2nd PUC English Model Question Paper 2 with Answers

Students can Download 2nd PUC English Model Question Paper 2 with Answers, Karnataka 2nd PUC English Model Question Papers with Answers helps you to revise the complete Karnataka State Board Syllabus and to clear all their doubts, score well in final exams.

Karnataka 2nd PUC English Model Question Paper 2 with Answers

Time 3.15 Hours
Max.Marks – 100

(a) Follow the prescribed limit while answering the questions.
(b) Write the correct question number as it appears on the question paper.
(c) One mark questions attempted more than once will be awarded zero.
(d) Answers to question number 24 (a-j) and 25 (i-iii) should be in sequence and at one place.
(e) For multiple choice questions choose the correct answer and rewrite it.

I. Answer the following in a word, a phrase or a sentence each. 12 x 1 = 12

Question 1.
Whom does Romeo address as ‘younger lady’?

Question 2.
Mention one of the reasons for the soldiers’ refusal to execute the criminal in ‘Too Dear’.
The soldiers didn’t know how to do it. / It was not taught to them.

Question 3.
What does the phrase ‘the bow that is stable’ refer to in ‘On Children’?

Question 4.
Name the woman who led the resistance against felling the trees in the village of Adwani.

Question 5.
Laura Liorente was known as in her locality in ‘A Sunny Morning’.
(a) dream girl
(b) golden lady
(c) silver maiden
(c) silver maiden.

2nd PUC English Model Question Paper 2 with Answers

Question 6.
What does the speaker want his beloved to do when she is old in ‘When You Are Old’?
To take down the book and slowly read.

Question 7.
Whom did tammanna consider as the most important among all his possessions in ‘The Gardener’?

Question 8.
What do the soft nails of quartz change themselves into in ‘To the Foot from its Child’?
Opaque substance.

Question 9.
Borges looks upon blindness as a
(a) way of life
(b) miserable circumstance
(c) major handicap
(a) way of life.

Question 10.
Whom according to George Mikes do the Japanese stores employ?
Bowing girls.

Question 11.
Where, on the election morning, did Marcus Ibe sit shaking hands with the villagers?
In his car.

Question 12.
In which district of Tamil Nadu, according to P. Sainath, has cycling been a social movement?

II. Answer any eight of the following (choosing at least two from poetry) in a paragraph of 80 – 100 words 8 x 4 = 32

Question 13.
How is Romeo mesmerised by the beauty of Juliet at first sight?
Romeo was fascinated by Juliet’s beauty. He praises her beauty with many similes. The says that she teaches, torches to burn bright. He feels the light in Lord Capulefs house is dim in comparison to Juliet’s beauty. She seems to hang upon the cheek of night and he compares her to ajewel in an Ehtiope’s ear,Her beauty is too rich for use and for Earth too dear. He compares her to a white dove among crows. He says that he would make his hand blessed by touching her. Romeo asks if his heart has loved till then. He says that he has not seen true beauty till that night.

2nd PUC English Model Question Paper 2 with Answers

Question 14.
Why was the criminal finally offered pension in ‘Too Dear’? How did this offer benefit him?
In Monaco, when a murderer was caught, initially judges, prosecutors and jurymen assembled to decide on the punishment for the culprit, After long deliberations, they condemned the culprit to have his head cut off as per law. The problem was that Monaco neither had a guillotine nor an executioner. Hiring was quite expensive and there were meetings again. They altered the death sentence to life imprisonment. All Monaco had was a small lock up room. More committees were formed to sort this out.

They found a place and hired a guard to watch over the criminal and fetch him food. As this was costing too much, the next committee dismissed the guard, and waited for the criminal to run away. He did not do so telling that his reputation had gone and nobody would hire him. Finally, he agreed to leave when offered regular pension. All these considerations were carried out in meetings after meetings.

Question 15.
‘Your children are not your children’. How is this statement relevant with reference to ‘On Children’? Explain.
The poet categorically states that the children are not your children because after coming out of the mother’s womb the child has its own individuality, it never addicts to the likes of its parents. Though parents only give love and affection it does its profession according to its own wish. After getting profession he marries and settles according to his own likes. Though the child born through parents they could not take care always as God. Children always play a role in according to God.

Question 16.
How do Don Gonzalo and Dona Laura accuse each other at the beginning of the play ‘A Sunny Morning’?
On a sunny autumn morning in a park in Madrid, Dona Laura is feeding pigeons. Don Gonzalo enters and finds his usual bench occupied by three priests and as there are no vacant benches he resigns himself to share the bench with Dona Laura. Gonzalo scares away the birds and when Laura complains, he is irritated and says it is a public park. Dona Laura retorts back and asks him why he was.complaining that the priests had occupied his bench. Gonzalo brushes the dust from his shoes with his handkerchief. Laura criticizes his action.

He replies not to interfere with him and puts on his enormous pair of glasses, reading glass and opens his book. Laura sarcastically says that he has a very keen eyesight. Gonzalo says evidently as every Sunday he took his gun and dog and went to one of his estates near Aravaca and killed time. Laura said that he could only kill time. Thus they keep accusing each other.

Question 17.
How does Tammanna take revenge on Basavaiah through invisible means?
At the height of their enmity, Basavaiah forcibly acquired to hundred acres of Tammanna’s land and fenced them off.Tammanna could not take that lying down. Tammanna’s advisors suggested to him about the various means available for getting back his land. These varied between taking recourse to police, moving the court of law, or plain violence taking law into their hands and attacking Basavaiah openly.

All the above may lead to prolonged enmity with no end in sight. Tammanna was in search of some unique way to end the enmity as well as to annihilate Basavaiah completely. He hit upon the idea of composing his experiences and Basavaiah’s bad behaviour in ballad form and singing them. He was quite good at that and his fame spread. Basavaiah failed in tying to emulate him. Tammanna was felicitated as the best poet and Basavaiah could only watch in mute anger and humiliation. The rivalry had moved to an invisible abstract domain, where Basavaiah had no answer to Tammanna’s approach.

2nd PUC English Model Question Paper 2 with Answers

Question 18.
Why does Borges define poetry as intimate and essential and that which cannot be defined without oversimplifying?
Borges believes that poetry ¡s something very intimate and essential and it cannot be defined without oversimplifying it. It would be like trying to define the colour yellow or the feeling of love or even about the fall of leaves in the autumn. He feels.that poetry is aesthetic act. Poetry is not poem as the latter is nothing more than a series of symbols.

Poetry is the poetic act that takes place when a poet unites it. When the reader reads it and to reach it always happens in a slightly different manner. Poetry is a magical, mysterious and unexplainable, but not exactly event. The reader should be able to feel the poetic event upon reading it, or else the poet has failed in his mission. It is those precise words that elicit the emotions.

Question 19.
Describe how the poem, ‘Heaven, if you are not on Earth’ visualises heaven in nature.
The poet tries to break the myth about heaven. He says that heaven is not an entity beyond the boundaries of earth which one can visualise after death. The poet describes the beauty of the earth by describing the fast flowing stream which roars and rushes down. He says that the sun shines tenderly on the gardens and makes the earth look like heaven.

The fully grown crops which shine in the moonlight appear so beautifully heaven like and the poet who describes all this in his sweet nectar like song does create heaven on earth by his sweet words. The poet is moved by the tender sunshine, beaming moonlight, gushing streams, gardens, sight of harvest which adds to the beauty of the earth which is no less than heaven. Thus the poet imbibes and spills song of nectar and creates heaven with his writings.

Question 20.
How does George Mikes bring out the humour in the Japanese mannerism of bowing?
In Japan, bowing is almost like a mania. Everybody keeps bowing to everybody else, with great solemnity and natural, inimitable grace. Bowing is akin to shaking hands or kissing the cheek as is normal in the west. It is quainter. more formal, more oriental with complex rules and hierarchies but very much infectious. Foreigners may find themselves bowing, but with amusing, unintentional blunders, either bowing too deeply or not deeply enough or to wrong persons at the wrong places.

The differences in ranks, standing, age,social position are subtly reflected. There are clear cut differences in positions and basic rules inside the family too. But Japanese carry out these complicated. hierarchical rituals without difficult’ and with great aplomb. Bowing is part of their culture and ingrained in them since birth.

Question 21.
‘The Voter’ ridicules the power and selfishness of Marcus Ibe. Explain.
Marcus Ibe was a school teacher when politics had come to the village. He had wisely joined up, to avoid imminent dismissal arising from a female teacher’s complaint. He became the Chief, the Honourable Minister of Culture. He had two long cars and had built himself the biggest house anyone in that village had ever seen.

Five years of Ministership had brought him wealth, chieftaincy titles, doctorate degrees and other honours. The village Umuofia had neither running water nor electricity. Marcus had lately installed a private plant to supply electricity to his new house. He had christened his new house ‘Umuofia Mansion’ in honour of his village and he had slaughtered five bulls and countless goats to entertain the people on the day it was opened by the Archbishop.

2nd PUC English Model Question Paper 2 with Answers

Question 22.
In what different ways has cycle empowered rural women in Pudukkottai?
‘Cycle’ has changed the lives and livelihood of rural women of Puclukottai. Cycling is a symbol of freedom, independence and mobility. Cycle has reduced their dependence on men. It gave them mobility in cut off areas. Cycling had economic implications, their income and business improved. It enabled women to transport goods. cut down on time and gave them time to focus on selling their produce.

Cycling brought about social status and recognition in women’s life. It brought self respect and gave a feeling of goodness and independence. Thus cycle served as a metaphor for freedom, independence and mobilily.

III. Answer the following in about 200 words. 1 x 6 = 6

Question 23.
‘Conservation of biodiversity is crucial for the sustenance of both nature and human society’. Discuss with reference to Vandana Shiva’s essay.
Biodiversity encourages cocreation with nature. It is based on democratic principles as it ensures equal rights to all creatures. Bio-diversity believes in abundance and freedom, cooperation and mutual giving. It brings about living economies. Monoculture not only affects nature but also life and its values. Diverse thought process ceases and life loses vitality and colour and aesthetic sensibility. Life turns dull and monotonous.

Vandana Shiva learned about bio-diversity in the Himalayan forests, and transferred those lessons learnt to the protection of biodiversity on their farms. She started saving seeds from farmer’s fields and then realized they needed a farm for demonstration and training. She started the seed bank. ‘Navadanya Farm’ was started in 1994 in the Doon Valley located in the lower elevations of the Himalayan region of Uttarkhand.

She conserved and grew 630 varieties of rice. 150 varieties of wheat and hundreds of other species, B iodiversuy helps to produce more food and nutrition per acre and reduces malnutrition and improves human health.
Bring out the instances from the play ‘A Sunny Morning’ to justify it as a blend of romance and comedy.
‘A Sunny Morning’ is a one act play full of humour and romantic interludes. Dona Laura and Don Gonzalo meet accidentally in a park. Dona Laura is feeding pigeons, Don Gonzalo sees that his usual bench in the park is occupied by three priests. He scares away the birds and Dona Laura becomes angry. Don Gonzalo waits for the priests to leave as he wanted his bench all for himself. When he sees no sign of them leaving, he resigns himself and sits on the bench with Dona Laura.

Dona Laura taunts him that he should have ’ asked for permission. Gonzalo replies that the park was a public property. He uses his handkerchief as a shoe brush and Laura criticizes his action. He takes out his enormous pair of glasses, a reading glass and adjusts both and opens his book. Laura comments that she thought he was taking out a telescope. Gonzalo says his eye sight is keen and every Sunday he takes his gun and dog to one of his estates near Aravaca and kills time. Laura agrees that he kills time and that is all he could kill. Gonzalo takes out his snuffbox and offers Laura a pinch of snuff and the snuff brings peace between them.

GonZalo reveals that he was a native of Valencia. Laura is startled. Both of them spin factious stories. Gonzalo says his cousin was in love with Laura Llorente known as the Silver Maiden in her locality and Laura says it was her friend who was in love with Gonzalo’s cousin.

2nd PUC English Model Question Paper 2 with Answers

Laura says fate was curious as they had met by chance and were discussing the romance of old friends and they were conversing as if they themselves were old friends. Laura asks him if he would come the next day. Gonzalo replies that he would certainly come if it was a sunny morning and he would not scare away the birds and would bring a few bread crumbs. Laura asks Gonzalo if he would go to his bench. Gonzalo says he would come to her bench. Laura replies that the bench was at his disposal. They smile once more and go their way.
How does the poem ‘Water’ demonstrate the disparity and discrimination in our society using water as a symbol?
Roof was a very strong and intelligent person and trustworthy follower of Marcus. He could guess the mood of the people before elections and inform Marcus accordingly. But when the POP campaign leader came and bribed Roof with five pounds for his support to the POP, he was in a dilemma whether to support his leader or the opposition leader Maduka. Finally, when he entered the voting booth, he tore the ballot paper into two and cast one to Maduka and the other to Marcus. But he ensured that his people had cast their votes for Marcus.

IV. Read the following passage and answer the questions set on it. 10 x 1 = 10

The U.S. Navy is planning to use armed robotic patrol boats with no sailors on board to escort and defend warships moving through sensitive sea lanes. The technology, adapted from NASA’s rovers on mars, will transform how the American navy operates and is sure to raise fresh questions and concerns about the widening role of robots in warfare. The office of Naval Research has released the results of what it called an unprecedented demonstration in August involving 13 robotic patrol crafts escorting a ship along the James river in Virginia. In a simulated scenario, five of the robotic patrol boats guarded a larger ship while

eight others were ordered to investigate a suspicious vessel. The unmanned patrol boats then encircled and swarmed the “target” enabling the mother ship to move safely through the area. The demonstration, conducted over two weeks, was designed to “replicate a transit through a strait”, naval research Chief Rear Admiral Matthew Klunder told . reporters in a recent briefing.

The demonstration was a ‘break through’ that goes far beyond any previous experiment, he said, adding that similar robotic patrol crafts likely will be escorting U.S. naval ships within a year. The patrol crafts, 11 -metre long vessels, known in the military as rigid hulled inflatable boats, are usually operated by three or four sailors. But outfitted with the robotic system, a single sailor could oversee up to 20 of the vessels.

Unlike drone aircraft, such as the famed ‘predator’ and ‘Reaper’ planes, the robotic boats are more autonomous and can carry out directions without having to be operated by a human at every step.“The excitement about this technology is it is autonomous” Mr. Klunder said.

2nd PUC English Model Question Paper 2 with Answers

Question 24.
Answer the following in a word, a phrase or a sentence each. 10 x 1 = 10

(a) What is the U.S. Navy planning to use, to escort and defend warships?
Armed robotic patrol boats with no sailors.

(b) When was the unprecedented demonstration held?
In August.

(c) Name the river in which the demonstration was conducted?
James river.

(d) What were the eight robotic patrol boats ordered to investigate?
A suspicious vessel.

(e) How long was the demonstration conducted?
Over two weeks.

(f) Who is the naval chief mentioned in the passage?
Admiral Matthew Klunder.

(g) The number of robotic patrol boats that guarded a large ship was
(a) eight
(b) five
(c) thirteen
(b) five.

(h) Add a prefix to the word ‘usual’ to form its antonym.

(i) The Admiral was (excited/ excitement) about the new technology.

(j) What benefit would the U.S. Navy get by utilizing robotic patrol boats in overseeing the vessels?
A single sailor could oversee up to 20 of the vessels.

Question 25.
Read the following lines and answer the questions. 3 x 1 = 3

At the corner of wood street, when daylight appears,
Hangs a thrush a bird that sings loud, it has sung for three years:
Poor Susan has passed by the spot, and has heard.
In the silence of the morning the song of the bird.

i. Where does Susan come across the thrush?
At the comer of Wood street.

ii. How long has the thrush been singing?
Three years.

iii. When has Susan heard the song of the bird?
In the silence of the morning.

Question  26.
Complete the following by filling in the blanks using the right form of the verb given in brackets. 3 x 1 = 3

The rivalry between Tammanna and Basavaiah increased day by day. Two hundred acres of Tammanna’s land ……… (acquire) by Basavaiah. A fence ………… (build) around the land. Tammanna ……….. (advise) by his supporters about the various means of getting back his land.
was acquired, was built, was advised.

2nd PUC English Model Question Paper 2 with Answers

Question 27.
Report the following conversation. 5 x 1 = 5

POP campaigner : We want your vote.
Rufus Okeke : How can I vote for Maduka?
POP campaigner: Are you taking this money or not?
Rufus Okeke : Will it not be heard outside this house?
POP campaigner: Don’t worry about it.

The POP campaigner told Rufus Okeke that they wanted his vote. Rufus Okeke asked the campaigner how he could vote for Maduka. The campaigner asked Rufus if he was taking that money or not. Rufus asked the campaigner if it would not be heard outside that house. The campaigner told Rufus not to worry about it.

Question 28.
Complete the following dialogue. 4 x 1 = 4

Husband : What would you like me to get for your birthday? A sari or a necklace?
Wife : …………..
(Expressing preference)
Husband: ………. (Asking for preference – gold or diamond)
Wife : I prefer a diamond necklace.
Husband : ………………. (Accepting)
Wife : …………(Expressing gratitude).
Husband : What would you like me to get for your birthday? A sari or a necklace?
Wife : I prefer a necklace .
Husband : Would you like a gold necklace or a diamond one?
Wife : I prefer a diamond necklace.
Husband : Ok. I will set you a diamond one.
Wife : Thanks.

Question 29.
Fill in the blanks by choosing the appropriate expressions given in the brackets: 2 x 1=2

A lot of women in Pudukkottai were unable to wait for ‘ladies’ cycles. Therefore they had to ……….. men’s cycle. They knew that bicycles ………….. time wasted in waiting for buses.(cut down on, put up with, go in for)
go in for, cut down on

Question 30.
Fill in the blanks with the right linker. 4 x 1 = 4

The General of Monaco asked each of his soldiers to cut the criminal’s head off …………… no soldier came forward to do it ……….. the ministers of Monaco assembled a Commission. They appointed a Committee and subcommittee ……. they decided that the best thing would be to alter the death sentence to one term life imprisonment, (besides, but, at last, therefore).
But, Therefore, Besides, At last.

Question 31.
Read the following passage and make notes by drawing and filling the boxes given below. 8 x 1/2 = 4

Service oriented organisations are set up for providing services to their members and the society. Such organisations include schools, hospitals, clubs etc. The main objective of these organisations is providing service and not profit-making. These organisations are managed by trustees who are fully accountable to their members for the utilisation of funds. This is also a legal requirement. Therefore they have to maintain proper books of accounts and prepare the financial statements like receipts and payments account.
2nd PUC English Model Question Paper 2 with Answers 1
2nd PUC English Model Question Paper 2 with Answers 2

Question 32.
Write a letter of application in response to the following advertisement which appeared in ‘The Hindu’ dated September 17, 2015. 1 x 5 = 5


Qualification : Any degree with 60% and above, Knowledge of Computer, good communication skills in Kannada and English

Apply within a week to : The Manager (HRD), Mphasis Technologies, TNS Road, Jayanagar, Bengaluru-70

(Write XXX for name and YYY for address)
18th September 2015
The Manager (HRD)
Mphasis Technologies
TNS Road, Jayanagar
Bengaluru – 70
Sub: Application for the post of Receptionist.

Dear Sir/Madam,
With reference to your advertisement dated September 17 2015 for the post of receptionist and I would like to apply for the same.I have completed my B.Com from Maharaja College, Mysore in 2012 with distinction. For the past two years, I have been working at Shwetha Enterprises as receptionist. If given an opportunity in your esteemed organisation, I would surely prove my best. My resume is enclosed for your consideration.

Thank you Yours faithfully
Sd/- (XXX)
Enel: Resume.

Name : xxx
Address : yyy
Educational qualifications:

Degree University Percentage% Year
B.Com Maharaja college 90% 2012
PU Vivekananda college 75% 2009
SSLC Sri Krishna Deva High school 72% 2007

Experience : 2 years as Receptionist in Shwetha Enterprises.
Languages known : Kannada, English and Hindi.

2nd PUC English Model Question Paper 2 with Answers

Question 33.
Imagine you are the Secretary of your College Union. On the occasion of ‘Kannada Rajyotsava’ celebrations, you have to introduce the chief guest whose profile is given below. 1 x 5 = 5
Chief guest         :   Dr. Gangadhar Patil
Native                :   Haveri (Karnataka)
Education          :   M.A. (English), Ph.D from Oxford  University.
Profile                :   Worked as HOD of English  Dept. Karnataka University-literary figure and activist in Kannada movements-recipient of Central Sahitya Academy Award.

Based on the information, write a speech in about 100 words to introduce the guest at the function.
Good Morning to one and all present here. As the Secretary of the College Union, I take this opportunity of introducing our chief guest for the day Dr. Gangadhar Patil. He is a native of Haveri of Karnataka. He has completed his M.A. (English) and Ph.D from Oxford University. He has worked as HOD of English Department, Karnataka University. He is a famous literary figure and an activist in Kannada movements. He is the recipient of Central Sahitya Academy Award. It is an honour for our college to have such an esteemed guest on this occasion. We welcome you sir.
Here is a bar chart showing the literacy rate of male and female population in Karnataka. Based on this data, write a report in about 120 words.
2nd PUC English Model Question Paper 2 with Answers 3
The above bar graph highlights the literacy rate of male and female population in Karnataka from 1950 to 2000. In the year 1950, the literacy rate of male was 10% whereas female literacy rate was just 7%. In 1960, female literacy rate increased to 10% while male literacy rate was 20%. From 1970 to 2000 we observe gradual increase of literacy rate. From 25%, male literacy went up to 70% in 2000, whereas female literacy rate grew from 20% in 1970 to 60% in 2000. The bar graph highlights the drastic increase in the literacy rate of both male and female population. It is clear that male and female population literacy rate has increased bringing in development of the society which is a good sign for the prosperity of the nation.

Question 34.
What do the underlined words in the following extract refer to ? 4 x 1 = 4
The US navy says it will use a new technology which enables it to use robotic patrol boats with no sailor on board. The technology is adapted from NASA’s rover on Mars. This will transform the operation system of the US navy. The admiral who was instrumental in introducing, this technology was Matthew Klunder.
(i) it : ………………………….
(ii) which : …………………..
(iii) This : …………………….
(iv) who : …………………….
(i) it : US Navy
(ii) Which : new technology
(iii) This : adapted technology
(vi) Who : admiral / Matthew Klunder

2nd PUC English Model Question Paper 2 with Answers

Question 35.
Rearrange the jumbled segments to form a meaningful sentence. 1 x 1 = 1
application / my resume /1 / with this / have / enclosed
I have enclosed my resume with this application.