Paper 7 with Answers

3. The primary sources of data:
The data which are collected for the first time by a researcher or group of researchers, institution or organizations are called primary sources of the data. The primary data is collected through the following ways.
(A) Through personal Interview:
This is the most commonly used method of collecting data as the interviewer has the opportunity of Explaining the study and answering any Question from the respondents. In this method the researcher gets direct information from the respondents through dialogues and conversation.

(B) By personal observations:
It is the collection of data or information by individuals or group of individuals through direct observations in the field. In carrying out personal observations, the person who. involved must Have theoretical knowledge of the subject and scientific attitude for unbiased Evaluation.

(C) By Questionaire:
The most common method used in surveys is the Questionnaire. In this method simple Questions and their possible answers are written on a plain paper and the respondents have to tick mark the possible answer from the given choices. This method in use fill in carrying out the survey of a larger area.
The researcher must have the following features while preparing the Questionnaire.

  • The number of Questions must be minimum
  • The Question should be clear and precise.
  • The Question should not indicate alternative to the answer
  • Avoid Questions which give a clue.

The other methods are:

  • Telephone interview
  • Measuring properties State Govt.

(D) Semi Govt publications:
In this we have the publications and reports of corporations, Boards, urban debt, Authorities are the sources of secondary data.

(E) Private publications:
Private publication publishes year books, monographs.

(F) News papers and periodicals:
The daily newspapers and periodicals or magazines are the sources of secondary data.

(G) Unpublished sources:
The papers or findings which prepared by researchers are kept unpublished in the institution.

  • Government Documents: The reports, papers, findings, monographs and documents are prepared and published and maintained as unpublished records.
  • Semi-Government Records