1st PUC History Question Bank Chapter 3 History of Ancient Civilization

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Karnataka 1st PUC History Question Bank Chapter 3 History of Ancient Civilization

1st PUC History History of Ancient Civilization Text Book Questions and Answers

I. Answer in one word or one sentence (Each carries 1 Mark).

Question 1.
On which river bank did the Egyptian civilization develop?
The River Nile.

1st PUC History Question Bank Chapter 3 History of Ancient Civilization

Question 2.
What is the Egyptian writing called as?
Hieroglyphic writing.

Question 3.
Who is the first woman empress of the world?
Hatshepsut was known as the first empress in the history of the world.

Question 4.
Why did Egyptians preserve the dead bodies of their kings?
They believed in life after death, i.e., transmigration of souls and preserved the dead bodies known as mummies.

Question 5.
Which is the biggest Pyramid in the world?
The pyramid of Giza is the tomb of king Khufu. It is one of the wonders of ancient world.

Question 6.
What is the meaning of Mesopotamia?
Mesopotamia is a Greek word which means the ‘land between two rivers’.

Question 7.
Who built the Hanging garden?
Nebuchadnezzar built ‘Hanging Garden’.

Question 8.
What is a Ziggurat?
It is temple with tall towers built by Mesopotamians.

Question 9.
Who was the greatest ruler of China?
Shih-Hu-wang-Ti belongs to Han dynasty was considered as greatest ruler of China.

Question 10.
Who was the proponent of Taoism?
Lgo-tse was the proponent of Taoism.

1st PUC History Question Bank Chapter 3 History of Ancient Civilization

Question 11.
Who popularized Buddhism in china?
The Buddhist monks and traders of India popularized Buddhism in China.

II. Answer in 2 words or 2 sentences each (Each carries 2 Marks).

Question 1.
Mention any two important inventions that helped the growth of civilizations.

  1. Favorable climate generally found on the river valleys.
  2. Plenty of food, fruits, vegetables for men and fodder for their animals, are helped the growth of civilization.

Question 2.
Defince civilization.
The word civilization derived from latin word ‘civilised’. It means city or city states. It stands for more ‘matured and refined life’. It refers to our material gains, and it has broad meaning.

Question 3.
Name any two ancient civilizations.

  1. Egyptian civilization which began 7000 years ago.
  2. Mesopotamian civilization flourished on the banks of the rivers Euphrates and Tigris.

Question 4.
Why are river valleys called the cradles of civilization?
Because all most all civilizations in the world appeared on the banks of rivers. The main reason is – the rivers provide fertile soil, water for drinking, and cultivation of the land. They had warm climate and well suited for dwelling. So, historians called river valleys are the cradles of civilization.

Question 5.
Why is Egypt called the ‘Gift of Nile’?
Because river Nile provide food and water for men, fodder and water for their domesticated animals. It flew with full of water throughout the year and provide security for them. Hence it is called the Gift of Nile.

Question 6.
Name any two Gods and Goddesses of Egypt.
They worshipped many gods. Hence they were called polytheist. Amon Ra was the chief God, the sun of God. He was believed to be the creator of Egypt. Besides Osiris, the God of the dead or underworld. Isis was the Goddesses and the wife of Osiris. Horus, Hathor, etc were the minor Gods worshipped by the Egyptians.

1st PUC History Question Bank Chapter 3 History of Ancient Civilization

Question 7.
Why is Mesopotamia called as ‘the cradle and grave’ of civilization?
Mesopotamian civilization appeared on the banks of the rivers Euphrates and Tigris. These two rivers forrited fertile plains and made that plain was suitable for human dwelling, cultivation, animal husbandry, dairy development and other economic activities concentrated.

The people of Egypt began to form villages, towns and cities. Here many civilizations appeared and vanished around 3500 to 500 BCE. Hence, Mespotomian is also called ‘the cradles and Graveyard of civilization.

Question 8.
Write any two causes responsible for the decline of Mesopotamian civilization.
Causes for the decline of Civilization:

  1. Weak and inefficient rulers often lost control over administration. It causes anarchy.
  2. Conflict among the nobles disturbed the law and order in the society.
  3. Invasion by Persian is also one of cause for the decline of civilization.

Question 9.
Name the river valley on which Chinese civilization flourished.
The plains of river Hwango – Ho and Yangtse and Sikiyang, Chinese civilization flourished.

Question 10.
Who built the Great WaU of China? Why?
Shih – Hu – wang – Ti started the construction of the Great wall of China. To potect the country from Mongolian invasions.

Question 11.
Mention any two important scientific inventions of Chinese.
Chinese well versed in Mathematics, Astronomy and Science, gun powder, seismograph, mariner compass, Acupuncture were the scientific contributions of Chinese people.

Question 12.
Name any two important Philosophers of Ancient China.
Lao – Tse, Confucius and Mencius were the great philosophers of China. ‘Lao – Tse’ His philosophy is known as Taoism. Confucius: His philosophy is known as ‘Confucianism’.

He was influenced by confucius teachings, According to him all social evils come due to ‘illiteracy, ignorance and poverty.

III. Answer in 15 – 20 sentences (each carries 5 marks).

Question 1.
Define civilization. Distinguish between civilization and culture.
The word civilization derived from Latin word ‘Civilis’ which means city or city states. It refers to matured and refined life. According to Nehru Fine building, the pictures and books and everything that is beautiful are certainly sign of civilization. Here civilization refers to our material gains.

Civilization and culture are used as one and the same, culture refers to the way of life of the people. Civilizations grow, disintegrate and came to end. But culture is a part of civilization. It can be transmitted and transformed. The difference between the culture and civilization can be
summarised as follows:

  1. Most of it is concerned to internal aspects of the man
  2. Culture includes art, literature, religion, food habit, dress culture, customs and traditions
  3. It cannot be measured
  4. Culture is the way we behave, think and act.
  5. Culture comes earlier.


  1. It is external aspect of human life.
  2. It includes buildings, transport and basic infrastructure and comforts of man.
  3. It can be measured in terms of money.
  4. It is materialistic gains, facilities used to make our life luxury.
  5. Civilization grows later.

1st PUC History Question Bank Chapter 3 History of Ancient Civilization

Question 2.
Discuss the factors that helped the growth of civilization.
Early man nomadic, he was wandering from place to place in search of food and shelter. Because in that stage he was food collecter. Later many factors helped the growth of civilization. They are:

  1. Rivers flood formed a delta consisting of fertile soil which was suitable for cultivation of the land and made man has food producers.
  2. Continuous supply of water the rivers flows with full of water throughout the year. It compel the settler to get a water for cultivation, i.e he learnt the art of irrigation.
  3. Availability of food, water and fodder for their animals.
  4. River valleys helped to fish culture.
  5. Growth of trade and communication is also a one of the factor to helped the growth civilization.

Question 3.
Explain the political conditions of Egyptian civilization.
The early Egyptian people settled into villages, which developed into cities and later the city states were formed. They were ruled by kings. It is known as pre-dynastic period. Those kings were engaged in inter city-state quarrels. This situation leads to the birth of kingdoms. The rule of dynasties can be divided into 3 parts.

  • The period of old kindom
  • The period of middle kingdom
  • The period of new kingdom.

The Egyptian rulers (kings) were called ‘pharaohs’. They were considered as the representatives of God on earth. He enjoyed unlimited power. The institution of pharaohs was so strong, that he had legitimate control over the state and religion.

The strong central government with absolute mpparch, a well controlled administration and strict implementation of laws were the basic features of Egyptian policy. As the time passes the rulers became more powerful and fortified their kingdoms with military force. King became despotic and powerful is all aspects of kingdom’s affair.

Question 4.
Write a short note on learning and literature of Egyptian civilization.
Egyptians developed pictographic writing. It is one of the oldest forms of writing. Egyptian writing is called Hieroglyphics, papyrus was used for writing. The book of Dead, Coffin Text, The story of shipwrecked sailor etc are the important books discovered.

Egyptian had good knowledge about medicines, Geometry, Astronomy, Mathematics and calenders. Pyramids of Egypt proved their arithmetic and Geometry knowledge. They had clear idea about Addition and subtraction and division but not a multiplication. They could measure area of traingles, rectangles, squares, circles etc., they developed fraction system.

Egyptians had a knowledge of solar system. They identified the stars and planets and identified their differences they contributed to solar calendar. Which consisting of 365 days with 12 months in a year.

Question 5.
Write a note on Art and Architecture of Egyptians.
Egyptians were great builders. Their art and architecture are remarkable in the ancient civilization. They built many temples for their God and pyramids to buiy their kings. The walls of the temples and pyramids are carved with beautiful pictures and paintings. These paintings and pictures were proved that the Egyptians had skilled artists and Craftsmen.

The sphinx, the pyramid of Giza, the luxor temple are good example and mute witnesses for their art and architecture knowledge. The sphinx, It has the head of a man and body of a lion. It is 240 feet long and 66 feet high. It is carried out in a single stone by the emperor Khaphre. The pyramid of Giza is the tomb of king Khufu.

It is one of the wonders of ancient world. The pyramids proved their outstanding technical knowledge. The Luxor temple had a magnificient entrance. It is lined with 365 sphinxes and 2 tall obelisks stood on either side of the main road. During the festival season the statues of Gods paraded through the doors into the temple.

1st PUC History Question Bank Chapter 3 History of Ancient Civilization

Question 6.
Write a short note on Code of Hammu rabi,
Hammurabi was one of the greatest rulers of Mesopotamian civilization. He was great conquerer and able administrator. He has become immortal in the history of mankind by his code of laws. He collected existing laws, classified them and improved then, added new ones and codified them into one body of laws.

His code of laws included 282 laws. The significance of the codes lies in the fact that it covered all aspects of human life. Eg: Personal property, business and trade, accidents, labour, marriage, divorce, slaves, rights of men and women etc., The code is a mixture of enlightened laws and barbarians punishments.

Many of the laws are based on the principles of Tit fortat ‘An eye for eye’ or ‘A tooth for a tooth’. It was universally applicable throughout his kingdom. The code aimed at dettering the people from commiting crimes. The code is aimed at providing equality and justice. Women were given the eight to own the property and inherit ancestral property.

Punishments were harsh and hard for the people who were well placed and prosperous. Efforts were made to avoid discrimination between rich and poor. The business documents were to be witnessed by some body. The code of Hammurabi influenced other kings elsewhere in the world to pass similar laws.

Question 7.
Write about socio – economic condition of Mesopotamia.
1. Social condition:
The Mesopotamian society was divided into 4 groups. They are:

  • The royals, the priests, Rich landlords and merchants and the last slaves.
  • The Royals and the priests held high post in the administration. They enjoyed high status in the society.
  • Nobels enjoyed power by heredity. They played important role in administration and an army.
  • The farmers, artists, craftsmen, shop keepers and other merchants formed the in strata lastly slaves, were bought and sold. Women enjoyed considerable freedom with right to property. They enjoyed social, religions and economic freedom.

2. Economic condition:
Agriculture was the main occupation followed by cattle rearing and dairy farming. They reared buffaloes, goats, horses, donkeys, sheep etc., They learnt the art of storage through constructing of dykes and storage basins. Irrigation was prevailed there, throughout the year.

Shadoof was developed by them for artificial agriculture. They were producing wheat, barely, fruits, and dates abundantly. weaving, jewelry, wood work, pottery, brick making, mining and metallurgy were important crafts. Copper, Iron, bronze, silver, gold were the metals known to them.

Barter system was practised in the early period later period they used metal coins. They exported food grains, wooden and fiber clothes, hides and dates etc., They imported various metals. They had trade relations with India and Egypt. Horses and arses were used as means of transport.

Question 8.
Write a note on Confucius and his Philosophy.
Confucius was the greatest of the Chinese Philosopher. Bom in the kingdom of Lu in 571 B.C.E he lost his father at the age of 3. He faced lot of difficulties. He worked in different capacites as a language teacher, editor, judge and minister. The philosophy of Confucius is known as Confucianism.

The principles of Confucius had basis in common Chinese traditions and beliefs. He taught loyalty towards family, worship of ancestors, respect to elders and unity among the people of china.
His main teachings were:

  1. What you do not like when done to yourself, do not do others.
  2. Character is the foundation of society
  3. Knowledge begins at home.
  4. The great man acts before he speaks and speaks according to his actions.
  5. The society rests on the obedience of children to their parents and the wife to her husband and the students to their teacher.
  6. He wants that unemployed be provided jobs.
  7. The government must protect the orphans, the aged, the windows, the diseased and disabled.
  8. Abolished the Excessive taxation and barbaric punishment.

1st PUC History Question Bank Chapter 3 History of Ancient Civilization

Question 9.
Write a note on Art and Architecture of China.
The Chinese had developed wonderful paintings. They painted on silkcloth, tomb walls, pots and papers. They developed the art of casting bronze statues of animals and monsters. Buddha sculpture and the statues carved in stone and metals. Terracotta sculpture army assembled in the tomb of the first kin Emperor, consists of lize size images of warriors and horse.

They are very attractive. Chinese were great builders. They built many palaces, pagodas (Buddhist temple) Goose pagoda, Jed pagoda, the Flask pagoda are note worthy. The great wall of China 22 feet high and twenty feet brad, 2380 k.m long is their most impressive and ever lasting architecture. It was started by Shih-Hu-wantg Ti to protect the China from the invasions of mongols.

Question 10.
Write a note on writing and literature of China.
Chinese writing started as a pictograph. They have no alphabet and parts of speech. It consists of characters which are more than 40,000. Later they developed characters or logograms. Chinese character of writing constitute the oldest continuously used systems of writing in the world.

It is played an important role in cultural unification. Chinese script influenced the Japanese Korean and Vietnamese script. It is written from top to bottom.

IV. Answer in 30 – 40 sentence (each carries 10 marks).

Question 1.
Describe the contributions of Egyptian civilization.
Egyptian civilization contritubed more to world. Before civilization flourished human was nomadic and food collecter, many invention led to the growth civilization. People became food producers, started a agriculture, dwelling in a particular place.

Invention like use of fire, rearing animals for milk and meat, new weapons, tools, uttensils, fishing net, clay pots, discovery of waeaving, buildings, huts, and houses etc., were changed the primitive people life. They develop pictographic writing. Their writing was called Hieroglyphics.

They used paper for writing called papyrus. They had knowledge of medicine, Geometry, calenders, Astronomy and Mathematics. They were the first to develop fraction system in the world. They had a knowledge about solar system and they made a clear distinction between stars and planets.

They followed solar calender of 365 days with 12 months. Egyptian were great builders. They developed fine arts. Their art and architecture reflected their culture. They built temples for their Gods and pyramids to bury their kings. The walls of pyramids and temples carved with beautiful sculpture and were decorated with paintings.

The sphinx – it has a head of man and body of lion. It is 240 feet long and 66 feet high carved art in a single stone. The pyramid of Giza is the tomb of king Khufu. It is considered as one of the wonders of ancient world. 1361 The Luxor temple was their magnificent creation. The book of dead, coffin text the story of a ship wrecked sailor, the tale to Anupu and Bittu were the great contribution to literature and writing.

They developed a variety of crafts and manufacturing, stone cutters, masons, carpenters, jewellers, potters etc., Society can be divided into 4 groups. The Royals, the priests, merchants, lords, lastly the slave. They made a well organising system in their administration. They encouraged trade and commerce.

In the early period they had a bartar system later period. They began to use metals and coins. They exported many surplus items to other countries and import some items from other country. They had a trade relation with Mesopotamian and Asia countries. They worshipped many Gods.

But they prefer sun [Ra or Re] as their chief diety. Isis was the Goddesses. They preserved the dead bodies known as mummies. They believed in the transmigration of souls. Agriculture was their main occupation. They grew crops like wheat, barley, cotton, peas, garlic and variety fruits and vegetables.

Egyptian women enjoyed a high status in Egyptian society. The empress Hatshepsut ruled Egypt. She is consider as first women ruled the country in the world. The temples were the education centre for Egyptians.

1st PUC History Question Bank Chapter 3 History of Ancient Civilization

Question 2.
Describe the contributions of Mesopotamian civilization.
Mesopotamians contributed much to the world in many fields. As we know that many rulers ruled Mesopotamia they became play a vital role to the development life of the Mesopotamians. Mesopotamia society was a traditional society. It was a male-dominated society. Chinese society consisting of 4 classes based on the nature of work of the people.

Mesopotamian people depend upon agriculture. They well developed irrigation. They used many implements relating to agriculture which made up of Iron and wood. They grew crops like wheat, rice, soya beans, cereals, tea etc., They domesticated many animals for milk and meat. Pig, sheep, goats, horses, donkeys etc.,

They exported wooden and fibre clothes hides and dates etc., In the beginning they followed barter system later they began to use metal coins. Most of the buildings were built with brick and mud. Very few of theirs have survived. Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar constructed a palace which is known as the ‘Hanging Gardens’ of Babylonia.

It was considered as one of the eight wonders of ancient world. Mesopotamians were great contributes to the field of pictures, sculptures and arts. They carved beautiful pictures of birds and animals. They developed writing called ‘Cuneiform’. They used flat bricks for writing. They composed many poems, myths, legends.

Their epic of Gilgamesh is a rich poetiy. They believed that sun and moon influenced the life of man. They knew about planets and space. They had a great faith in Astrology which was based on Astronomy. They divided the year into 12 months with 354 days. They followed lunar calender. They did good progress in the field of medicine.

Their book material media mentions of 550 medicines prepared of vegetable minerals and animal products. The above points are give us a lot of information about to life of the Mesopotamian people, later generation followed their way of life and their attitudes and enrich the life of the people.

Question 3.
Describe the contributions of Chinese civilization.
In the beginning, Chinese had tribal societies elsewhere in the world. It gradually developed into ‘feudal society’. China is the oldest civilization that continued till today. They are always proud of their civilization. Chinese inventions and philosophy influenced human life in several ways.

Early china was ruled by many kings. In the beginning they had a loose federation. In the later stages they had a centralized administration. The rulers of China contributed much to the development of society. Chinese society had 4 classes based on their ocupation. It was an agriculture-based society.

They knew irrigation. They used agriculture implements made of iron and wood. They grew crops like wheat, rice, soya, etc., They domesticated animals like pigs and sheep and also gave importance to chicken farms. They had artisans and craftsmen like carpenter, pot maker, jewellers. They had trade relation with Afghanistan and persia.

Silk, iron, tea, salt and cotton were main exports. They were very famous in silk production, opium was their one of the gift to the world. In the beginning, they were followed barter system later they followed metal coins. Money lending and banking were practiced by them.

They developed pictographic writing, They have no alphabet and parts of speech, Their writing played an important role in cultural unification. Their script influenced the Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese scripts. It was written top to bottom. The invention of paper, silk and ink for writing helped the growth of writing and literature.

The other inventions of Chinese were brush for painting and writing, tea, gun powder, glass, pottery, Porcelain and rockets, spoon, forks, umbrella, seismograph and Mariner compass etc., were the important contributions of Chinese to the world. They changed the life of Chinese and also world society.

They developed beautiful painting. They painted on silk cloth, tomb walls, pots and papers. Sculpture is also developed by them. Statues of bronze, stone important. The images of Buddha were wonderful creative of their sculpture. Terra cotta sculpture was one of the example for their Architecture.

This includes the Use size images of warriers and horses. Eg : Tornb of the first kin emperor. The greatest contribution of the Chinese is the great wall of China. It is about 2380 k.m long, about 22 feet high and about 20 feet broad. After every 300 ft a watch tower of 400 feet high is built. The main aim of this to protect their nations from the invasions of mongols.

They also built many places but none of them survived. They built Buddhist temples called pagodas. Goose pagoda, jed pagoda, Flask pagoda etc., are important. Philosophers like Lao – Tse, confusions, Mencius were influenced by the religious ideas of Chinese to a greater extent. They convert them into civilized people.

Their teachings were influenced Chinese life stage. Lao – Tse preached Taoism, confucious teaching were called Confucianism. Mencius a great philosopher influenced by Confucious teachings. These philosopher teachings were greatly influenced the Chinese civilization.

1st PUC History History of Ancient Civilization Additional Questions and Answers

I. Answer in one word or one sentence.

Question 1.
Man appeared about 5-6 millions years ago, but started civilized life?
7000 years ago.

Question 2.
Name the first human settlements sites in the world?
Egypt, Mesopotamia, India, China Etc.,

1st PUC History Question Bank Chapter 3 History of Ancient Civilization

Question 3.
Where was the river Nile born?
The river Nile born in thick equatorial forests of Africa.

Question 4.
Which is known as gift of Nile?
Egypt is known as gift of Nile.

Question 5.
Name any two sources of Egyptian civilization?
Pyramids, the temples and Sculptural images.

Question 6.
Who were ‘pharaohs’?
The Egyptian kings were called pharaohs.

Question 7.
Which was the chief god for Egyptians?
Re or Ra [The sun God] is the chief god worshiped by Egyptians.

Question 8.
What was used for writing?
Papyrus was used by Egyptians for writing.

Question 9.
Name any 2 literacy sources of Egyptians?
‘The Book of Dead’ Coffin text were important literacy works.

Question 10.
Who built the sphinx?
‘The Sphinx’ was built by Emperor Khaphre.

Question 11.
Which is called as the cradle and graveyard of civilization?
Mesopotamia is called as ‘The cradle and graveyard of civilization.

Question 12.
Who were the pioneers of Mesopotamian civilization?
Sumerians were the pioneers of Mesopotamian civilization.

1st PUC History Question Bank Chapter 3 History of Ancient Civilization

Question 13.
Who was the most powerful king of Akkadians?
King Sargon I was the most powerful king of Akkadians.

Question 14.
Which was the capacity of Amorites?
Babylon was the capital city of Amorites.

Question 15.
Who was the greater ruler of Amorites?
Emperor Hammurabi was the greatest ruler of Amorites.

Question 16.
Which was the capital city of Assyrians?
Nineveh was the capital city of Assyrians.

Question 17.
How many code of laws are included in Hammurabi code of law?
282 laws are included.

Question 18.
Who built Ziggurats?

Question 19.
Which were the means of transport of Mesopotamians?
Horses and asses were the means of transport of Mesopotamian people.

Question 20.
Which is known as pagoda?
Buddhist temples known as pagoda.

II. Answer in 2 words or 2 sentences each (Each carries 2 Marks).

Question 1.
The River valleys are called ‘The cradles of civilization’ why? Give any two reason.

  1. Banks of the river soil rich it support luxuriant growth of crops.
  2. Water for drinking and cultivation.
  3. The fields were flat and wide.

Question 2.
Why was the pharoes married their own daughters and sisters?

  • To prevent the property
  • Power falling into the hands of outsiders
  • Maintaining purity of blood.

Question 3.
Write a two lines about sphinx?
It has the head of a man and body of a lion. It is carved by the Emperor Khaphre. It is 240 feet long and 66 feet high carved out in a single stone.

1st PUC History Question Bank Chapter 3 History of Ancient Civilization

Question 4.
Describe about the pyramid of Giza?
It is the tomb of king Khufu, Built by his son and grandson. It is biggest pyramid. 748 x 748 x 481 feet high 23,00,000 stone blocks of average 2.5 ton weight were used. It occupies 13 acres of land. A million slaves worked for 20 years. It is one of the wonders of ancient world.

Question 5.
Name of Gods and Goddesses of Mesopotamians.
Marduk, Ishtar, Shamash, Uruk, Ur and Nannar were worshipped by Mesopotamians. Marduk was supreme God Istitav was mother of all Gods.

Question 6.
Write a brief note on ‘Matoria Medica’.
It is record of Medicine. It consisting of550 medicines prepared of vegetables, minerals, and animal products. This book gives details of various diseases and their symptoms.

Question 7.
Name the great philosophers of china?

  1. Lao – Tse
  2. Confuscious
  3. Mencius were the great philospher of China who influenced the life of the Chinese people.

Question 8.
Write a brief note on Mencius.
He was great philosopher in China lined between 372 B.C.E and 289 BCE. He taught that every person must have equal rights. According to him all the individuals are good all social evils come due to illiteracy, Ignorance and poverty.

Question 9.
Write a brief note on Buddhism is China.
Buddhism spread to China from India, during Kanishka’s period in first century C.E. The Buddhist monks and traders of India popularized Buddhism in China.

III. Answer in 15 – 20 sentence (each carries 5 marks).

Question 1.
Who was Confucious? What were his teachings?
Confucious was a great philosopher of China. He was a prominent among the other philosopher. He faced hardlife during his childhood. He served as a language teacher, judge, editor and minister. His philosophy is known as Confucianism. His teaching are as follows:

  1. Knowledge begins at home.
  2. What you do not like when done to yourself, do not do to others.
  3. Character is the foundation of society
  4. He advice not put heavy taxes and remove barbaric punishment.
  5. Be obedience to elders
  6. He urged that provide a job to unemployees.
  7. Take care of orphans, the aged, the sick, the widows and disabled.

1st PUC History Question Bank Chapter 3 History of Ancient Civilization

Question 2.
Write a note on Lao – Tse and his teachings?
He is one of great philosophers of China. He lived about 600 B.C.E. His philosophy is known as Taoism. He preached non violence, not to be conservative society should respect wisemen, duty with sincerity and honesty and so on.

  1. Violence defeats its own ends
  2. Wisdom can never be transmitted by words.
  3. One should be good to the good and good to evil
  4. The things in the nature work silently.
  5. If you do not quarrel no one can quarrel with you.

Question 3.
Write a brief note on important inventions of Chinese civilization?
The Chinese contributed more to the world. They are as follows – Silk, tea, ink, paper, brush for painting acupuncture, gun powder, glass, pottery, Rockets, spoon, forks, umbrella, seismograph and Mariner compass etc.,

Question 4.
Write a brief note on the imperial library?
The invention of paper, silk and ink for writing helped the growth of writing and literature. The imperial library Han dynasty included 3123 volumes of classics, 2705 volumes on philosophy, 868 works on medicine, 1318 volumes in poetry, 2568 volumes of Mathematics and 790 volumes on war aspects. Tai-Li-Po. The greatest of Chinese poets wrote 30 volumes of verse.

Question 5.
What were the causes for the decline of Mesopotamian civilization?
They are:

  1. Weak and inefficient rulers often lost control over administration it leads to anarchy.
  2. Struggle for succession among nobles disturbed the peace and law and order in the society.
  3. Invasion by Persians led to the end of this civilization.
  4. Mesopotamia became the part of Persian empire by 538 B.C.E

Question 6.
Write a breif note on religions conditions of Mesopotamian civilization.
They worshipped many Gods and Goddesses. They worshiped nature in many form. Every village and town had a local God (deity) Marduk, Ishtar, Shamash, uruk, ur, and Nannar were important deities. Mardhik was supreme and prominent God. Ishtar mother of all Gods.

Shamash is the sun god, Nannar the moon God. Bet the earth Goddesses and also the Goddess of death. Assur the God of war. They practiced animal sacrifices and also believed in magic and demons.

Question 7.
What were the political conditions of Mesopotamian civilization?
In the early stage they established the city states, which developed into kingdoms and later into an empire. King was the head of the state and religion. Kings were regarded as the representatives of God on earth. Many times the king authority fell in the hands of military officers.

Only the powerful kings enjoyed absolute power, the priest had greater power in the administration. Governors were appointed to look after the provincial administration.

Question 8.
Write a brief note on Assyrians & Akkadians.
Assyrians upheld the glory of Mesopotamian civilization during the days of Tilgath – Pileser. They built a huge empire Sargon II. Sennacherib and Assurbanipal were the famous rulers of the race. Nineveh was their capital.

Akkadians settled in north-west of Shinar. They are known as Akkad. So, they were nomadic tribes. They conquered sumer and continued their culture. King Sargon I was the most famous ruler. He strengthened the empire. Agade was the capital city of Akkadians.

Question 9.
What were the important causes for decline of Egyptian civilization.

  1. The rulers failed to bring a perfect and workable political system.
  2. The weak rulers unable to maintain their power. So, the control fell into the hands feudal lords resulting in decay and disorder.
  3. Internal quarrel among the rulers led to disunity and disorder.
  4. The exploitation of lower class and religions intolerance resulted in disharmony and disunity in the society.
  5. Foreign Invansion. Meany uncivilized invaders from Africa and Assyria attached Egypt, during the rule week rulers. Etc., were the important causes for the decline of Egyptian civilization.

Question 10.
Write short note on the sources of Egyptian civilization.
Egyptian civilization was a great civilization which began 7000 years ago. It continued for more than 3000 years many sources available to understand this civilization. Archaeological and library sources are help us to reconstruct the history of those time.

Pyramids, the temples, lot of sculptural images like sphinx, host of paintaings, various inplements, tools, jewellery etc., kept in the pyramids. The Hieroglyphic writing on the Pupyrus, the Rosetta stone inscription etc., are the important sources.

1st PUC History Question Bank Chapter 3 History of Ancient Civilization

Question 11.
Name the important characteristics of a civilization.

  1. Group of people having a specific livelihood and specific settlement patterns.
  2. Group of people having a specific pattern of administration.
  3. Man during ages invented various metals and learnt their uses.
  4. Civilization developed a complex economic system.
  5. Growth of civilization necessitated the need for internal and external security.