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Karnataka State Syllabus Class 10 Social Science Economics Chapter 1 Development
Class 10 Social Science Development Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers
I. Fill In The Blanks With Suitable Answers
Question 1.
Economic development is a
Complex phenomenon
Question 2.
The value of goods and service produced in year is called as
National income
Question 3.
In an underdeveloped country, basically the is lower.
Per capita income
Question 4.
Human development indicates expansion of
Human welfare
Question 5.
The is responsible for publishing global human development reports.
Question 6.
India ranked in HDI in 2014
135 (0.586)
Question 7.
Sex ratio was in India in 2011.
II. Answer The Following Questions In Five Or Six Sentences Each
Question 1.
Define development and explain the process of development.
We use the word ‘development’ often in our daily lives usually to refer to the progress in a particular field or a segment of people, like rural development, social development, educational development, women and children development, etc. Whenever the economic activities in a country expand, it is called economic development. However, the process of economic development is a complex phenomenon and not easy to define.
Question 2.
What do you mean by underdevelopment? What are its causes?
The word Underdevelopment denotes a backward and stagment situation. Where levels of living of people are low Causes of underdevelopment.
- due to lower level of per capita income
- lower productivity levels
- high population growth
- unemployment
- poverty
- illiteracy
Question 3.
What is HDI? How is it calculated?
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has used these ideas to construct an index known as the ‘Human Development Index (HDI)’. The core capabilities of a country’s population are defined, measured and combined to derive the composite HDI. While health is measured in terms of life expectancy; education is measured in terms of literacy attainments, and purchasing power through per capita income.
The average of Health, education, and purchasing power is the HDI.
Question 4.
Examine the causes for low HDI of India.
- Inadequate basic minimum amenities
- Inadequate nutritious food
- Lack of shelter, clothing
- Lack of educational facilities
- Inadequate health, social security.
- Polluted environment.
Question 5.
How to achieve gender equality?
- Many laws have been enacted to curb violence against women at home and at workplaces.
- To guarantee equal wages.
- Promote gender equality
- Promoting girls education
- Providing reservation of seats in elected bodies.
- All these measures will certainly help in bringing women to the mainstream of development.
Buffer capacity refers to the moles of acid or base required to change the pH of a solution.
Question 6.
“Women self-help groups are supportive to women empowerment” Justify.
- In order to promote participation of women in economic activities and thereby achieve economic empowerment, self help groups are being formed in all the villages and cities.
- Empowerment may be described as the expansion in people’s ability to make strategic life choices in a context where this ability was previously denied to them.
- Empowerment is a process that infuses people with power access to resources.
- Expands individual’s capacity and power of decision making autonomy
- Self help groups have been instrumental in helping women to earn save and spend at their willingness.
- Their dignity and autonomy has increased.
Class 10 Social Science Development Additional Questions and Answers
One Mark Questions
Question 1.
What is meant by economic development?
Refers to increase in a country’s capacity to serve the economic interests of its citizens and overcoming economic problems.
Question 2.
What is development?
Progress in a particular field.
Ex:- Rural Development, Educational Development
Question 3.
What is the opinion of Prof. Meier and Baldwin about economic development?
Economic development is a process whereby an economy’s real national income increases over a long period of time.
Question 4.
Write the meaning of process.
It refers to the operation of the forces that bring about changes in the supply of factors of production and in the structure of demand for production.
Question 5.
What is the national income?
National income is the total value of all goods and services produced in a country during one year.
Question 6.
How maintaining price stability is possible in development?
Price adjusted income reflects the true purchasing power of income.
Question 7.
What is the meaning of inclusive or sustainable development?
Over a period of time, the objectives of economic development have been broadened and now we hear about sustainable development.
Question 8.
Write the definition of Prof. Colin dark about economic development.
Prof. Colin dark defines economic development as “an improvement in economic welfare”.
Question 9.
How to achieve self-sustained growth in income?
A process that extends over a long period, which helps in reducing the poverty and thereby helping a country’ to achieve self-growth.
Question 10.
Which are the developing countries?
The nations are capable of development and are making serious efforts to overcome their problems of low income and poverty.
Question 11.
What is per capita income?
It is the average income of each individual in the country. Which i£ calculated as national income divided by total population in a given year.
Question 12.
Who is introduced the HDI concept?
- Mahabub Ul Haq
- Amartya sen.
Question 13.
What is the definition of Amartya sen about Human development?
Amartya sen defines Human Development as the expansion of capabilities of people the core capabilities are health, education, and purchasing power.
Question 14.
What is life expectancy?
The age till which the people of the country can expect to survive is called life expectancy.
Question 15.
How the standard of living is measured?
The standard of living is measured with the help of per capita income.
Question 16.
What is women’s empowerment?
In order to promote the participation of women in economic activities and the expansion of women’s ability to make strategic life choices in a context where this ability was previously denied to them.
Question 17.
Which is the main reason for the declining sex ratio in the country?
An evil practice of defecting the gender of the foetus and destroying it if found to be a female and is growing.
Two Mark Questions
Question 1.
Which are the contributes of process to an increase in national income?
- Discovery of additional resources
- Education reforms
- Better techniques
- Demand for production.
Question 2.
Write the importance of maintaining price stability in promoting development.
- We should remove that increased price effect to arrive at the real increase in income.
- This price adjusted income reflects the true purchasing power of income.
Question 3.
Which factors are supported to increase in income in longer period?
- Short term spurts in income are not considered as development
- The changes in supply of factors of production and demand for goods and services should be continuous in order to bring about sustained increase income over longer period.
Question 4.
What are the objectives of economic development?
- Increasing income
- Attaining equality
- Reducing poverty
- Reducing unemployment
- Conserving resources and environment
- Enhancing overall welfare of all.
Question 5.
Why did we call percapita income is an alternative indicator of the economy?
- Per capita income is not considered the distribution of income among people as well as the availability of basic amenities.
Ex: Food, Shelter, Education. - Attempts are made to extend the income measure by including other parameters of development.
Question 6.
What is Human Development according to Amarthya Sen?
To enjoy a decent standard of living are ability to lead a healthy and long life being literate and having income to purchase the minimum amenities.
Question 7.
Which is the definition of UNDP about HDI?
The core capabilities of a country’s population are defined measured and combined to derive the composite HDI.
Question 8.
Which factors are need to life expectancy?
- Availability of Nutritious food
- Excellent health
- Hygiene facilities
- Clean environment etc
Question 9.
Differentiate between average period and the expected period of schooling?
The average period of schooling completed by individuals above 25years but expected period of school education that the children of 5 years might receive in their lifetime.
Question 10.
Which are the problems of women in society?
- In some places inadequate school facilities.
- Unorganized activities (agriculture, construction)
- Lower wages than men.
- Not free to spend the income that they earn
- With a low education
- Not receives highly paid positions
- Heavy work
- Health problems and high rates of maternal death rates
- Discrimination in all fields.
Three Mark Questions
Question 1.
Write a note on Real National income.
- National income is the total value of all goods and services produced in a country during one year.
- Higher-income, higher is the economic development and vice-versa
- Real refers to purchasing the power of income.
- When we estimate the income based on the increased prices.
- We should remove that increased prices effect to arrive at the real increase in income.
- This price adjusted income reflects the true purchasing power of income.
- Price stability
Question 2.
Write the features of underdeveloped countries.
- Stagnant situation
- Low living level
- Low per capita income
- Lower productivity
- High population growth
- Real per capita income lower than developed countries
- Backward in agriculture
- Unemployment