1st PUC History Question Bank Chapter 6 Medieval Period Towards Change

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Karnataka 1st PUC History Question Bank Chapter 6 Medieval Period Towards Change

1st PUC History Medieval Period Towards Change Text Book Questions and Answers

I. Answer in one word or one sentence (Each carries 1 Mark).

Question 1.
Which was the “Divine Language” of Medieval Christianity?

1st PUC History Question Bank Chapter 6 Medieval Period Towards Change

Question 2.
To which place was the papal court shifted from Rome?
Avignon to Rome.

Question 3.
Who wrote the book ‘Divine Comedy’?

Question 4.
What is fief?
The king or the Grater lord granted land to someone. It was known as ‘Fief’.

Question 5.
Who was the first pope to make Avignon as his Centre?
Clement V was the first pope to make Avignon as his centre.

Question 6.
Why Early Middle Ages is called ‘Dark Age’?
Because of the confused and chaotic state of affairs that existed in Europe.

Question 7.
Which pope deposed King Henry IV?
Gregory VII.

Question 8.
Who were Vassals?
The person who received (fief) a land from lord was called as ‘vassal’ of that king.

Question 9.
When did the papal schism end?
Papal schism verified by 1414 CE.

Question 10.
Who wrote the book ‘Canterbury tales’?
Geoftery chancer who was called as father of English literature.

II. Answer in 2 words or 2 sentences (Each carries 2 Marks).

Question 1.
Mention any two causes for the decline of pope’s authority in the 14th century?

  1. The development of Towns and cities.
  2. A new entrepreneurial and intellectual class emerged. They challenged the state and the church.

1st PUC History Question Bank Chapter 6 Medieval Period Towards Change

Question 2.
Name any two trade centres of Medieval Europe.
City-states – Pisa, Venice and Genoa became flourishing trade centers of Medieval Europe.

Question 3.
Name any two universities that came into existence in Medieval Europe.
Oxford and Cambridge University in England Salem, Bologna and Naples in Italy. Paris and Montpellier in france were the important universities established.

Question 4.
Name any two intellectuals of Medieval Europe.
The important intellectuals of this period were Robert Grosseteste, Roger Bacon, Peter Abelard and St. Thomas Aquinas.

Question 5.
Name any two literary styles of Medieval Europe.
Literature developed in vernacular languages* like French, German, Spanish and Itallian. Fabliaux – A medieval verse Tale characterized by comic. Dante’s – effective rhyming Italli an verse.

Question 6.
Which are the styles of architecture found in the Medieval Europe?
Romanesque and Gothic styles:
Rounded arch, small windows, massive walls of stone and predominance of horizontal lines, are found in Romanesque styles. Pointed arch ribbed vaulting and buttress are found in Gothic styles.

Question 7.
From which word is ‘feudalism’ derived? What is its meaning?
The word feudalism derived from the German word. ‘Feud’ means – a piece of land. Feudalism system – system of structural hierarchy linked to the ownership and cultivation of land. It was a pyramid structure.

1st PUC History Question Bank Chapter 6 Medieval Period Towards Change

Question 8.
Mention the pyramidical structural hierarchy of feudalism. Pyramadical system

Question 9.
Write two features of Romanic style.
Romanic styles:
Rounded arch, small windows, massive walls of stone and pradomi nance of horizontal lines.

Question 10.
Write two features of Gothic style.
Gothic styles:
Pointed arch, ribbed vaulting and buttress.

Question 11.
Name the two factors that speeded up the agricultural production in Medieval Europe.
New techniques and tools like, heavy plough, crop rotation, use of water and wind mills, Iron agricultural equipment and horse to till fields, came into use. This helped in an enormous increase of agricultural production.

III. Answer in 15 – 20 sentences (Each carries 5 Marks).

Question 1.
Write about Manorial system.
Under this system the serfs worked in agricultural estates centered around a ‘manor’ owned by a lord. The serfs were not slaves. They too owned a piece of land. But they were under the control and jurisdiction of a lord. They worked in the lord’s fields as well as their own and paid taxes to the lord.

The serfs commonly undertook activities like grazing, collection of firewood, fishing and cultivation together. It was like a closed community living. During the later high middle ages, the condition of the serfs improved. They paid rent instead of giving duties or services to the lord.

Question 2.
Mark the socio-economic changes in Medieval Europe.
A group of nobility emerged during this period. They involved themselves in cultural and political activities. The church controlled the battles and establish peace. So, nobles free to develop the ideals of knighthood. The condition of woman status elevated, In the manorial system, the serts started to pay rents.

The coins or currency replaced the bartar system. Many city-states flourishing as trade centres like pisa, Venice and Genova (Genoa) population doubled and creat demand for country side goods. It strengthened the economic condition of the people. The Business class established trade guilds to protect its own interests and made many rules for business transactions.

Question 3.
What were the causes for the decline of feudalism?
Many causes for the decline of Feudalism:

  1. Rise of strong monarchies: Strong and capable monarchies grew in Europe. The kings controlled the feudal lords.
  2. Shifting of loyalty: The common people and serfs were unhappy. They apposed the heavy taxes levied by the feudal lords.
  3. Growth of Trade, Commerce and Industry: With development of trade, commerce and Industry, people got a opportunity to work and earn their livelihood and they left their lands.
  4. Common people and serfs stopped giving military services to lords.
  5. The use of Gun powder and well organised armies by the kings. They protect the common people and serf.
  6. The people turned the faces towards Industry. They left land led to scarcity of Labour in Agriculture.
  7. Many Epidemic diseases like plague, cholera, Malaria etc, reduced the number of workers.

The above all factors mainly responsible for decline of feudalism.

1st PUC History Question Bank Chapter 6 Medieval Period Towards Change

Question 4.
Describe the conflict between the pope and the king in Medieval Europe.
A conflict arose between pope Gregory VII and the Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV. The king appointed the Bishop of Milan without the consent of the pope. The pope wanted to free the church from the king’s influence. He made alliance with many German princes who were against Henry IV.

They together deposed the king. So, he was forced to seek the Pope’s forgiveness. The king obtained the pardon and power. King Henry IV chased pope Gregory VII out of rome. This made supremacy of pope declined.
Many reasons of church activities were objected,

  • Immoral successors,
  • Difference in papal order.

The rise of National Monarchies were suppressed the influence of the pope in the administration.

IV. Answer in 30 – 40 sentences (10 Marks).

Question 1.
Discuss the Merits and Demerits of feudalism.

  1. Feudalism helped the growth of decentralized political administration. King must consider advice and suggestion. This checked the growth of absolute monarchy.
  2. Feudalism helped the growth of ‘ strong monarchy.
  3. The king and vassals had personal interests yet they were united against Invasions. This helped to national defence and rise of nationalism.
  4. Feudalism brought stability and order in the society. The collective defense and maintain of law and order within the fendal estate ensured protection and justice to the people.
  5. Feudalism also developed a sense of duty and order.

1st PUC History Question Bank Chapter 6 Medieval Period Towards Change

It is the king’s duty to protect the rights of the vassals over their lands, where as the vassal had the duty to protect his serfs. Even the serfs had their duties towards the vassal.


  1. There were frequent conflict between vassals and vassals and kings. It leads to lack stability, peace and order in the society.
  2. The vassals always favoured nominal monarchy and were against natioal government and national interest.
  3. The nobles were self interested – Their tyranny led to the sufferings of commoners and serfs. Serfs were victims of violence often war by nobles and war expenses led to the over taxing of common people.
  4. The loyalty of the people was restricted to the feudal lords and not the nation or king, which was a hindrance to the growth of nationhood.
  5. Feudalism increased the gap between the rich and the poor. It led to growth of the class system.
  6. The church also participated in infendal system. It had vast lands and worked like feudal lords There were also conflicts between the Bishops and kings and his vassal.