KSEEB Solutions for Class 8 Geography Chapter 3 Atmosphere

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Karnataka State Syllabus Class 8 Social Science Geography Chapter 3 Atmosphere

Class 8 Social Science Atmosphere Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers

I. Fill in the blanks :

1. The two major gases of the atmosphere are ________________ and ________________ .
2. The lowest layer of the atmosphere is ________________
3. The average air pressure of the atmosphere at the sea level is ________________ .
4. Westerlies is also known as ________________ .
5. The scientific study of weather is ________________ .
Answers :
1. Nitrogen and Oxygen
2. Troposphere,
3. 1013.25 mb
4. Anti-trade winds
5. Meteorology

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II. Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
What is the atmosphere?
Answer :
Atmosphere is a thin layer of gases, dust particles and water vapour surrounding the earth.

Question 2.
Name the important layers of the atmosphere.
Answer :
Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere and Exosphere.

Question 3.
What is the significance of the Ozone layer?
Answer :
In the second layer of the atmosphere, the thin ozone layer absorbs the ultraviolet rays of the Sun and protect all forms of life on the earth. This layer is free from clouds and another important weather phenomenon.

Question 4.
What is Doldrum? Where is it found?
Answer :
Literally Doldrum means a belt of calm. This belt lies between 0° to 5° North and South of the equator.

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Question 5.
Name the different types of planetary winds.
Answer :
There are three types of planetary winds. Trade winds, Anti-trade winds, and Polar winds.

Question 6.
What are the local winds? Give any two examples.
Answer :
The impact of local winds is limited to a particular area. These are the result of variation in local temperature, pressure, humidity which in turn are attributed to the formation of air currents.
E.g. Chinok or snow eater of the USA. Sirocco of the Sahara region. Brick fielder of Australia etc.

Question 7.
Mention the different types of clouds.
Answer :
The important types of clouds are the Stratus, the Cumulus, the Cirrus, and the Nimbus clouds.

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Question 8.
Distinguish between weather and climate.
Answer :
The atmospheric condition of a smaller area at a particular time is called weather.
Climate is the average condition of the atmosphere over a long period of time in a larger area.

III. Define the following :

  1. Ionosphere: Ionosphere is a part of the Thermosphere. There is a high temperature in this sphere. It is called Ionosphere as the gaseous atoms are ionized due to very high temperatures. The Ions found here help in reflecting radio waves.
  2. Normal lapse rate: It is the decreasing rate of temperature with the increase of altitude. The rate of decrease is 1° for every 165 meters or 6.4° C for every 1000 meters of height.
  3. Torrid zone: Torrid zone is the zone of high temperature. This region is found between 0° or Equator and Tropic of cancer in the north and the Equator and Tropic of Capricorn In the south. This region receives direct rays of the Sun.
  4. Horse latitudes: Subtropical high-pressure belts are found between 30° and 35° north and south of the Equator. These regions are high-pressure belts. Hence they are called Horse latitudes.
  5. Orographic rainfall: The other name of orographic rainfall is Mountain rainfall or Relief rainfall. When the moisture-laden air is obstructed by a mountain barrier, the air forced to rise up. As the air rises upwards saturated. Further cooling results in orographic rainfall.
  6. Climatology: The scientific study of climate is called ‘Climatology’.

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IV. Terms to remember :

  1. Insolation: Insolation means incoming solar radiation from the Sun to the earth.
  2. Inversion of temperature: Inversion of temperature takes place in mountain valleys during long winter nights with a clear sky, dry air, no wind, and snow-covered surface.
  3. Anemometer: Anemometer is used to measure the speed of the wind.
  4. Roaring forties: The westerlies of the southern hemisphere are very strong over the oceans. Hence they are called Roaring forties. (40° South latitude)
  5. Nimbus: Nimbus is the type of clouds found close to the surface of the earth. These clouds are called ‘Black Rain clouds’. These clouds bring heavy rain to the earth.
  6. Meteorology: The scientific study of weather is called meteorology.