2nd PUC English Springs Textbook Answers Chapter 1 Romeo and Juliet

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Karnataka 2nd PUC English Springs Textbook Answers Chapter 1 Romeo and Juliet

2nd PUC English Springs Textbook Answers Chapter 1 Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet Questions and Answers, Notes, Summary

Romeo and Juliet Comprehension I

Question 1.
The phrase, ‘teach the torches to burn bright’ suggests:
(a) Juliet’s glow is brighter then the light of the torch.
(b) her beauty is capable of enabling the torches to burn bright.
(c) her beuty of surpasses the brightness of light.
(c) her beuty of surpasses the brightness of light.

Question 2.
‘for earth too dear’ this phrase suggests that the lady’s beauty is
(a) divine.
(b) rare.
(c) expensive.
(c) expensive.

Question 3.
‘the measure done’, connotes the completion of
(a) Romeo’s admiration of Juliet’s beauty.
(b) dance organised by Lord Capulet.
(c) the glorification of Juliet’s charm.
(a) Romeo’s admiration of Juliet’s beauty.

Question 4.
The line, ‘did my heart love till now?’ suggests
(a) Romeo feels he has fallen in love.
(b) Romeo has been attracted before.
(c) Romeo feels this is true love.
(c) Romeo feels this is true love.

2nd PUC English Springs Textbook Answers Chapter 1 Romeo and Juliet

Question 5.
The phrase ‘new snow’, suggests
(a) love as pure as snow.
(b) description of Romeo’s charm.
(c) Juliet’s discreet love for Romeo.
(c) Juliet’s discreet love for Romeo.

Question 6.
What do you think the phrase; ‘face of heaven’ signifies?
Night sky with bright twinkling stars.

Romeo and Juliet Comprehension II.

Question 1.
What similes does Romeo use to convey Juliet’s beauty and to what effect?
Romeo praises Juliet’s beauty with many similes. He compares her beauty to a rich jewel
in an Ethiope’s ear. Her beauty is too rich for use and expensive on the Earth. Then he compares her as a white as snowy dove which differs from the crows. In the opening lines he exaggerates that Juliet’s beauty surpasses the brightness of light. His comparison shows his passion and excess possessiveness towards Juliet, hence the names Romeo and Juliet are immortal in the world.

2nd PUC English Springs Textbook Answers Chapter 1 Romeo and Juliet

Question 2.
How, according to Juliet, would Romeo be immortalized to the world?
Juliet’s love is more intense than Romeo’s. She expects Romeo to be a star in the bright sky after his death. She wants to make him immortal after his death, by expecting Romeo to shine as a star in the night. She wants to immortalize Romeo as to twinkle like a star in the sky at night. She imagines her beloved Romeo to shine as a star in the sky cut into small glitters, then they all together shine and make the sky brighter and more beautiful than the day.

Romeo and Juliet Comprehension III.

Question 1.
Comment on the imagery of ‘night-day, black-white’ in the poem. What purpose do they serve in highlighting the intensity of love?
William Shakespeare brings out imagery excellently to make his poem effective. He takes two contrasted images ‘night-day’ and ‘black-white’ to highlight the intensity of love. As to comment on the first ‘night-day’, night serves a special time and peaceful atmosphere to the lovers. As it is calm, lovers remember each other and they expect each other’s embraces to make them feel compassionate and comfortable. Day serves as opposed to this, as they can only look at each other physically and make appointments of place and time at night. So the day helps lovers to meet at night.

2nd PUC English Springs Textbook Answers Chapter 1 Romeo and Juliet

To comment on “black and white”, black indicates ugliness and cruelty but white is peace and calmness but white could not shine without black. So they mutually intensify each other and serve as to intensify the love. Black and White also indicate the pain and pleasure, in love problems are these and pleasure is these so black and white suggest that love is the mixture of pain and pleasure.

Question 2.
Between Romeo and Juliet whose love, do you think, is more passionate and intense?
Though Romeo and Juliet belonged to rival families their love is as immense as earth and as wide as sky, they is no black spot in their love. It is difficult to say whose love is more intense because in true love we could not discriminate the lover’s love for each other. But to think Juliet’s love is more intense because generally, it is easy for boys to love, but for girls, it is difficult when they are of rival families.

Though Juliet knew this, she did not fear her family, she knows that if her family were to know about their love, definitely Romeo and Juliet would be killed. But she did not fear and she says if she is killed her beloved would be cut into little stars to glitter in the sky and make the sky brighter than a day. This is the evidence to justify that her love is more intense than Romeo’s by her statement that his glow would be brighter than a day and if he stays among stars the world would definitely forget to worship the sun and spend the night peacefully in her beloved’s presence. In this way, her love made his death immortal and his life and her love permanent on the earth.

2nd PUC English Springs Textbook Answers Chapter 1 Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet Additional Questions and Answers

Question 1.
What is the meaning of the phrase “It seems she hangs upon the cheek of the night??”
The phrase means twilight which is the comparison to the beauty of Juliet. She glows like the evening golden sunlight.

Question 2.
What was Juliet compared to?
Juliet was compared to a rich jewel in an Ethiope’s (African) ear.

Question 3.
What did Juliet expect Romeo to be after her death?
Juliet expected Romeo to be cut into little stars after her death to shine in heaven.

Romeo and Juliet Summary in English

Romeo and Juliet Summary in English

– William Shakespeare

The poem “Romeo and Juliet” is a famous legendary classical love story by William Shakespeare, who is considered as the national poet of England and called the “Bard of Avon”. His pen has made “Rome and Juliet” to remain immortal in the history of English literature. Perhaps, Romeo and Juliet became model lovers to emulate for all upcoming lovers. Their names are the incantation of lovers all over.

2nd PUC English Springs Textbook Answers Chapter 1 Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet Summary in English

Here in the poem, Shakespeare describes the intensity of love of Romeo and Juliet the their speeches. By using various figures of speech and images Shakespeare brings out the poem as the feelings of the passionate lovers.

The background of the story is that there were two noble families in Verona in Italy. They were the Capulets and the Montagues who were enemies. Romeo belonged to the family of Montagues and Juliet belonged to the Capulets. Old Lord Capulet hosted a grand supper. Though Romeo was uninvited, he also attended the supper in disguise. There he saw Juliet on the dance iloor and was attracted by her marvellous beauty. After the dance he learnt that she was the daughter of Lord Capulet. She too was attracted by Romeo, though he belonged to an enemy family. Then, Romeo expressed his immense love to her by saying that her beauty surpasses the Her beauty was compared to the twilight of the golden sunset and rich jewel in an african’s ear. Her beauty was so rare and expensive. She was just like a white dove among black crows. He felt that his rough hand got blessed by her soft touch and he felt that it was true love and he had never seen such beauty anywhere before.

2nd PUC English Springs Textbook Answers Chapter 1 Romeo and Juliet

Juliet also expressed her intense love through many metaphors, She called him a day in the night and whiter than snow.

Her immense and intense love is brought out by her statements that after her death he should be cut into small little stars that glitter in the night sky. Through this shining, she wanted him to live immortally. His brightness would be so much to make the world forget even to worship the sun and spend the time at night by happily watching Romeo’s brightness. In this way, Shakespeare as excellently brought out the immortal love between Romeo and Juliet.

Romeo and Juliet Summary in Kannada

Romeo and Juliet Summary in Kannada

2nd PUC English Springs Textbook Answers Chapter 1 Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet Summary in Kannada

2nd PUC English Springs Textbook Answers Chapter 1 Romeo and Juliet