Students can Download English Lesson 2 Earthquake Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes Pdf, Activity, KSEEB Solutions for Class 9 English helps you to revise the complete Karnataka State Board Syllabus and to clear all their doubts, score well in final exams.
Karnataka State Syllabus Class 9 English Supplementary Chapter 2 Earthquake
Earthquake Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes
Question 1.
How long did the earthquake last? What was the effect?
The Earthquake lasted less than five minutes. Its epicenter was in a valley near Garhwal. It destroyed six hundred and two villages out of the six hundred and seventy. It brought the centuries-old mountain crashing, reduced the villages to rubble and killed hundreds of people.
Question 2.
Describe the boy’s family.
The boy’s father had died after an illness fourteen months before. He lived with his mother who took care of the family. His grandmother lived with them and he had a younger brother Nilu aged ten and a sister Bhuli aged two. They lived in a two-storeyed stone house built by his great grandfather.
Question 3.
How did the Army help the people?
The army blasted the rocks and cleared the way. The soldiers began to clear the debris and they had set up a makeshift camp. They tried to give the bodies to the surviving relatives. Though they were tired, they went on clearing the debris and went on with their rescue operation.
Question 4.
Did Brij return to Panipat? Why?
Brij and his sister went to live with their uncle and later on he got a job at a dhaba near Panipat. There he used to serve tea free to tired passengers as a sort of thanks giving to the army officer who helped him. A month later, he quit his job at the dhaba and returned to Garhwal where he started his own tea shop. Therefore he did not return to Panipat.
Question 5.
How could Brij start his own tea-shop? Where was it?
Brij worked in a roadside Dhaba outside Panipat and had saved most of his earnings. He quit the job and returned to Garhwal and with a little help, he started his shop at Garhwal which provided a decent livelihood to him.
Earthquake Additional Questions and Answers
Question 1.
What is the name of Brij’s village?
Brij’s village was Molthi.
Question 2.
Describe the destruction caused by the tremors to Brij’s village.
The Earthquake destroyed every single house, every wall and every roof had flattened. All that remained was stone, rubble and dust.
Question 3.
What did the army officer say to Brij?
The army officer said that his men had been working continuously for days and did all that they could. After one village they would go to another, then another until the work was over. He looked tired and withdrawn.
Question 4.
Who did the Army Officer return with? What did they do?
The army officer returned with three soldiers who were armed with spades and crowbars. They began to remove the debris and continued to dig even when the night came. They lit a few petromax lights and finally located Brij’s sister who was trapped, yet alive.
Question 5.
What thought weighed Brij?
Brij was always weighed with the thought that he never thanked that Army officer who helped in locating his baby sister.
Question 6.
What happened on a winter’s night?
While working in a dhaba at Panipat, on a winter’s night, Brij saw a man getting out of a truck who looked similar to the Army officer. The man was tired and he asked for a cup of tea. Brij served him and as he served him, felt a strange lightness and sense of joy. He refused to accept money. From then on he never accepted money from tired travelers who stopped by the dhaba for a cup of tea.
Earthquake Summary in English
A seventeen years old boy, named Brij owns a tea shop in Garhwal for the two years. He narrates his story to a passenger waiting to go to Badrinath. Originally he hailed from a village called Molthi but unfortunately, the village is not there anymore.
Four years ago in the month of October, there was a huge tremor and its effects were felt as far as Delhi and Lucknow. There were six hundred and seventy villages in the valley and six hundred and two were destroyed.
- pilgrim: a person traveling to religious places
- humble: modest
- livelihood: means of earning money
- dwelling: house
- ancestors: forefathers
- epicenter: point on the earth’s
- haphazardly: in a disorganized
- blasting: breaking rocks using manner
- daze: shock
- numb: unfeeling
- shrouded: covered surface where the effects of an earthquake are felt the most.
- scrambled: moved on hands and knees
- babbling: talking incoherently manner
- doggedly: in a determined a dynamite
- feverishly: quickly
- ragged cheer: shout of relief