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Karnataka 2nd PUC Geography Question Bank Chapter 4 Transport and Communication
2nd PUC Geography Transport and Communication Text Book Questions and Answers
I. Answer the following in a word or a sentence each.
Question 1.
What is transportation?
Transport is a service to facilitate the movements of goods and persons from one place to another by humans, animals and different kinds of vehicles.
Question 2.
When was the first railway started?
The first public railway run between Stockton and Dalington in 1825.
Question 3.
Which continent has the highest density of rail network in the world?
Europe has the highest density of rail network in the world.
Question 4.
What is water transport?
Water ways provide navigation facilities by means of boats and ships. Water transport are the cheapest means of transport.
Question 5.
What is ocean transport?
The oceans are considered as the natural highways of the world. They do not require route construction. There are wide range of ships used for transportation such as liners, cargoes, tankers and refrigarator ships.
Question 6.
What are the inland waterways?
The movement of goods, passengers through rivers, canals and lakes is known as inland waterways.
Question 7.
What is pipeline transport?
Pipeline transport is a new addition in the transport Map – A pipeline is a line or conduit of pipe for carrying a liquid gas. These have become more popular for transporting certain products for long distances.
Question 8.
What is communication?
Sending messages or information from one place to another or exchange of ideas and information is called communication.
Question 9.
What is internet?
Internet is the network of networks. It is an interconnected system of networks that connects computers around the world.
Question 10.
What is cyberspace?
Cyberspace is the world of electronic computerised space. It is encompassed by the internet such as world wide web. It is the electronic digital world for communicating information over computer networks Or The electronic medium of computer networks in which on line communication takes place.
Question 11.
Which is the busiest canal in the worid?
The suez canal is the busiest canal in the world. It is owned by Egypt.
Question 12.
Expand ISRO.
Indian Space Research Organisation. In india ISRO at Bangalore is responsible for satellite building and launching.
Question 13.
Which is the largest news agency in the world?
The world’s largest news Agency is Reuter. The first news paper in the world was relation Aller fumemmen and Gedemck wurdigen historian in 1605 in German language.
Question 14.
Name the first artificial satellite launched by Russia?
The first artificial satellite launched by Russia in 1957 is “Sputnik”.
Question 15.
What is satellite communication?
An artificial body placed is orbit round the earth or another planet in order to collect information for communication with other purposes.
II. Answer the following questions in three to four sentences each.
Question 1.
State the different types of transportation.
The different types of transport are:
- Land transport: Under land transport
- Road Transport
- Rail transport
- Water transport underwater transport
- Inland
- Ocean.
- Air Transport.
- Pipeline Transport.
Question 2.
Name any two different highways of North America.
The two different highways of North America are:
- The Alaskan highway links Edmonton to Alaska.
- The pan American High Way it connects.
- The south America, Central America, USA and Canada.
Question 3.
Name any two important trans-continental railways of Canada?
The two important trans continental Railways of Canada are:
- Trans-Canadian Railway: The railway which runs from Halifax in the east to Vanco var on the pecific coast passing through Montreal, Ottawa Winnipeg and Calgary.
- The Quebec-Montreal: industrial region and the wheat belt of prairie region with the coniferous forest region in the north.
Question 4.
Name the two shipping canals of the world.
The two shipping canals of the world are: The Suez and the panama canel. They are man-made navigational canals or waterways which serve as gateways of commerce for both the eastern and western worlds.
Question 5.
Name any two major international airports of South America.
The two major international airports of south America are:
- Rio-de-Janeiro
- Santiago.
Question 6.
Name any two inland waterways in the world.
The two inland waterways of the world are:
- The Danube waterway.
- The Rhine waterway.
Question 7.
Mention any two means of modern communication.
Cyberspace, Remote sensing. GIS and GPS are the means of modem communication.
Question 8.
Expand GIS and GPS.
The expanded form of GIS is Geographic Information System, designed to capture, store, manipulate, analyse, manage and present all types of geographical data.
The expanded form of GPS Global positioning System is a space-based satellite navigation system that provides local and time information in all weather conditions anywhere on or nearer earth.
III. Answer the following questions.
Question 1.
Write about the world land transport.
The movement of goods and services takes place over the land. In the earlier days there was human portage, the revolution is Ian;! transport was brought by the invention of steam engine in 18th century. Many types of vehicles were introduced on the road, land transport is the oldest and universal. In the middle ages roads were constructed for the purpose of military.
The Romans have constructed roads in 400 BC through out their empire. Roads are the most widely distributed forms of transport. The west pacific coast cities are well developed and connected with the east Atlantic ocean coast cities. In North America the Alaskan high way links edmonton to Alaska.
The pan American high way connect the South America, central America, USA and Canada Europe has good road net work which connects the entire western and central european countries. Asia has a good network of roads. A great highway connects from turkey in the west to malasia in the east through India.
A new high way links chengdu to Llahsa in Tibet. The longest roads in the world is pan American high way which connects Alaska – Canada-united states Mexico Africa has few number of good Quality roads which connects Algeria in the north to Guinea. In South America, Brazil has parallel road along the eastern coast.
Question 2.
Write a note on the world water transport.
Water transportation is ideal for the movements of bulky heavy large Quantities of commodities as well as perishable products. Oceans are considered as the natural high way of the world. There are wide range of ships used for transportation such as liners. Cargoes, tankers and refrigerator ships.
Some of the important ocean routes are:
- The northern Atlantic sea Route: It connects north-eastern USA and north-western Europe.
- The mediterranean sea Route: This route passes through the heart of the old world. A variety of products are transported through the route as the crude oil is the most important.
- The cape of good Hope Sea Route: This sea route is the oldest. This route is very important for the African countries.
- The: North pacific Sea Route: This sea route links the ports on the west coast North America with those of east Asia.
- The south pacific sea Route: This sea route connects western Europe and North America with Australia and Newzealand.
- The South Atlantic Sea Route: This sea route connects the eastern coast of south America with western coast of Africa and Europe. The shipping canals play a very important role in the world transport, the major shipping canal in the world are the Suez and the panama canal.
Question 3.
Write the world distribution of railways.
Railways are the most important mode of land transport. Railways are Quite cheap and connected for long distances. Europe has the highest density of rail net work in the world. It has about 4,40,000 Kms. of railway track. In Europe passenger trains are important than freight, underground Railways are more important in London and paris.
Marmary is the first continental under water railway line. It is between Asia and Europe. Railways are more in Russia. Underground Railways and computer trains are also important in mo scow north America has one of the most extensive rail networks. In Canada the trans-continental railway carry heavy loads.
In Asia rail network is most dense in Japan china and India Recently china has been connected with tibet through fast running railways. There are some longest Railway lines which traverse the entire continent either east to west or North to south. They are called trans-continental Railways.
Some of the famous trans continental Railways are:
- The Trans Siberian Railway.
- Trans Canadian Railway.
- The union and pacific Railway
- The chile and Argentina Railway
- The Australian transcontinental Railway
- Northern Transcontinental Railway.
- The Southern Trans Continentel Rail way.
- The Canadian National Railway.
- Trans caucasian Railway.
- Cape-Cairo Railway.
- The Orient express.
There is a proposal to build a trans-Asiatic railway linking Istanbul, to Bangkok via Iran, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh and Myanmar.
Question 4.
Write a note on the Mediterranean Sea route.
This route passes through the heart of the old world and serves more countries and people than any other. It passes through Suez canal, south of Asia and connects south-east and East Asia and also Australia and Newzealand, Many products are transported through this route, crude oil it is the most important product from the middle east region.
Question 5.
Write about the Trans-Siberian and Trans-Canadian railways.
The trans-Siberian railway system lies in russia. It is the longest in the world. It connects Asia and Europe continents and Moscow with Vladivostok. It provides transport facilities from Moscow to the Atlantic coast. Jhe total length of this railway is 9,289 kms. Trans Canadian railway runs from Halifax in the east to Vancouver on the pacific coast passing through Montreal, Ottawa, Winnipeg and Calgary.
This Railway length is 22,500 kms. This Railway was constructed in 1886. This Railway line is the economic artery of Canada through which wheat and meat are exported.
Question 6.
Write a note on the inland waterways of the world.
The movement of goods, passengers, through rivers, canals and lakes is known as Inland waterways. Some are natural waterways. Ex: Rivers and lakes. Some are manmade. Boats and steamers are used as means of transport for corgo and passengers. The inland waterway development depends on the navigability width and depth of the channel.
The important inland waterways are:
- The Rhine waterway: The Rhine river flows through Germany up to Switzerland. The Ruhr river joins the Rhine river. This waterway is the world most heavily used.
- The Danube waterway: This waterway serves eastern Europe. The river Danube rises in the black forest of Germany.
- The Volga waterway: Russia has a large number of waterways and the Volga is the most important one. It provides a navigable waterway. It has two canal linkages.
- The Volga Moscow canal
- The Volga Don canal.
- The great lakes: The great lakes and canal forms an inland waterway.
- The Mississippi waterway: It connects the interior part of USA with the gulf of Mexico, large streamers can go through this route to transport heavy goods.
Question 7.
Write a note on the world air routes.
The use of aircraft and the development of transportation belongs to the 20th century. It is the fastest and costliest means of transport. Air transport became popular after II world war. Now it is world wide. The . followings are the world wide Air routes.
1. The North America:
The greatest air traffic is found in the USA with internal and international flights. It has the top airports like Atlanta, Chicago, Los-Angeles, Dallas and San Francisco. London’s Heathrow Airport is the busiest in the world. The British Airways is one of the most important which connects the entire world.
2. South America:
The major international airports are Rio-de. Janeiro. Brasilia, Santiago and Buenos Aires.
3. Africa:
It is served by 2 international airlines.
4. Australia:
It has well developed internal and external services. Sydney is an important international Airport. The Russian international Air routes are controlled by Moscow, Lenin gard, and Vladi Vostok. All countries of the world connect each other through airlines of different comers.
Question 8.
Describe the importance of the pipelines.
A pipeline is a line or conduit of pipe for carrying a liquid gas these have become more popular for transporting certain products for long distances. The oil transport was first began in Pennsylvania U. S. A in 1861.
It has a large network of pipelines they are transporting natural gas petroleum and refined product BIGINCH is the famous Pipeline which carries petroleum from gulf of Mexico in the North-East states. In Europe pipeline system was laid to distribute refined products from sea porti to inland markets. In Africa, pipelines are found in Nigeria and other countries of crude oil and natural gas production.
In south America, the network of pipelines are good it connects many major cities. In Australia, pipelines are found only in the urban areas. China has one of the most impressive networks of pipelines. India has good network of pipelines connecting ports oil and gas fields, refineries and markets.
Question 9.
Explain the importance of mass communication.
Communication refers to the exchange of ideas and information. In the older days messages have conveyed by drums, smoke signals or flag signals. Then came letters carried by hand by birds and animals postal services, were introduced for collecting, distributing and delivering letters, parcels and other items.
Electronic technology has provided various mass communication like newspapers, Radio, Television, satellite, computer networking, Internet, E-Mail, GIS, GPS and remote sensing. Now these are the important means of communication. Communication create awareness about policies, learning, adopt new technological innovations in agriculture and industry.
They have laid a base for modem business. Thus communication plays a vital rolein the development of a nation. The telephone or Radio are linked the people world wide and they can speak each other directly. Telegraph was invented by samuel Morse in 1844. Telephone was invented by Alexander graham bell in 1875. Radio was invented by Marconi in 1888.
Television was invented by John logi Blaird and colour Television was invented by peter mark USA in 1940. Today Newspaper touch every part of the country as it covers international, national and local news as well as entertainment with other information. The Telex system is to write the messages typed out in one place can be transmitted to distant places.
The Radio has its own name by broadcasting news and information which will reach all corners of the country. Television allows the audio and video facilites. to gain information for public. Rapid communication have great political implication for leaders.
Question 10.
Explain the significance of transportation.
Transport is a service to facilitate the movements of goods and personal from one place to other by human, animals and different kinds of vehicles. Transportnet work essential for the Economic development of the country the agriculture and Industry are the body and bones of the nation, transport and communication are the nerving system. transport also help in unifying the scattered people of the globe.
Question 11.
Explain Internet, Remote sensing, E-mail, and Satellite communication.
- Internet: An interconnected system of networks that connects computers around the world.
- E-Mail: A system of sending and receiving messages all over a computer network as between personal computers.
- Satellite communication: An artificial body placed in orbit round the earth or another planet in order to collect information for communication with other purposes.
- Remote sensing: Remote sensing is the scanning of the earth by satellite or aircraft to obtain information about it. It is also the gathering and recording of information through aerial photographs and satellite images.