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Karnataka 2nd PUC Geography Question Bank Chapter 10 Manufacturing Industries
2nd PUC Geography Manufacturing Industries Text Book Questions and Answers
I. Answer the following in a word or a sentence each.
Question 1.
What is manufacturing industry?
The process involved in conversion of raw material into finished goods is known as Manufacturing Industry.
Question 2.
Which industry is called as ‘mother of all industries’ or ‘basic industry’?
Iron and steel Industry is called as mother of all industries.
Question 3.
Which city is called Jawa of India?
Gorakhpur district of Uttar Pradesh is called Jawa of India.
Question 4.
Name of the important agro-based industries of India.
The important agro-based industries of India are:
- Cotton textile Industry.
- Jute Industry.
- Sugar Industry.
- Oil Industry.
Question 5.
What is industrial region?
A region which has a large concentration of one or different types of industries is known as an Industrial Region.
An area dominated by industries and industrial activities is called industrial region.
Question 6.
Define knowledge-based industry.
Information technology (IT) Industry (Includes hardware and software manufacturing) is an idea based Industry so it is called knowledge based Industry.
Question 7.
Which city of India is known as Silicon Valley?
Bangalore city is called silicon valley.
Question 8.
Name the first Naptha-based chemical industry in India.
The National organic chemical Industrial Ltd (NOCIL) is the first Napth based chemical industry at mumbai in India.
Question 9.
Mention the biggest industrial region of India.
The Mumbai-Pune Region is the biggest industrial region.
II. Answer the following questions in four to five sentences.
Question 1.
What is the difference between pure and impure raw materials? Give example.
Raw material are very important in the location of Industries the cost of raw material determines the cost of production. The localised raw material include iron ore, raw cotton and Sugarcane they are weight losing raw material or impure raw materials. Some of the raw meterials do not loose their weight in the process of manufacturing Ex: cotton textile industry and they are pure.
Question 2.
Why mumbai is known as ‘Manchester of India’?
Mumbai is the leading cotton centre of India, So it is known as Manchester of India.
Question 3.
Mention the importance of aluminium.
Aluminium is an important non-ferrous metal produced in India. Aluminium ranks second next to Iron and Steel. India ranks 8th in the production of aluminium in the world. India has vast reserves of Bauxite ore and it is the raw material of aluminium industry.
Question 4.
State the future of computer software in India?
Indian software industry is one of the important source of foreign exchange earning and also a major field of employment opportunities. Soft ware has become a major item of export in India. To boost the software exports Software Technology parks of India (STPI) was established in India in 1995. Indias export of software includes computer software and information technology service exports.
Question 5.
Why automobile industry is tends to be located near Iron and Steel Industry?
The automobile industry tends to be located near Iron and steel producing centres because steel is the basic raw material used in this Industry the nearness of places producing tyres, tubes, storage batteries, paints and other industries is considered to be an added advantage.
Question 6.
Cotton Textile industry is known as marketing-oriented industry. Why?
Cotton is non-weight losing raw material there is no differences is weight or transportation cost of raw material to market and finished products to the market so it is a market-oriented industry.
Question 7.
Mention the uses of by-products of sugar.
The byproducts of sugar such as Bagasse and Molasses are also very useful They are the major raw materials of paper and alcoholic industries.
Question 8.
Name any three steel plants being under the private sector.
The steel plants under the private sector are:
- Zindal Vijayanagar steel Ltd [JVSL]
- Essar steel Ltd [ESL]
- Ispat Industries Ltd [IIL]
- Neelachal Ispat Nigam Ltd [NINL]
Question 9.
Why iron and steel industry is called raw material-oriented?
The raw material required for Iron and steel industry are Iron ore, coal, limestone, manganese and Dolomite. All these are weight losing raw materials so it is raw material oriented industry.
III. Answer the following questions.
Question 1.
Discuss the factors which influence on the location of the industries.
The factors influencing the Location of industries are:
1. Raw material:
Raw materials are very Important in the location of Industries. Some of the Industries are located very near to the abundamt availability of raw materials Ex: Jute Industry and sugar industry. The cost of raw materials determines, The cost of production.
2. Power resourceses:
Power is essential to run the machines of industries and it influences much on the industrial location. The sources ofpower are coal, petroleum, Natural gas and Hydro electricity.
3. Water supply:
Some Industries like Iron and Steel, Alluminum smelting, pulping of timber and chemicals need large Quantities of water so such industries are located near rivers or lakes.
4. Climate:
Climate influences the location of industries. Ex: cotton textile Industry requires Humid climate.
5. Labour:
Industries require cheap and effecient Labour it also require skilled Labours. The production is influenced by the Labour cost.
6. Market:
Nearness to market is essential for quick marketing of manufactured goods.
7. Transportation:
To carry raw materials to the factory and finished products to the market an effcient and cheap transportation is necessary.
8. Capital:
Development of Industries requires Large capital investment.
9. Government policy:
To give boost to Industries Govt, must have favourable policies like Tax exemption, electricity and sites at concession rates.
Question 2.
Give an account of iron and steel industry in India.
The iron and steel Industries is a basic Industry and mother of all Industry. The production and consumption of iron and steel is an index of the economic development of a country. The 1st modem Iron and steel Industry in India was estableshed in 1870 at Kulti in West Bengal. In 1907 the Tata Iron and steel company [TISCO] was established at Jamshedpur in Jharkhand.
In 1923 the Iron and steel works [MISCO] has established at steel plant at Bhadravathi in Karnataka. The Indian Iron and stel companey [IISCO] has setup a steel plant at Bumpur in west Bengal in 1919. After Independence much Importance was given to the production of steel so new steel plants were setup at Rourkela [1955], Durgapur [1956], Bhilai [1957], Bokaro [1965], Salem [1981], and Vishakapatnam [1990], The Iron and steel Industry are established both under public and private sector.
There are major Iron and steel Industry in India they are:
- Tata Iron and steel company [TISCO]
- Vishweswariah Iron and steel company [VISCL]
- Indian Iron and Steel company [IISCO]
- Hindustan steel company
- Bokaro steel plant.
- Bhilai Steel plant
- Durgapur steel plant.
- Salem steel plant.
- Vishakapatnam steel plant.
Question 3.
Discuss the significance arid distribution of software industries in India.
Software Industry is one of the Knowledge based industry. The Indian software Industry has emerged as one of the fastest growing sectors of the Indian economy in recent years. It has great impact on the country’s economy. The software Industries has profound influence on the people’s life styles. The software are used in television, telecom, miltary, railways, weather instruments and computers.
The software industry has surpassed the electric hardware production. The software industry has provided employment lakhs of software engineers have created their brand image in the global market. Software industries have also influenced on the development of industries, trade and commerce. So the computers are one of the basic materiels of the human beings.
It is called as computer Age’Indian software industry has achieved a remarkable distinction in providing excellent quality products. A large number of indian software companies have acquired informational quality certification. Software industries are widely distributed in the country. Karnataka is the pioneer of software industry.
Question 4.
Describe the production and distribution of petro-chemical industries in India.
Petro-chemicals are the chemicals and compounds which are derived from petroleum resourceses. Petro chemicals are one of the most important industries of India and one of the fastest growing in the Indian Economy It provides the foundation for manufacturing industries like pharamaceuticals, textiles, automobiles, etc.
Mumbai as the Hub of petro chemical Industry’s. It is located in uttar pradesh, Gujarath, Maharastra, West Bengal and A.P. Three organisations are working in the petro-chemical sector they are:
- Indian petro Chemical corporation LTD [IPCL]: It is a public sector it manufactures and distributes various petro-chemicals like polymers, chemicals, fibre and fibre intermediates.
- Petro fils co operative Ltd [PCL]: It is a joint venture of Govt of India and weames co-operative societies. It produces polyester filament and Nylon filament yam.
- Central Institute of plastics Engineering And Technology [CIPET]: It is involved in Imparting training in the production of synthetic fibre, polymers, elastomers and surfactant Intermetiate.
Question 5.
Write the importance of knowledge-based industry and explain briefly why these industries are located in major cities.
Knowledge-based industry or information technology (IT) industry is the industry which helps in speard of knowledge through the supply of computers and other supporting equipment. Development of these mostly depends on skill and technical knowledge ofinan. So, they are called as knowledge-based industries.
It may be noted that IT industry is not just restricted to computers. It covers the entire gamer of media and devices used to transmit and process information for use by various groups in the society. In particular, it includes the supply of computers etc., hardwares and softwares, telecommunication equipments and microelectrics.
Computer manufacturing is a costly activity. The manufacture of computer hardware, installation of internet etc. are very costly. So it cannot be carried on by all industrial entrepreneurs. It can be developed only by financially sound companies. It requires technically skilled and trained software professionals.
There is necessity of advanced modem infrastructural facilities and global market etc. So, computer manufacturing is generally developed in important industrial city centres. In India, it is carried on in centres like Hydrabad, Chennai, Bangalore, Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkatta.
Question 6.
Discuss the advantages of Mumbai- Pune Industrial region.
It is the biggest and most important Industrial region of India. It is Located in Maharastra. It’s advantages are:
- port facilities.
- A good network of transport by road and good communication.
- Availability of raw cotton.
- Development of Hydro electric power in the western ghats.
- Supply of cheap labour from the Koran area.
- Avaibility of Banking and financial facilities.
Question 7.
Sugar Industry of Indf is moving southwards. Give reasons.
The sugar Industry has developed more in the southern states, namely maharastra, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, and Andra pradesh. Sugar Industry of India is mouing southwards due to:
- The Southern states located in the tropical region are highly suitable for sugarcane cultivation
- The yield of sugar cane in these states is much higher than the northern states.
- Extension of irrigation in the southern states has brought large tracks under sugar cane cultivation. It has favoured the establishment of many sugar Industries.
- Being located in the tropical region, sugarcane ripening period and curshing period.
- Supply otliydro-electricity, transport and market facilities.
Question 8.
What are the effects of globalization?
There are both +ve and -ve effects of globalization
Positive effects:
1. Many foriegn industries setup industries in India and this help to provide employment to many people in the country. This helped to reduce the level of unemployment and poverty in the country.
2. The foreign companys are brought in highly advanced technology with them and this help to make the Indian history more advance. It marks the advent of the real Integration of Indian Economy into the global economy.
Negative effects:
It is increased computation in the Indian market between the foreign companies and Domestic companies. This happened mainly in the pharmaceutical, chemical, manufacing and cement Industries. The Govt of India must try to make such economic policy with regard to Indian Industries globalization that are benefical and not harmful.
Question 9.
Give an account of automobile industry in India.
Automobile Industry is a heavy industry it includes motor cycles, motor cars, Buses, Trucks, and tractors assembly of number of , individual part is the charateristics feature of this Industry. The real development of the industry began with the establishment of the automobiles at kurla [Mumbai] in 1947 and Hindustan motors at uttarpada [Kolkatta] in 1948.
Auto mobile industry has made progress in India and it is one of the librent sectors of economy. It has one of the largest market in the world. India’s passenger car and commercial vehicle manufacting industry is the 6th largest Industry in the world. In Asia India ranks 3rd exportor of passengar cars. India has become the 2nd fastest growing automobile market in world after china.
Question 10.
Mention the importance of cement industry development in India.
The cement Industry is one of the basic Industry cement is a mixture of limestone cement clay, silica and gypsum and it is essential for all construction of roads, bridge, dam, buildings and canals. The production and consumption of cement is an Indicator of the progress of a nation.
India is not only one of the major cement producing country’s of the world but it is also one of the largest cement consumer as well as exporter.
The 1st cement plant was estableshed by south-Indian industries at Ranipet near chennai in 1904. But it failed soon the successful unit was made at porbandar in Gujarat in the year 1914.
In 1934 associated cement company [ACC] was established. India is the 2nd largest producer of cement in world after china it brings sufficient revenue to the Govt. After Independence the development of cement Industries started. At present there are 153 cement plants India has become one of the exporter of cement.