KSEEB Solutions for Class 7 History Chapter 11 Impact of the British Rule

Students can Download History Chapter 11 Impact of the British Rule Questions and Answers, Notes Pdf, KSEEB Solutions for Class 7 Social Science helps you to revise the complete Karnataka State Board Syllabus and to clear all their doubts, score well in final exams.

Karnataka State Syllabus Class 7 Social Science History Chapter 11 Impact of the British Rule

Class 7 Social Science Impact of the British Rule Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers

I. Answer the following.

Question 1.
Who introduced.the ‘Permanent Zamindari system’?
The governor-general Cornwallis introduced the ‘Permanent Zamindari system’.

KSEEB Solutions for Class 7 History Chapter 11 Impact of the British Rule

Question 2.
What is the ‘Roytwari system’?
In this system, the formers could directly remit the land tax to the treasury without any intermediaries.

Question 3.
How many funds were reserved for Education in India as per the Charter Act of 1813?
One lakh rupees was kept aside for the education of Indians.

Question 4.
Who implemented the regulating Act? and when?
The governor-general Warren Hastings implemented the regulating act in 1773.

Question 5.
Name the universities that were established in India in 1857.
Bombay, Calcutta, and Madras universities were established in India in 1857.

KSEEB Solutions for Class 7 History Chapter 11 Impact of the British Rule

II. Discuss the group and answer the following.

Question 1.
How did the Permanent Zamindari system influence the farmers?
The Zamindars exploited the formers by collecting excess land tax. They never gave attention to improve agricultural output. The tenant farmers were forced to pay their share even though crops had foiled. As a result, the agricultural output collapsed. Apart from this, the company made formers further poor by forcing them to grow commercial crops that were needed for their factories. All this resulted in the growth of bonded labour.

Question 2.
Explain the impact of Western Education in India.
The traditional system slowly declined. The new education system enabled Indians from different languages to interact with themselves. This results in an impetus to our growth of national feelings. The European intellectual thoughts affected the Indian thinkings in a long term perspective and influenced the Indian literature and resulted in various literary movements. With this, many sections of society received social awakening.

KSEEB Solutions for Class 7 History Chapter 11 Impact of the British Rule

Question 3.
Mention some of the important constitutional reforms in India.
The Regulating Act, Pitt’s India Act, Charter Act of 1813, Minto – Morly Reforms, Montagu – Chelmsford Reforms, the Government of India Act 1935 are some of the Constitutional reforms in India.

III. Match the following.

1. Warren Hasting – (a) Permanent zamindari system
2. Corn Wallis – (b) English education
3. Thomas Munro – (c) Collection of tax by auction
4. William Bentinck – (d) Wealth drain theory
5. Dadabhai Navroji – (e) Roytwari system
1. b,
2. d.
3. a,
4. e,
5. c

KSEEB Solutions for Class 7 History Chapter 11 Impact of the British Rule

IV. Discuss:

Question 1.
The Revenue system of the British and the Present system

  1. British converted land into a marketable commodity now the land is the main natural source for human beings.
  2. Instances of land auction and sales increased but At present minimum rate or percentage of tax imposed.
  3. As the land tax was to be paid in cash term, it can be misused, at present taxable tax money will be used for national development.
  4. To increase the income, they used to grow commercial crops, that will profitable for zamindars. There was a food shortage. But at present, the government encourages food crops.