KSEEB Solutions for Class 7 English Poem Chapter 7 Work is Worship

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Karnataka State Syllabus Class 7 English Prose Chapter 7 Work is Worship

Work is Worship Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes

B. Reading, Speaking and Writing:

Take turns with your partner to ask or answer these question. Explain to him/her you think your answer is correct. Quote from the text if necessary. Write down your answers.

Underline the word/words that complete these sentences:

Question 1.
In this poem, the poet is addressing you, the reader/the worker/the _____________.

KSEEB Solutions for Class 7 English Poem Chapter 7 Work is Worship

Question 2.
The poet sounds _________ /irritated/impatient.

Question 3.
The poet is ordering/______________ / advising the worshipper.

Question 4.
The poet is asking the worshipper five questions/four questions/______________. (scan the poem to find out)
three questions

Question 5.
The poet does not know the answers/think the worshipper knows the answers/___________________________.
wants to make the worshipper think deeply

Question 6.
The poet gives ______________ /three examples/four examples/of what pleases God.
two examples

KSEEB Solutions for Class 7 English Poem Chapter 7 Work is Worship

Question 7.
The poet does not tell the worshipper where to find God. (True/Not True)
Not True

Question 8.
The worshipper does not tell the poet what he really wants. (True/Not True)

Question 9.
The worshipper tells the poet that he does not want _____________ .
God inside a lonely dark room with all the doors shut.

Question 10.
The creator is happy when he has no work to do (True/Not True)
Not true

Question 11.
Give your own examples of hard work that can please God.

  1. Keeping your environment clean, neat, and tidy.
  2. By helping the elders in the family and society.
  3. By helping the disabled people.
  4. By helping in the studies of downtrodden and underprivileged children.

Question 12.
Give one or two examples of people who pleased God by their hard work.
Mother Teresa.

Question 13.
Do the last two lines talk about death? Discuss this point with your partner.
He doesn’t really talk about death. According to him, we can meet god when we do service to man and mankind. What he means is we can meet god when we toil and sweat and not by idle worship by sitting an in a corner with closed eyes telling of beads.

KSEEB Solutions for Class 7 English Poem Chapter 7 Work is Worship

C. Writing:

Write a short summary of the poem.
Summary: In this poem, the poet deplores all selfish and barren ritualism. Tagore bids the holy man of prayer to abandon the outdated method of chanting, singing and murmuring long prayers by holding tight the chains of beads one by one. He stresses on the holy man to contemplate on the fact of finding God inside a lonely dark room with all the doors shut.

He must try to open his eyes inside the darkroom to see whether God is really there in front of him. He says God is not in the dark chamber where the devotee is chanting hymns turning his back upon the world of toiling humanity.

God is everywhere. God stands with the tiller who is tilling the hard ground and the path maker who is breaking the stones in the open air. He is with both of them in the heat of the sun and the shower of the summer rain, yet strengthening them unknowingly.

Tagore even imagines that in the process even God‘s garment is covered with dust. So he advices the holy man to remove the holy mantle and set foot upon the dusty soil.

After all, man’s ultimate spiritual goal is to seek God’s deliverance. This is the liberation of the soul from the cycle of birth and death. God has bound himself in the process of creation and accepted its joys and sorrows.

To be Godly is not to be confined to self-meditation and needless ritualistic flowers and incense, but let his clothes be tattered and stained for God’s sake.

He should learn it hard way to seek god. God does not listen to his prayers, for he is with the poor and the down trodden. True religion consists in love of man and in lending a helping hand to the less fortunate men and women who struggle hard to make a bare living.

Tagore believes that the service of man in the service of God. That man is to be pitied who is seeking to find his personal salvation by running away from the world.

Work is Worship Summary in English

In this poem, the poet deplores all selfish and barren ritualism. Tagore bids the holy man of prayer abandon the outdated method of chanting, singing, and murmuring long prayers by holding tight the chains of beads one by one He stresses on the holy man to contemplate on the fact of finding God inside a lonely dark room with all the doors shut.

He must try to open his eyes inside the darkroom to see whether God is really there in front of him. He says God is not in the dark chamber where the devotee is chanting hymns turning his back upon the world of toiling humanity.

God is everywhere. God stands with the tiller who is tilling the hard ground and the path maker who is breaking the stones in the open air. He is with both of them in the heat of the sun the shower of the summer rain, yet strengthening them unknowingly. Tagore even imagines that in the process even God’s garment is covered with dust.

So he advises the holy man to remove the holy mantle and set foot upon the dusty soil. After all, man’s ultimate spiritual goal is to seek God’s deliverance. This is the liberation of the soul from the cycle of birth and death. God has bound himself in the process of creation and accepted its joys and sorrows.

To be Godly is not to be confined to self-meditation and needless ritualistic flowers and incense, but let his clothes be tattered and stained for God’s sake. He should learn it hard way to seek god. God does not listen to his prayers, for he is with the poor and the downtrodden.

True religion consists in love of man and in lending a helping hand to the less fortunate men and women who struggle hard to make a bare living. Tagore believes that man is to be pitied who is seeking to find his personal salvation by running away from the world.

Work is Worship Summary in Kannada

Work is Worship Summary in Kannada 1

Work is Worship Summary in Kannada 2

Work is Worship Summary in Kannada 3

KSEEB Solutions for Class 7 English Poem Chapter 7 Work is Worship