1st PUC History Question Bank Chapter 5 Rise and Spread of Christianity and Islam

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Karnataka 1st PUC History Question Bank Chapter 5 Rise and Spread of Christianity and Islam

1st PUC History Life and Teaching of Jesus Christ – Spread of Christianity Text Book Questions and Answers

Life and Teaching of Jesus Christ – Spread of Christianity

I. Answer in one word or one sentence (Each carries 1 Mark).

Question 1.
Which is the biggest Religion in the World?
Christianity, Nearly 33% of the world’s population.

1st PUC History Question Bank Chapter 5 Rise and Spread of Christianity and Islam

Question 2.
Who was the founder of Christianity?
Jesus Christ was the founder of Christianity.

Question 3.
Which is the emblem of Christianity?
Cross is the emblem of Christianity.

Question 4.
Which was the religious centre of Jews?
‘Jerusalem’ was the religions centre of Jews.

Question 5.
Which God was worshipped by Jews?
‘Jehovah’ was worshipped by Jews.

Question 6.
Which was the religious text of Jews?
The old testament or the Hebrew bible.

Question 7.
Who was the religious Prophet of Jews?
‘Moses’ was the religions prophet of Jews.

Question 8.
When was Jesus Christ born?
Jesus Christ was born on 25th December 4 B.C.E.

Question 9.
Where was Jesus born?
Bethlehem in Judea.

Question 10.
What do you mean by Christ?
Christ means ‘Anointed one’.

1st PUC History Question Bank Chapter 5 Rise and Spread of Christianity and Islam

Question 11.
Who was the contemporary Roman emperor of Jesus Christ?
Augustus Caesar.

Question 12.
On which hill was Jesus crucified?
Mount calvary at Golgotha.

Question 13.
What is Easter Sunday?
It is believed that Christ rose to life on the third day (Sunday) after the death. This day is celebrated as ‘Easter’.

Question 14.
Which part of the Bible contains the teachings of Jesus?
The new Testaments.

Question 15.
What was Milan Edict?
To make Christianity a legar religion in the Roman empire, Constantine issued the edict of Milan 313 C.E

Question 16.
Who was the first Roman emperor to accept Christianity?

Question 17.
Who was the Roman emperor to declare Christianity as National religion?
The emperor Theodosius declare Christianity as state religion.

Question 18.
Who was the first Christian missionary who came to India to spread Christianity?
St. Thomas, one of the 12 apostles arrived in India in 78 C.E.

II. Answer in two words Or two sentences (Each carries 2 marks).

Question 1.
Who were the parents of Jesus?
Joseph and Virgin Mary were the parents of Jesus.

1st PUC History Question Bank Chapter 5 Rise and Spread of Christianity and Islam

Question 2.
Which are the two parts of Bible?
The bible consists of two parts:

  • he old Testaments
  • The new Testaments.

Question 3.
When was Jesus crucified? Who was the Roman Governor at that time?
Jesus was crucified in 30 C.E at Mount calvary at Golgotha. Pilate the Roman governor was at that time.

Question 4.
What was Resurrection of Jesus?
It is believed that Chriest rose to life on the third day (sunday) after the death. This day is celebrated as Easter. This event is called as Resurrection of Christ.

Question 5.
Name the two important disciples of Jesus.
St. Mathew, St. Mark, St. Luke and St. John were the important disciples of Jesus.

Question 6.
Name the two Roman emperors who tortured Jews.
Nero, Trojan, Marcus, Arilies, Daisies Dio Cletian were the Roman emperiors touted jews.

Question 7.
Who issued Milan Edict? When?
Constantine issued edit of Milan in 313 CE.

Question 8.
Who were the two Roman emperors who gave royal patronage to Christianity?
Theodosius of 4th century and Constantine gave royal patronage to Christianity.

Question 9.
Which are the important festivals of Christians?

  1. Birth day of Jesus – Christmas
  2. The day of crucifixion of Jesus – Good friday.
  3. Resurrection of Jesus – Easter.

Question 10.
Which are the two sects of Christianity?

  1. Roman catholics who believe in church and loyal to pope.
  2. Protestants who opposed to the evils of church and followers.

III. Answer in 15 to 20 sentences (Each carries 5 marks).

Question 1.
Write about the life history of Jesus.
The birthplace of Jesus is Bethlehem, 5 kilometers away from Jerusalem in Judea province. He was only son of the poor couple, Joseph and Mary. Not much is known about his early, life Jesus knew Armaic and Semitic language. At this time, the jews are were awaiting the arrival of a messiah who would save them from their problems.

A person named John was basically a religious preacther. He used to baptize the people who came to him. Even Jesus was baptised by John. John declared Jesus the messiah. Jesus was 30 years at that time Jesus started travelling throughout the country preaching religious Philosophy. Over a period of time Jews chose Jesus as their religious leader.

Jesus had 12 disciples they are called Apostles Peter was the first apostle. Jesus sympathized with the down troden and those who suffered from diseases. He always came forward to all eviate the suffering of the poor. The jews considered Jesus as their messiah and he became very popular his popularity enraged the emperor of Rome.

Since Jesus began rejecting the religion dogmas, Jew fundamentals started opposing him due to all these reasons when Jesus visited Jerusalem the Jewish police arrested him and handed him over to the Governor of Rome. Ponti up pilate ordered crucifixion of Jesus. He has Crucified on Friday the 7th april of 30 B .C on the hill rock of Gol- gatha by the Roman soldiers.

1st PUC History Question Bank Chapter 5 Rise and Spread of Christianity and Islam

Question 2.
Explain the teachings of Jesus Christ.
The preachings of Jesus Christ are very simple to follow. They are told in the form of story or parable.

  1. He told people to imagine God as their father. He also told that all human beings were children of the God.
  2. He advocated universal brotherhood.
  3. He told people to shum hypocritical relgious practices.
  4. He advised people to repent for their sins and seek forgiveness from the God.
  5. He asked people to down to others what they wanted others to do to them.
  6. He equated service of man with service of God.

In this manner his preachings were based on love service and brotherhood.

Question 3.
Which were the imporant causes for the spread of Christianity?
The spread of Christianity :
After the crucifixion of christ his disciples were tortored. Some of them were crucified. During the time of emperor Constantine Christianity was adopted as the state religion. Subsequently Christianity spread through out Europe. Today Christian churches are found through out the world and have a large number op followers.

The Bible is the scripture op this religion. The important aspects which caused spread of Christianity are the simplicity of Jesus attracted common people. His appeal fowards poor sinners and sufferes and his spiritual power helped in the spread of religion.

Jesus principles like fraternity lump sion forgiveness and faith in the kingdom of heaven all the semade jesus popular among poor and the slaves 12 Apoptty played a dominant role in spreading Christianity by popularising the principles of Jesus among them sit. peter and st paul re important st peter founded a chruch at Rome and became the first pope to spread Christianity in Rome and Asia minor.

St peter was executed by Nero the emperor of rome which made him a martyr. St. paul became second pope. He spread Christianity in Greece, Rome Macedonia, Athens philipi and Damascus. He established churches to propagate the principles of Jesus.

He is called as second Jesus Christianity came to India about 200 years ago St. Thomas, one of the twelve a postes arrived in India in 78 C.E to spread the message of Jesus and carried his word in Malabar European navigators were always accompanied by mission arioes mention can be made of St.Francis xavier who spread Christianity in Kerala, Goa and Tamilnadu in the 16th century C.E. He built xavier’s church at Goa to spread Christianity in India.

IV. Answer in 30 to 40 sentences each (Each carries 10 Marks).

Question 1.
Explain the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.
The birthplace of Jesus is Bethlehem, 5 kilometers away from Jerusalem in Judea province. He was only son of the poor couple, Joseph and Mary. Not much is known about his early, life Jesus knew Armaic and Semitic language. At this time, the jews are were awaiting the arrival of a Messiah who would save them from their problems.

A person named John was basically a religious preacher. He used to baptise the people who came to him. Even Jesus was captised by John. John declared Jesus the messiah. Jesus was 30 years at that time Jesus started traveling throughout the country preaching religious reader. Jesus had 12 disciples they are called Apostles peter was the first apostle.

Jesus sympathized with the down trodden and those who suffered from diseases. He always came forward to alleviate the suffering of the poor. The jews considered Jesus as their messiah and he became very popular his popularity enraged the emperor of Rome.

Since Jesus began rejecting the religion dogmas, Jew fundamentals started opposing him due to all these reasons when Jesus visited Jerusalem the Jewish police arrested him and handed him over to the Governor of Rome. Ponti up pilate ordered crucifixion of Jesus. He has Crucified on friday the 7th april of 30 B.C on the hill rock of Gol gatha by the Roman soliders.

The preachings of Jesus christ are very simple to follow. They are told in the form of story or parable.

  1. He told people to imagine God as their father. He also told that all human beings were children of the God.
  2. He advocated universal brotherhood.
  3. He told people to shum hypocritical religious practices.
  4. He advised people to repent for their sins and seek forgiveness from the God.
  5. He asked people to down to others what they wanted others to do to them.
  6. He equated service of man with service of God.

In this manner his preachings were based on love service and brother hood.

1st PUC History Question Bank Chapter 5 Rise and Spread of Christianity and Islam

Question 2.
What were the causes for the spread of Christianity? Write about its Influence.
The spread of Christianity:
After the crucifixion of christ his disciples were tortured. Some of them were crucified. During the time of emperor Constantine Christianity was adopted as the state religion. Subsequently, Christianity spread through out Europe. Today Christian churches are found throughout the world and have a large number of followers. The Bible is the scripture of this religion.

The important aspects which caused spread of Christianity are the simplicity of Jesus attracted common people. His appeal forwards poor sinners and sufferers and his spiritual power helped in the spread of religion.

Jesus principles like fraternity compassion forgiveness and faith in the kingdom of heaven all these made Jesus popular among poor and the slaves 12 Apostles played a dominant role in spreading Christianity by popularising the principles of Jesus among them St. Peter and St. Paul are important St. Peter founded a church at Rome and became the first pope to spread Christianity in Rome and Asia minor.

St. Peter was executed by Nero the emperor of Rome which made him a martyr. St. Paul became second pope. He spread Christianity in Greece, Rome, Macedonia, Athens Philip and Damascus, He established churches to propagate the principles of Jesus.

He is called as second Jesus Christianity came to India about 2000 years ago St. Thomas, one of the twelve apostles arrived in India in 78 C.E to spread the message of Jesus and carried his word in malabar European navigators were always accompanied by mission arioes mention can be made of St. Francies xavier who spread Christianity in Kerala, Goa and Tamilnadu in the 16th century C.E. He built St. Xavier’s church at Goa to spread Christianity in India.

Influence of Christianity:
Christianity and much to civilize the people, it taught them virtue of humanity tenderness and mercy. It brought the ideas of the fatherhood of God and brotherhood of man which led to world peace and cooperation. It stressed the dignity of labour. The poor, sick and disabled are receiving greater care. This religion also raised the position of women.

1st PUC History Rise and Spread of Christianity and Islam Additional Questions and Answers

I. Answer in one word or one sentence (Each carries 1 Mark).

Question 1.
Who was Moses?
He was Jewish prophet.

Question 2.
What do you mean by ‘Star of East’?
When Jesus was bom, a star was shining in the east that was called ‘star of east’.

Question 3.
Define ‘Baptized’.
One who accepted the spirituality.

Question 4.
Which is the holy book for Christians?
Bible is the holy book for Christians.

Question 5.
Where was Jesus christ arrested?
When Jesus was praying in garden of Gethsemane, the temple guard arrested him.

1st PUC History Question Bank Chapter 5 Rise and Spread of Christianity and Islam

Question 6.
Define the term ‘ Gospel ’.
Teachings of Jesus or Revelations of Jesus Christ.

Question 7.
Where was Jewish people met for religions worship and instructions?
Jewish people met for religions worship and instruction at a religions building called ‘synagogue’

Question 8.
Who was Martin Luther?
The leader of protestants.

1st PUC History Islam Text Book Questions and Answers


I. Answer in one word or one sentence (Each carries 1 Mark).

Question 1.
Who was the founder of Islam?

Question 2.
Which is the holy place of Muslims?

Question 3.
Who was the uncle of Prophet?
Abu – Talib.

Question 4.
Who was the wife of Prophet?

Question 5.
On which hilly cave did Mohammed meditate?
A solitary cave at Hira.

Question 6.
Who was the messenger who preached the gospels to Prophet?

Question 7.
Which was the stone worshipped by Muslims at Mecca?
Black stone [Khaba] at Mecca.

Question 8.
When did Prophet die?
Prophet mohammed died in 632 C.E

1st PUC History Question Bank Chapter 5 Rise and Spread of Christianity and Islam

Question 9.
Which is the holy book of Islam?

Question 10.
What is Kalima?
It means faith.

Question 11.
What is Namaz?
It means prayer.

Question 12.
What is Zaqqat?
Alms giving to poor people.

Question 13.
What is Roza?
It means fasting.

Question 14.
What is Hajj?
It is a holy pilgrim to Mecca.

II. Answer in two words or two sentences (Each carries 2 Marks).

Question 1.
Which is the symbol of Islam and name the religious center of Muslims.
Star and crescent is the symbol of Islam. The mosque is the religious centre of Islam.

Question 2.
When and where was the prophet born?
Mohammed was born in 570 C.E Mecca in Arabia.

Question 3.
Who were the parents of Mohammad?
Abdulla and Ameena were his parents.

Question 4.
Name the daughter and son – in – law of Mohammad.
Fathima was his daughter. Ali was his son – in – law.

Question 5.
What is the meaning of Islam?
Submission to God Allah. There is wide meaning to the term ‘Islam’ It preaches to be truthful, be faithful and to have good conduct. Islam means peace. It preaches equality not slavery.

Question 6.
Which are the two sects of Islam?
The two sects of Islam. They are – The sunnis and the shias.

  1. The Shias: Who beloved that Ali the son – in – law of Prophet Mohammed was the legitimate successor.
  2. The Sunnis: They maintain that Abu – Bkar, Omar and Uthman were legitimate successors of Prophet Mohammed.

III. Answer in 15 to 20 sentences (Each carries 5 Marks).

Question 1.
Explain the background for the rise of Islam.
Islam rose from Arabian Penuisula, situated in South West Asia. This land was inhabited by Arabs. The land was a desert, Mecca and Madina were the only two important cities in Arabia. Due to scarcity of rainfall, cultivation was not possible. So 80% of Arabs were nomads.

They led a hard life. Quarrels between one tribe and another was common. People were economically and socially backward. Tribes looted the commercial caravans and plundered cities. Theft, robery and gambling were common. They worshipped more than 360 Idols. Blind faith and animal sacrifice existed in the society.

They had a common faith the shrine of Khaba, a Blackstone at Mecca. It was built by Abraham in 6th century. They did not have common social moral, cultural and religious frame work. It was at this stage Mohammed founded Islam.

1st PUC History Question Bank Chapter 5 Rise and Spread of Christianity and Islam

Question 2.
Write about the life history of Mohammad.
Mohammed was bom in 570 C.E at Mecca in Arabia. Abdullah and Ameena were his parents. He belongs to the Quarashi tribe of mecca. He lost his parents in his childhood. He was brought up by his uncle Abu – Talib. Due to poverty he could not receive any formal Education, but he was trained to look after sheep and camels.

Mohammed was known to many for his honesty and sincerity. As a youth he spent most of his time in travelling with caravans. The co – merchants called him as ‘Amin’ one who is reliable. He married Khadija, rich widow, who was 15 years elder to him. They had two sons and two daughters.

Daughter Fathima survived and other 3 died. She was given in marriage to Ali. He led a normal life upto the age of 40. He spent most of his time in meditation and fasting. He used to spend several days and night meditating in cave at Hira. Gabriel a messenger of God preached holy Gospels to paigambar.

When he was in trance. These gospels were later recorded by his disciples in Quaran. Mohammed realized the impact of Divine message of God. He gathered number of disciples including his wife, son – in – law, daughter, friend and servant. He declared there is no God but Allah and Mohammed is his prophet.

He started teaching the principles of new faith. He criticized Idol worship, blind belief, purity of life, Truth and faith in Allah. Many people opposed Mohammed, enemies increased, finding his stay is unsafe, he moved to Madia, his journey from Mecca to Madina is known Hijra. Madina people welcomed him and unbraced his teaching and support him.

Areligions class took between Mohammed and Mecca people Mohammed won the battle. Mecca people accept the principles of Mohammed. He died in 632 C.E. After the death of Mohammed religions leadership was held by the caliphs.

Question 3.
Write about the five pillars of Islam.
Five principles of Islam. They are: Kalima, Nomaz, Zaggat, Roza and Hajj.

  1. Kalima: It means faith. There is no God but Allah everyone should surrender to him have faith and respect him.
  2. Namaz: It means prayer. Every muslim has to pray 5 times a day – at dawn, shortly after midday, late afternoon, at sunset and at bed time. Prayer is the best method to please God and setting the sins pardoned.
  3. Zaggat: It is to give alms to the poor. It is the duty of the every muslim. The purpose of Zaggat is to bring economic equality between the rich and poor.
  4. Roza: It means fasting, Every muslim should fast in the month of Ramzan. One should fast for 29 to 30 days from morning to dusk. It balance the desires, It controls ones habits and it creates a confidence towards deliverance. It is a proper training to acquire good character.
  5. Hajj: It is a holy pilgrim to Mecca. Atue Muslim should undertake pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca at least once in his life time.

IV. Answer in 30 to 40 sentences (Each carries 10 Marks).

Question 1.
Explain the life and teachings of Prophet Mohammad.
Mohammed was bom in 570 C.E at Mecca in Arabia. Abdullah and Ameena were his parents. He belongs to the Quarashi tribe of mecca. He lost his parents in his childhood. He was brought up by his uncle Abu – Talib. Due to poverty he could not receive any formal Education, but he was trained to look after sheep and camels.

Mohammed was known to many for his honesty and sincerity. As a youth he spent most of his time in traveling with caravans. The co – merchants called him as ‘Amin’ one who is reliable. He married Khadija, rich widow, who was 15 years elder to him. They had two sons and two daughters.

Daughter Fathima survived and other 3 died. She was given in marriage to Ali. He led a normal life upto the age of 40. He spent most of his time in meditation and fasting. He used to spend several days and night meditating in cave at Hira. Gabriel a messenger of God preached holy Gospels to paigambar.

When he was in trance. These gospels were later recorded by his disciples in Quaran. Mohammed realized the impact of Divine message of God. He gathered number of disciples including his wife, son – in – law, daughter, friend and servant. He declared there is no God but Allah and Mohammed is his prophet.

He started teaching the principles of new faith. He criticized Idol worship, blind belief, purity of life, Truth and faith in Allah. Many people opposed Mohammed, enemies increased, finding his stay is unsafe, he moved to Madia, his journey from Mecca to Madina is known Hijra. Madina people welcomed him and unbraced his teaching and support him.

A religion class took between Mohammed and Mecca people Mohammed won the battle. Mecca people accept the principles of Mohammed. He died in 632 C.E. After the death of Mohammed religious leadership was held by the caliphs.

1st PUC History Question Bank Chapter 5 Rise and Spread of Christianity and Islam

Question 2.
Explain the foundation and five pillars of Islam.
Islam rose from Arabian Peninsula, situated in South West Asia. This land was inhabited by Arabs. The land was a desert, Mecca and Madina were the only two important cities in Arabia. Due to scarcity of rainfall, cultivation was not possible. So 80% of Arabs were nomads.

They led a hard life. Quarrels between one tribe and another was common. People were economically and socially backward. Tribes looted the commercial caravans and plundered cities. Theft, robery and gambling were common. They worshipped more than 360 Idols. Blind faith and animal sacrifice existed in the society.

They had a common faith the shrine of Khaba, a Blackstone at Mecca. It was built by Abraham in 6th century. They did not have common social moral, cultural and religions frame work. It was at this stage Mohammed founded Islam.

Five principles of Islam. They are: Kalima, Nomaz, Zaggat, Roza and Hajj.

  1. Kalima: It means faith. There is no God but Allah everyone should surrender to him have faith and respect him.
  2. Namaz: It means prayer. Every muslim has to pray 5 times a day – at dawn, shortly after midday, late afternoon, at sunset and at bed time. Prayer is the best method to please God and setting the sins pardoned.
  3. Zaggat: It is to give alms to the poor. It is the duty of the every muslim. The purpose of Zaggat is to bring economic equality between the rich and poor.
  4. Roza: It means fasting, Every muslim should fast in the month of Ramzan. One should fast for 29 to 30 days from morning to dusk. It balance the desires, It controls ones habits and it creats a confidence towards deliverance. It is a proper training to acquire good character.
  5. Hajj: It is a holy pilgrim to Mecca. Atue muslim should undertake pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca at least once in his life time.