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Karnataka 2nd PUC Geography Question Bank Chapter 5 Human Settlements
2nd PUC Geography Human Settlements Text Book Questions and Answers
I. Answer the following in a word or a sentence each.
Question 1.
What is settlement?
Settlements is defined as places inhabited by people more or less permanently.
Question 2.
What is rural settlement?
Rural settlement are those settlements whose occupants are engaged mainly in primary activities like agriculture, animal husbandry etc.
All settlement not qualified for an urban status are called Rural settlements.
Question 3.
What are wet point settlements?
Rural settlements are located near water points like rivers, lakes and springs where water can obtain easily. .These settlements are known as “Wet point settlements”.
Question 4.
What are Hamlets?
Hamlets are smaller than villages and lacking of public utilities.
Question 5.
Which is the first million city of the world?
The first million city of the world is London.
Question 6.
What is a city?
A density populated area of considerable size is a city which is larger than a town. An urban centre with 1 lakh and more population is called a city.
Question 7.
Define the meaning of megalopolis.
Megalopolis is a Greek word which means “Great city” it was popularised by jean gotmannin 1957.
Question 8.
What is megacity?
A megacity is a general term for cities together with their suburbs with population of more than 10 million people or megacity is defined as a metropolitan area with total population in excess of 10 million people.
Question 9.
Which is the largest megacity in the world?
Newyork is the first and largest Megacity in the world.
Question 10.
Define the term “Conurbation”.
The term conurbation applies to a large area of urban development that resulted from the merging of several towns of cities. Ex: Greater London, Greater Mumbai.
II. Answer the following questions with three to four sentences each.
Question 1.
Define rural and urban settlements.
Rural settlements are those settlements whose occupants are engaged mainly in primary activities like agriculture and animal husbandry etc., The word urban is generally used to mean a city or a town which is larger than villages. These are also distinct in their function dominated by secondary and tertiary occupations in contrast to primary activities of the rural settlement.
Question 2.
Mention important pattern of rural settlements.
The important pattern of rural settlements are:
- Uniform pattern
- Clustered pattern
- Random pattern
- Dispersed settlements
- Hamlets
Question 3.
Define city and million cities.
City is a densely populated area of considerable size is a city which is larger than a town. An urban centre with 1 lakh and more population is called a city.
Million city:
Total population of 1 million and above the urban area is known as million cities.
Question 4.
Give two examples of educational towns.
Some urben centres are well known for education with good institutions such as schools, college and universities. The examples for Educational towns are Aligarh, Mysore, Oxford and Dharwad.
Question 5.
Mention any two cultural and religious towns.
The places of pilgrimage and worship like Jerusalem, Mecca, Rome, Puri, Jagannath, Varanasi, Mathura, Madurai are the important cultural and religions towns.
Question 6.
List out the trading and commercial towns of the world.
Many towns are turned into trading and commercial centres like Mumbai, banking and financial centrel like Frankfurt and Amsterdam, Manchester and St. Louis. Transport nodal central like Lahore, Bhagdad and Agra are now turned as trading centres.
Question 7.
Give two examples of administration towns.
Some urban centers are engaged in administrative function which may termed as the good administrative centres. Ex: New Delhi, Canberra, Beijing, Addis Ababa, Washington D.C and London.
III. Answer the following questions.
Question 1.
Explain the patterns of rural settlements.
The rural settlement pattern may be mainly classified into following types.
- Uniform pattern: A uniform pattern of settlement is even distribution of houses which indicate the equal distribution of resources. *
- Clustered pattern: A cluster pattern refers to the settlements which are very choser to each other. These patterns are located near rivers, fertile land, mining points etc.
- Random pattern: In this type of settlement neither they are clustering nor highly dispersed.
- Dispersed settlements: In these settlements, houses are located away from each other such as farmhouses. This kind of settlement is also called scattered settlements.
- Hamlets: These are smaller than Villages and lacking of public utilities.
Question 2.
Explain the shapes of rural settlements.
The rural settlements are of different shapes. They attain different number of Geometrical forms and shapes like:
- Linear pattern: In such settlements, houses are located along a road, railway line, river and canal, edge of a valley or a long levee.
- Rectangular Pattern: Such patterns of rural settlements are found in plain areas or wide intermountain valleys the roads arc rot angular and cut each other at right angles along which house are built.
- Circular pattern: Circular villages develop around lakes, tanks and some times the village is planned in such a way that the central part remains open and is used for keeping the animals to protect them from wild animals.
- Star-shaped pattern: Where the several roads meet, star-shaped settlements develop as the houses built along the roads.
- T, X, Y and T shaped settlements: These settlements develop at tri junctions of the roads while Y shaped settlements emerge as the places where two roads coverage on the third one and houses are built along these roads.
- Double Village: These settlements extend on both sides of a river where there is a bridge.
- Triangularpattem: This shape of settlements set by the confluence of two rivers and also the junction point of two railway lines are often triangular Allahabad situated in the triangle formed by the confluence of the Ganga and the Yamuna has a typical triangular shape.
Question 3.
Discuss the problems of rural settlements.
The important common problems of rural settlements are:
- Supply of water is most inadequate people in the rural areas particularly in mountain and desert regions walk for longer distances to fetch drinking water.
- The water-borne diseases such as cholera, Jaundice etc. are the common problems.
- Many rural areas are facing the problems of natural disasters which occur frequently such as floods and droughts.
- Agricultural areas are severely affected due to lacking of Irrigation.
- Being dominated by agriculture effects of droughts are severe and have effects which stretch for many years.
- The rural houses are lacking toilet and disposal facilities of solid waste, garbages which cause health-related problems.
- The houses are made up of mud wood, and Thatch which are damaged by heavy rains and floods, They require proper maintenance every year.
- Most of the houses do not have proper ventilation and the design of the houses also includes animal shed with fodder storage.
- The rural settlement are lacking roads and other modem communications.
Question 4.
Describe the types of urban settlements.
Urban settlements are classified as:
1. The size of the population:
The urbon centres are divided into town, cities.
2. Occupational Structure:
The Economic activities is an important criteria for designing urban settlements in terms of population size and their occupation, secondary and Tertiary occupations are predominant in the urban areas.
3. Functions:
All urban settlements have some common functions they are Administrative towns. Some urban centres are engaged in administrative function which may termed as the good administrative centres. Ex: New Delhi, can berra, Washington D.C and London.
The types of urban settlements are designated as towns, cities, million cities.
(a) Town:
A town is one is a rural community, having much smaller in size of a population than a city.
(b) City:
A density populated area of considerable size is a city which is larger than a town. A city can be regarded as a leading town and has a greater number of economic functions like transport, educational institutions.
(c) Conurbations:
The term conurbation applies to a large area of urban development that resulted from the merging of several towns of cities. Ex: Greater London, Greater Mumbai.
(d) Million city:
Total population of 1 million and above, the urban area is known as million cities.
(e) Mega city:
A megacity is a general term for cities together with their suburbs with population of more than 10 million people or megacity is defined as a metro politician area with total population in excess of 10 million people
(f) Megalopolis:
Megalopolis are the extended urban or metropolitan area typically consisting of several sites merging with the suburbs of one or more cities.
Question 5.
Explain the urban settlements based on occupation and functions.
The urban settlement is based occupational structure the economic activities is an important criteria for designing urban settlements in terms of population size and their occupation secondary and Tertiary occupations are predominant is the urban areas.
All urban settlements have some common functions but every city is different in one or the other respects. It performs unique functions for which it is known.
The following are the important urban functions.
(a) Administration towns:
Some urban centre are engaged in adnlinistrative functions and they are known as administrative centres Ex: New Delhi, Canberra, Washington, D.C. London.
(b) Trading and commercial towns:
Many towns are turned into trading and commercial functions such as mubai, banking and financial centre like Frankfurt, transport centres like lahore, Baghdad and Agra are now turned as trading centres.
(c) Cultural and Religions towns:
The places of pilgrimage and worship like Mecca, Rome, Mathura, Madurai are the important cultural and religions towns, Now these have turned to urban centres.
(d) Educational towns:
Some urban centres are well known for education with good institutions such as schools, colleges and universities.
(e) Tourist centres:
The place where it has specific natural scenery, a good land scape, a beach may become the tourist centre.
Question 6.
Discuss the problems of urban settlements.
The problems of urban settlement are:
1. Economic problems:
Increasing population is the urban centres causes unemployment.
2. Socio-cultural problems:
Increasing the population results in lacking of Social services as they cannot reach to everyone. The available educational and health facilities remain beyond the reach of the urban poor. The urban growth leads to many diseases.
3. Environmental problems:
Urbanization also causes deterioration of environment Quality by pollution and disposal of waste.
4. Problems of slums:
Slums are the most important and severe problem of urban settlements. At the same time these are universal, found in every urban centre both in the developed as well as developing countries. Poverty, housing Sanitation and water facilities are the major problems.
These are also centres of all kinds of Socio-Economic problems and illegal activities. Nowadays the slums are occupying a large space of the urban centre and are still expanding. Ex: Dharavi of central Mumbai is the fastest grown and the largest slum of Asia.