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Karnataka State Syllabus Class 9 Social Science Business Studies Chapter 1 Management of Business
Class 9 Social Science Management of Business Textbook Questions and Answers
I. Answer the following questions in a sentence each :
Question 1.
What is management?
Answer :
Generally, the term management is used to refer to the principles of managing the activities of an enterprise.
Question 2.
What do you mean by decision making?
Answer :
Decision making can be regarded as the mental process, resulting in the selection of a course of action among several activities.
Question 3.
What is an individual decision and what is the collective decision?
Answer :
If the individual takes the decision, it is called individual decisions. Decisions taken by the group of people or boards are called collective decisions.
Question 4.
What is the principle of authority and responsibilities in principles of management?
Answer :
They are the combination of official authority and personal responsibilities, Both are compounded with intelligence, experience, past experience, moral worth, etc.
II. Answer each of the following questions is about four to five sentences.
Question 1.
What are the principles of management suggested by Henry Fayol?
Answer :
The principles of management suggested by Henry Fayol are
- Division of work
- Authority and responsibility
- Discipline
- Unity of command
- Unity of direction
- Remuneration of personnel
- Centralization
- Scalar chain
- Equity
- Initiative
- Sub. ordination of Individual interest to the general interest.
- Stability and Security of job.
- Espirit-De-Corps.
Question 2.
What are the functional areas of management?
Answer :
The functional areas of management
- Planning
- Organizing
- Staffing
- Directing
- Co-ordination
- Controlling
Question 3.
Write about authority and responsibility scalar chain and centralization in principles of management.
Answer :
Authority and responsibility are a combination of official authority and personal responsibility. Both are compounded with intelligence, experience, Social Science moral worth, etc.
Scalar chain: It means the graded authority or superior-subordinate relationship. Centralization: It refers to the extent to which authority is concentrated.
Question 4.
What is the need for decision making in the management of the business?
Answer :
In order to achieve the objectives and goals, the business organisation has to take the decision.
Question 5.
What are the important elements of decision making?
Answer :
Elements of decision making are establishing goals, defining tasks, searching for alternatives, developing plans, rational thinking and reasoning situation, evaluation.
Question 6.
What factors are to be kept in mind, while making a decision?
Answer :
- Analyzing the problem
- Planning of course of action
- Maintaining courage and patience.
- Foresightedness.
- Ability to take a quick and wise decision.
Question 7.
What do you mean by planning and organizing in the functional area of management?
Answer :
Planning involves the future course of operation for a given period. It includes objectives, plans, policies, strategies, programmes, procedures, and schedules. Putting the material resources and manpower together into working order to achieve the objectives is the main purpose of the organising area.
Question 8.
How is controlling an important area of managerial function?
Answer :
Controlling is important in the managerial area. The controlling function covers almost all management activities. It keeps checking on other functions of the management. It is a function that every manager in the organization has to perform.
Question 9.
What are the main objectives of the control areas?
Answer :
(a) To create an atmosphere to ensure proper co-ordination of activities.
(b) To ensure confirmation with the predetermined plans.
(c) To achieve an increase in the efficiency of the organization.
Question 10.
“Direction and co-ordinations are very important functions in business management”. How?
Answer :
The direction is issuing orders or instructions to the subordinates and make certain that the instructions are properly carried out and the operations are successfully planned. Co-ordination is the arrangement of group efforts to provide unity of actions in the pursuit of common purpose.