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Karnataka 2nd PUC Geography Question Bank Chapter 3 Human Economic Activities
2nd PUC Geography Human Economic Activities Text Book Questions and Answers
I. Answer the following in a word or a sentence each.
Question 1.
What do you mean by economic activities?
The activities pursued by human beings performed to satisfy their needs of food, clothing, shelter and others are known as economic activities.
Question 2.
What are primary activities?
The economic activities which are concerned directly with extraction of natural resources of any kind.
- Food gathering
- Hunting.
- Lumbering
- Fishing
- Mining
- Animal rearing
- Agriculture.
Question 3.
What are secondary activities?
The process by which the natural products are made more useful for human Beings is called manufacturing. The activities which are related to manufacturing are also called Industries. These are concerned with processing and conversion of raw materials in to more valuable and useful products. These are called secondary activities or secondary occupation.
Question 4.
What is lumbering?
Lumbering is an act of gathering forest product’s for livelihood by man.
Question 5.
What is hunting?
Hunting is the practice of killing wild animals for food, skin, recreation or trade.
Question 6.
What is agriculture?
The term agriculture is derived from two latin words ‘Ager’ and ‘Cultura’. Ager means soil or land. Cultura means tilling so agriculture means tilling the soil for raising plants. Agriculture is an Art of cultivating soil for the purpose of raising crops.
Question 7.
What is meant by Animal Rearing?
Domestication of Animals for a specific purpose is known as animal rearing.
Question 8.
What is an industry?
The activities which are related to manufacturing are called Industries.
Question 9.
What is mining?
The extraction of the minerals from the Earth such as iron ore, manganese, gold, coal, Diamond and petroleum is called mining
Question 10.
What are the tertiary occupations?
Tertiary sector is the part of the Economy that helps both the primary and secondary sectors. The tertiary occupations are: All kinds of services, Retail, Entertainment, Banking, Education, Health care, Transportation and communication.
II. Answer the following in 2 or 3 sentences.
Question 1.
Differentiate between secondary and tertiary activities?
The secondary occupation are concerned with processing, manufacturing and constructions, Industries. Tertiary activitiesw helps both the primary and secondary sectors.
Question 2.
Mention the different techniques of mining?
The different techniques of mining are:
- Open Cast mining
- Underground mining
- Shaft mining
Question 3.
Bring out the importance of secondary occupation?
The manufacturing industries play an important role in the Economic development of a country. In olden days the Industries were developed in a small scale but now they have Developed on a large scale with the help of modem technology, Huge capital arid skilled labour. They help for employment opportunity and to improve the standard of living. Most countries engage in secondary occupation than in primary occupation.
Question 4.
What are the different types of fishing?
The term fiishing includes catching of fish, Crabs, sharks and collection of sea-shells from the seas and fresh water.
Types of fishing are:
- Freshwater fishing: carried out in ponds, tanks, rivers and lakes (mainly in land).
- Coastal fishing: carried out along the seacoast.
- Open sea fishing: carried out in open season a large scale.
Question 5.
Why lumbering has developed in cold temperate regions of the world?
Lumbering is developed in cold temperate regions of the world as
- Single variety of Trees are distributed in a large Area.
- Wood is utilized for the manufacturing of wood pulp, paper and Building materials.
- Modem scientific Technology had Helped in cutting the trees easily.
- Adequate Transport facilities are Available.
- Establishment of factories in the near by places and export of these products.
Question 6.
Write a short note on food gathering.
The oldest Human Occupation was Gathering products from nature to fulfill their Basic needs like food, clothing and shelter. The Nomadic tribes collect wild fruits, roots, nuts, leaves to meet their daily requirements of food and for clothing bark of trees, leaves and grass for making their Homes, They used Branches of trees Bomboo, leaves.
The primitive people had a complete knowledge of their Environment. They moved from one place to another in search of food, food gathering activity was mostly carried in tropical and temperate forest.
III. Answer the following questions.
Question 1.
Explain animal rearing in the world?
Domestication of animals for a specific purpose is known as animal rearing. People in different parts of the world have domesticated different animal for different purpose. Animal products like milk meat, bones, skins, hair and Wool was obtained to satisfy basic needs of the human beings.
Animal rearing is carried on by two methods as traditional and modem method. In the tropical grassland, the Fulani of Nigeria and the masai of East Africa are the cattle herders. In the drier parts, short grass grows and sheep and goats are reared. In the past, the Kirghiz of central Asia had large flock of sheep.
People engaged in commercial grazing, use scientific methods of rearing animals a commercial basis, commercial grazing is practiced the temperate grass land namely prairies of North America, Pampas of South America, steppes of Asia, Downs of Australia. In USA and Argentina, beef cattle are reared on a large scale.
Question 2.
Explain Agriculture in detail.
Agriculture is an art of cultivating soil for the purpose of raising crops. In the begining people were food gatherers Now people realised that food production is necessary if they want to survive. So people started agriculture in the subsistence level Now cultivation of different crops and rearing of animals is carried on, on the basis of geographic, economic and Social conditions.
Now also there are primitive types of farming Ex: Shifting cultivation. Agriculture became commercial with the development of scientific technology, plantation agriculture was introduced with huge investment. The developing countries like India, Bangladesh, Bhutan still earn a large share of their income from agriculture percentage of people involved in agriculture is only 4% in U.K and 60% in India.
Agriculture is mostly mechanised in the developed countries. Shifting cultivation is also called as slash and bum agriculture. It is known by different names in different countries. Juming in north-eastern state of India milpa in central America and Mexico, Ladang in Indonesia and Malaysia.
Question 3.
What is mining? Explain the types, advantages and disadvantages of mining?
The extraction of the minerals from the earth such as Iron ore, Manganese, Gold, coal, Diamond and Petroleum. Minerals have played an important role in the early development of human civilizations, stone age, Bronze age, copper age, Iron age are the names associated with the minerals used in different stages of human beings.
The Major types of Mining are:
1. Open cast mining:
This type is the easiest method of mining, the mineral deposit which is covered by soil is removed and the minerals are extracted. Ex: ‘ Coal and Iron one.
2. Underground Mining:
This type is adopted for the minerals which are found in greater depth: This method is carried on by drilling and pumping. Ex: Petroleum and Natural gas.
3. Shaft mining:
This type is adopted to get minerals which are located at greater depth. Ex: coal, lead, and Iron ore. Apart from mining of minerals a number of people are also in refining involved and processing of ores. The processing centres are located near the mines. Oil refineries are located near the consuming centres.
- Depletion of the environment is a minor problem associated with mining.
- Minerals are exhaustible and mineral resources get depleted as they are produced.
- Water resources are affected and polluted.
- Both flora and fauna are affected by mining.
Question 4.
Explain fishing in detail.
The term fishing includes catching of fish, crabs, sharks and collection of sea shells from the seas and fresh water. Based on fishing grounds, Fishing has been divided into 3 catagories namely,
1. Fresh water fishing:
This is carried out in ponds, tanks, rivers and lakes.
2. Coastal fishing:
This is carried out along the sea coast.
3. Open sea fishing:
This is carried out in open seas on a large scale different countries catch fish in different methods. The developing countries are following primitive methods like bows and arrows. Base hands, small nets or small boats. The developed countries use modern techniques to catch fish.
The modem fishing vessels remains for a long time in the open sea fishing day and night. The large ships serve as floating factories that completes the process of catching and packing them into tins, fishing has developed in Japan USA, UK and Norway on a commercial scale.
Question 5.
Differentiate between tertiary and quaternary activities?
Tertiary sector is basically the part of the economy that helps both the sectors of primary and secondary. It includes all kinds of services, retail entertainment, Banking, Education, Health care, Transportation and communication The services of Tertiary occur in different stages, same are confined to Industry some to people and few for both Industry and people.
Different services are rendered by teachers, musicians, Physicians lawyers. 75% of the people of the developed countries are engaged in services as compared to the developing countries. The employment in tertiary sector is increasing. Some occupations come under quaternary activities.
Quaternary activities refers to that deals with the handling and processing of knowledge and information like software, sport and recreations. The Quaternary occupations with the tertiary occupations have replaced the primary and secondary occupations for the economic growth of a nation.
Question 6.
Explain secondary occupations?
The industries which are concerned with the process of converting raw material into finished products are called manufacturing industries and They are also called as secondary occupations. The manufacturing industries. Play an important role in the economic development of a country. Nowadays Industries are developed on a large scale, with the help of huge capital, modem technology, skilled labour etc.
this has helped in getting the employment opportunities and improving the standard of living. It also helps in earning foreign exchange. The developed countries like Russia, USA and Japan people are engaged in secondary occupation than in primary occupations.