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Karnataka 1st PUC History Question Bank Chapter 11 Contemporary World
1st PUC History Contemporary World Text Book Questions and Answers
I. Answer in one word or one sentence (Each carries 1 Mark).
Question 1.
When was the term ‘Cold War’ used for the first time?
After the second world war (1945).
Question 2.
What is Cold War?
The rivalry between the two super powers led to the growth o a tense atmosphere. It has been denoted by the term “Cold War”.
Question 3.
Who wrote an essay ‘You and the Atomic Bomb’?
George Orwell, an English writer.
Question 4.
Name the American statesman to use the term ‘Cold War’ specifically.
The term ‘cold war’ was specifically first used by the American statement Bernard Baruch in 1947.
Question 5.
When did Greece secure independence from Nazi rule?
In 1944 Grece secured its independence from Nazi rule with support of Britain.
Question 6.
Who was Truman?
‘Truman’ The president of America.
Question 7.
What was the aim of Marshall Plan?
American Government aid to promote recovery and reconstruction of war from European countries. But the main aim was to contain communism in Europe.
Question 8.
In response to Marshal plan which plan was introduced by Soviet Union?
‘Molotov Pain’.
Question 9.
When did U.S.S.R and China sign a defense treaty?
The U.S.S.R and China signed a defense treaty in 1950.
Question 10.
Expand NATO.
North Atlantic Treaty Organistation.
Question 11.
Expand SEATO.
South East Atlantic Treaty Organistion.
Question 12.
Expand CENTO.
Central Treaty Organisation.
Question 13.
When did U.S.S.R form the Warsaw Pact?
In 1955 U.S.S.R formed the Warsaw pact.
Question 14.
In which year was the Berlin Wall constructed?
In 1961 a 25 mile long Berlin partition wall was constructed.
Question 15.
Name the Russian Intelligence Agency.
K.G.B: Korritet Gosudar Stvennoj of Bezopanoti.
Question 16.
Name the American Intelligence Agency.
CIA: Central Intelligence Agency.
Question 17.
When was Nuclear Test Ban Treaty signed?
In 1963 Russia and England entered into Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (NTBT).
Question 18.
Name the American President to Blockade Cuba.
John F. Kennedy The president of U.S.A. blockaded Cuba.
Question 19.
When did Vietnam War come to an end?
The Vietnam was ended in 1975
Question 20.
In which year was Vietnam united?
Vietnam was united in 1975.
Question 21.
Expand SALT.
Strategic Arms Limitations Talks.
Question 22.
In which year did the ‘Cold War’ end?
In 1992 George Bush the president of USA and Boris Yeltsin, the president of Russia met and ended the cold war.
Question 23.
Where is the head quarters of NATO?
NATO established in 1949 at Washington.
Question 24.
What was the main aim of SEATO?
SEATO was bom due to the fear created by the spread of communism. So, The united states and western powers decided to establish a regional collective defense system, or Check the spread of communism.
Question 25.
When was SEATO agreement dissolved?
The SEATO agreement was dissolved in 1975
Question 26.
When did Soviet Union disintegrate?
The soviet union (USSR) disintegrate in 1991.
Question 27.
What is ‘Glasnost’?
Gorbachev introduced policy of openness in external relations which was called Glass not.
Question 28.
What is ‘Perestroika’?
In order to reconstruct the society and economy of Russia, Gorbachev introduced the “Perestroika” which means reforms.
Question 29.
Who headed C.I.S. after the disintegration of Soviet Union?
Boris Yeltsin look over as the Head of the new commonwealth of Independent states.
Question 30.
Where is the headquarters of C.I.S?
Minsk is the capital of CIS (Common Independent States).
II. Answer in two words or two sentence each (Each earries two marks).
Question 1.
Name any four member countries of NATO.
The members of “NATO” America, Britain, France, Belgium, Canada, Portugal, Netherland, Luxemburg, Italy, Norway, Denmark, and Iceland.
Question 2.
Name any four member countries of SEATO.
The members of the SEATO. or Manila pact England, America, France, Australia, Newzealand, Thailand, Philippines and Pakistan.
Question 3.
Name any four member countries of CENTO.
Cento members. Turkey, Iraq, England, Pakistan and Iran.
Question 4.
Name the anti American military organization. When did it come into existence?
Warsaw pact of 1955 is the anti American military organisation. It came into Existence in 1955.
Question 5.
Name any four member countries of Warsaw pact.
Bulgaria, Hungary, East Germany, Rumania, Czechoslovakia, and Poland, were member of Warsaw pact of 1955.
Question 6.
Name any four independent Baltic states.
Independent Baltic states – Estonis, Latvia, Lithuania, Azerbaijan.
Question 7.
Name the presidents of America and Russia who ended the Cold War.
George Bush the president of America, and Boris Yeltsin. The president of Russia met in 1992 and ended the cold war.
Question 8.
When was NATO established and where?
NATO established in 1949 at Washington.
Question 9.
Who were the human rights activists of Russia?
The prominent human rights activists of Russia were An irei Sakhavou and Boris Yeltsin.
III. Answer in about 15 – 20 sentences each (Each carries Five marks).
Question 1.
Explain the causes for Cold war?
- Alter the II world war distrust and suspicion loomed over Soviet Union and the western powers
- Soviet Union and United States of America emerged as a super powers in the world.
- After II world war Britian, U.S.A France withdrew their military troops from Iran but refused to withdrew its troops. Finally U.N interefered that Russia withdrew its forces. This create a misunderstanding between Soviet Union and western powers.
- After D world war the communist supported governments were established in the entire Balkan region through the intervention of Russia. The Russion intervention in eastern Europe was, resented by the western powers, and they united to check the spread communism and Russian inflaenee.
- The western power strongly believed that Soviet Union had instigated a communist revocation is Greece. The greek government sought the support of America. In 1947 Truman, the president of America, announced both military and economic assistance to Greece to check the communist influence in Greece.
- Soviet influence in Turkey was checked by USA through providing economic and military’ assistances to Turkey.
- Soviet union began to encourage communist activities and espionage in United States of America.
- Truman doctorine check communist expansion in Eastern Europe.
- Marshal plan was announced by U.S.A to provide aid to promote recovery and reconstruction of war from Europeon countries. But main aim was to control the spread of communism in western Europe.
- The molotov plan was introduced by Russia. Russia understood the intention of Marshal plan of U.S.A. So Russia prepared its own economic assistance to them. It is known as comecon.
- The cold war tensions between soviet union and western powers increases due to the German problem.
- Civil war in Korea made wi den the misunderstanding between U.S. A & U.S.S.R
- Warsaw pact was formed by U.S.S.R in 1955 against NATO. Wararaw pact intensified the rivaliy between U.S.A and U.S.S.R.
- The second berlin crisis is also one of the factor to cold war.
- Cubon crisis is also one of cause to lead a cold war.
Question 2.
Write a note on Berlin Blackade.
After the second world war Germany war put under the occupation of victories Allies. It was divided into east and west Germany east germany war under Russian contron. So, Russian president stalin blocked Berlin and cut of all land and sea routes between west Germany and Berlin.
It was known as first Berlin crisis or blackade. Meanwhile America stated anti coummunist propaganda all over the world. In China communist Regime headed by Mno-Tse-Tung came to power. Both were signed the defense treaty in 1950. Russia and China encouraged communist revolution in other countries. This added to a tension between U.S.S.R and U.S.A.
Question 3.
Write a note on Second Berlin crisis.
A second Berlin crisis began in 1958 with the Russian president. West Berlin must be evacuated within 6 months. But this crisis and Russian president Xhrushehev agreed to meet American president Eisenhoser Khrushecheu was invited to U.S.A sor by 1959 there was no improvement in the Soviet American relations.
In 1961 John of Kennedy became the president of the U.S.A. He tried to seek ‘areas of cooperation’ with Soviet Union. But circunstances were not favourable. Both were secretly spying the other. In 1961 a 25 mile long Berlin partition wass was constructed to check the bleeing of people from East Berlin to west Berlin.
Question 4.
Write a note on SEATO and Warsaw Pact.
The south east Asia treaty organisation was bom due to the fear created by the spread of communism. The establishment of communist rule in China further enhanced the fear of the spread of communism is south east Asia and pacific regions. The united states and western powers decided to establish a regional Collective defansive system.
After many discussions in various places England, America, France, Austracia, Newzealand, Thailand, Philippines and Pakistan met at manila the capital of Philippines in 1954 and signed a pact in the interest of south east Asia The main purpose of the SEATO was check the communist aggression.
In 1955 U.S.S.R formed Warsaw pact with east European countries. Bulgaria Hungary, East Germany, Czecholovakia, Rumania and poland against NATOPACT. The warrow pact intensified the reivarly between U.S.A and U.S.S.R.
Testing of bombs, atomic and hydrogen bombs and testing of inter continental Ballistic missiles by U.S.S.R and U.S.A further intensified the cold war. The space research the competion between the two countries intensified and the U.S.S.R launched a space craft. In turn U.S.A landed a man on the moon.
Question 5.
What were the effects of Cold War?
The effects of the cold war
- Both the U.S.A and U.S.S.R built up huge arsenals of atomic weapons and ballistic missiles.
- The military block NATO and the Warsaw pact were formed
- It led to destructive conflicts like the Vietnam war and the korean war.
- The Soviet Union collapsed due to economic weakness.
- The demolition of the Berlin way unitied the east Germany and the west Germany
- The Warsaw pact disolved
- The Baltic states and some fomer Soviet republics achieved independence.
- Communism received great hindrance in the world wide.
- America became the sole super power of the world.
Question 6.
What are the factors responsible for disintegration of Russia?
Factors responsible for disintegration of Russia are as follows.
- Too much restriction on individual liberty.
- Failure to establish equality among the people
- Too much importance to defense.
- Negligence of Agriculture
- Iron curtain policy
- Liberal policy introduced by Gorbachev
- Conflicting cultural and ethnic groups.
Question 7.
What are the aims and objectives of C.I.S?
AIMS and objective of CIS:
- All the members are sovereign and independent nations.
- The existing borders of each Republic was recognised.
- To establish a free market ruble zone embracing the republic
- To establish Joint defense force of participating Republics.
- To promote co operation on cross-borders on crime prevention.
- To prevent armed conflicts on the tenitory of the member states.
- To co-ordinate the foreign and economic policies of members states.
IV. Answer in about 30 – 40 sentences each (Each carries Ten marks).
Question 1.
How was Gorbachev responsible for the disintegration of Soviet Union? Explain.
In 1988 Gorbachev was elected as president of the Soviet Union. He followed a unique policy by which several charges were introduced Administrative system of theU.S.S.R. These are against to coinmunisom. He tried to change the ‘Iron curtain’ image of Russia by following a liberal policy to restructure the soviet society and economy.
Gorbachev introduced the policy of openness in extreranal relations which was called Glasnost. In order to reconstruct the societv and economy of Russion he started ‘Perestrokia’. Thus, the era of liberalization was inaugurated in the Soviet Union. All the above seams to Destalinization, so-they led a democratic thoughts and principles.
Gorbachev tried to create a new humane and democratic image of socialism. He promised freedom of religion to the people of all faiths. He paid due importance to human rights issues and proceeded towards demilitarization in a phased manner. Thus, the liberal policy of trorbachev lost his hold on communist party principles.
It create opposition party in USSR. Human rights activist started a movement. They wanted to destroy the centralized administration. Balkan states taken advantage, of Glasnost. They initially declared their rsovereignty. In 1991 soviet union disintegrated and formed a CIS.
Question 2.
Explain Regional Military pacts.
The members of “NATO”:
America, Britian, France, Belgium, Canada, Portugal, Netherland, Luxemburg, Italy, Norway, Denmark, and Iceland. NATO established in 1949 at Washington.
The south east Asia treaty organisation was bom due to the fear created by the spread of communism. The establishment of communist rule in China further enhanced the fear of the spread of communism is south east Asia and pacific regions. The united states and western powers decided to establish a regional Collective defansive system.
After many discussions in various places England, America, France, Austracia, Newzealand, Thailand, Philippines and Pakistan met at manila the capital of Philippines in 1954 and signed a pact in the interest of south east Asia The main purpose of the SEATO was check the communist aggression.
In 1955 U.S.S.R formed Warsaw pact with east European countries. Bulgaria Hungary, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Rumania and poland against NATOPACT .The warrow pact intensified the reivarly between U.S.A and U.S.S.R.
Testing of bombs, atomic and hydrogen bombs and testing of inter continental Ballistic missiles by U.S.S.R and U.S.A further intensified the cold war. The space research the competion between the two countries intensified and the U.S.S.R launched a spacecraft. In turn U.S.A landed a man on the moon. The main purpose of the seato was check the communist aggression.
1st PUC History Contemporary World Additional Questions and Answers
Question 1.
Write a note on ANZUS pact 1951.
Australia, Newzealand and America are the members of ANZUS pact. It was established in 1951. It was a military pact. By this pact the signatory nations agreed to help each other in case of aggression on any member in the pacific region.
Question 2.
Name the post soviet states.
Armenia, Azerbajan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Lativia, Lithuania, Moldova, Russia, Tajikhistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan.
Question 3.
‘Wrote a note on Birth of the Boviet opposition party.
The saparatist movement started in different parts of the U.S.S.R. Perstrokia was creating a national awareness among the people and encouraging them to develop ideas of self determination. The policy of Gorbachev strongly criticised and his authority was also questioned by a sizable opposition Group. In 1989, a group of368 logistators formed an opposition to gorbachew in the soviet parliament this event can be described as ‘The birth of soviet opposition party’
Question 4.
Write a brief note on “coup d’etat” (coup d’etat).
A historic event took place in 1991 from August 19 to August 21. A group of hardliners overthrew the Government, they seized power and deposed Gorbachev. An evergency was declared for 6 months. They explained Gorbachev was too ill to perform his professional functions. The coup was a failure, it collapsed in August 21, 1991.
There were widspread agitations against the hardliners as they were against their own country men. The parliament reinstated Gorbachev as the president. The leaders of coup arrerted and tried for treason. The dreams of Gorbachev were shattered as the republics broke away from the communist rule and declared their independence.
Soon Gorbachev resigned on December 25.1991 as head of the communist party. The party was dissolved. The leaders of 11 out of 12 Soviet republic signed a historic agreement at ‘Alma-ata’. The agreement proclaimed a new commonwealth of independent states. This signified the disintegration of the Soviet Union.
Question 5.
Who was True man? What was the provision of Truman Doctrine?
An American president:
This policy aimed at. US support to the people who are resisting armed sugation by armed minorities or out side pressure. Truman thought such groups and out side pressures will help totalitarian regims which in turn will pose a threat to international peace and international security of U.S.A. By this policy he decided to check communist expansion in eastern Europe.