2nd PUC History Model Question Paper 2 with Answers

Students can Download 2nd PUC History Model Question Paper 2 with Answers, Karnataka 2nd PUC History Model Question Paper with Answers helps you to revise the complete Karnataka State Board Syllabus and to clear all their doubts, score well in final exams.

Karnataka 2nd PUC History Model Question Paper 2 with Answers

Time : 3 hrs 15 min
Max. Marks : 100

Part – A

I. Answer the Following questions in one word or one sentence each : 10 x 1 = 10

Question 1.
From which language is the word ‘India’ derived?
The word ‘India’ is derived from the Persian word ‘Indos’ which stands for Sindhu, the important river of the subcontinent.

Question 2.
Name the first Veda.
There are four vedas, and Rig veda was the first to be composed.

Question 3.
Who is called Adikavi of Kannada?
Pampa is called Adikavi.

Question 4.
Who was called The parrot of India?
Amir Khusrau, a great poet and singer was called as the “parrot of India”.

Question 5.
What was the title of Shivaji?
Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaja.

Question 6.
Which was the birth place of Shankara Charya?
Shankaracharya was born at Kaladi in Kerala.

Question 7.
Who was called ‘The Tiger of Mysore’?
Tippu Sultan assumed the title ‘The Tiger of Mysore’.

2nd PUC History Model Question Paper 2 with Answers

Question 8.
In which year did the first war of Indian Independence occur?
The first war of Indian Independence occurred in 1857 C.E.

Question 9.
Who was popular as Netaji?
Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose.

Question 10.
Which was the famous work of Alur Venkata Rao?
Karnataka Gatha Vaibhava.

Part – B

II. Answer any ten of the following questions in 2 words or -2 sentences each : 10 x 2 = 20

Question 11.
What is the meaning of the term 4 paleolithic?
The word paleolithic is derived from the Greek words ‘Paleo’ (old) and lithic (stone), which means old stone age (40,000 to 10,000 BCE).

Question 12.
Mention any two among the – ‘Trirathnas’of Vardhamana?

  • Right knowledge
  • Right faith
  • Right conduct are the trirathnas of Mahaveera.

Question 13.
Who was Kautilya? Which is his famous work?
Kautilya was a statesman, scholar and teacher of Chandragupta Maurya. He is famous for his work Arthashastra which explains the art of governance of a country.

2nd PUC History Model Question Paper 2 with Answers

Question 14.
Who erected the Gomateshwara statue and where?
Chavundaraya erected the Gomateshwr statue at Shravana belagola 983 C.E.

Question 15.
Name any two capitals of Hoysalas?
Dwarasamudra(Halebeedu), Belu Bankapura, Hakkundi and Kannanur wt the capitals of the Hoysalas during different periods under different rulers.

Question 16.
Between whom was the second battle of Panipat fought?
The second battle of Panipat fought between Akbar and Hemu (chief minister of Mohammad Adil Shah of Bengal) in 1556 C.E. at Panipat.

Question 17.
Mention any two monuments of Adil shahis of Bijapura.
JamiMasjid, GolGumbaz, Ibrahim Roza, Muhatas Mahal, Ganga Mahal, Sangeet Mahal, Anand Mahal, Mehtar Mahal, Bara Kaman etc are the important monuments of the Adil Shahis.

Question 18.
Who were the parents of Madhwa charya?
Madhyageha Narayana Bhatta and Vedavathi were the parents of Madhwacharya.

Question 19.
Between whom was the battle of Plassey fought?
Sirajud – Daulah, Nawab of Bengal and Robert Clive in 1757 C.E.

Question 20.
What is Ryotwari system?
In Bombay and Madras Presidencies, the Ryot or cultivator was recognized as the owner of the land on the condition that he paid the land revenue regularly to the Government at 50% of the total income. This was known as Ryotwari system.

2nd PUC History Model Question Paper 2 with Answers

Question 21.
When and where was Arya Samaja established?
Arya Samaj was founded at Bombay in 1875.

Question 22.
Who signed the Poona pact?
It was signed between Gandhiji and Dr. B.R. Ambedkar in the year 1932.

Part – C

III. Answer any six of the following questions in 15-2(1 sentences each) : 6 x 5 = 3

Question 23.
Explain briefly the impact of geography on Indian history.
India is a vast country (32,87,782 sq.km) with different climatic conditions and customs. There are diversities in the form of worship, way of life and mode of thinking. At the same time, we find an underlying cultural unity in the country. India is a land, where we see unity in diversity. “India” is the epitome of the world. On the basis of its physical features, India can be broadly divided into 5 geographical divisions. They are

  • The Himalayan regions
  • The plains of Hindustan or the Northern plains
  • The Deccan plateau or plains
  • The coastal region or coastline and
  • The Thar desert.

The Himalayan region: The Himalaya: separate India from the rest of Asia. These are the highest mountain ranges in the world. The Himalayas have played a very important role in the Indian history’. The; prevent the cold winds and invaders firor the north. The snow-capped mountain ranges have given birth to the north India rivers (Sindhu, Ganga, Yamuna an Brahmaputra). They are rich in mineral and natural wealth.

The Northern Plains: It is locate between the Himalayas in the north an the Vindhya mountains to the south. Froi Assam in the east to Punjab in the west runs over 2400 kms. This region is watered by the great rivers like the Sindhu and hi tributaries in the west, Ganga and Yamur in the center and Brahmaputra valley , the east. These rivers have made the plair rich and fertile, and they were the cradk of civilizations and Empires. The greeen; Indus valley civilization and vedic culture developed in this region. The Ary an culture was brought up in the Lido-Gangetic plants . The northern passes such as Khybar, Bolan etc., have helped indians to have commercial and cultural relations with the outside world.

The western desert and the dense forests.of the Deccan plateau: This region includes the Kathiawar (Gujarat) and Rann of Kutch(Rajastan). It stretches almost up to and beyond the Aravalli range, which is now almost dry in the hot weather. So, this region has turned the inhabitants into hard working and warlike.

2nd PUC History Model Question Paper 2 with Answers

Deccan Plateau: It is a tringular peninsula or ‘v’ shaped land. It is surrounded by the Vindhyas in the north and by sea on the other three sides (Bay of Bengal in the east, Arabian sea in the west and the Indian ocean in the south). They have helped develop the commerical and cultural relations with the west. The geographical diversity and existence of various races like Dravidian, Alpine, Mongolian and different tribes have led to the development of different languages and cultures. The river valleys in the north and south have made the country agrarian. They have also influenced the rise and fall of many dynasties and growth of many religious, cultural, educational and commercial centres.

Coastline: Eastern (Coromandel coast) and western (Malabar) coastal plains are traversed by many big rivers like Mahanadi, Godavari, Krishna and Cauvery. Abundance of rain and favourable climate has resulted in the growth of rich flora (plants of a particular region) and fauna (Animals of a region). Excluding the Himalayas, hills and the desert area, the whole country falls in the tropical climate zone. The atmosphere is conducive for the all round growth of mankind.

Question 24.
Describe chief characteristics of the Gandhara School of Art.
Gandhara art: The Kushana period was famous for the growth of Gandhara art. The important centres of this art were Jalalabad, Hadda and Baniyan in Afghanistan. Peshawar became the meeting ground of the eastern and western cultures. Greek and roman sculptors and artists were brought to construct buildings, Viharas and Chaityas. This art was a combination of the Indian and Greek (Greco-Buddhist) styles. This new school of art called the Gandhar school of art originated in the Gandhara region, now in Afghanistan.

Main characteristics of the Gandhara art:

  • In this school of art, the life size statues of Buddha were carved. Until then, the Buddhist existence was shown only in the form of symbols like lotus, umbrella etc.
  • While carving the statues, utmost care, was given to the symmetry of the
    body including the muscles and moustaches which were shown in a natural setting.
  • In the specimens of the craftsmanship of this art, the folds and turns of the clothes were’ exhibited with minute care and skill.
  • In this art, the ornaments that were carved on the statues received much attention which added to the physical beauty of the statues.
  • Polishing the statues was an important feature of this art.
  • The specimens were mostly prepared in stone, terracotta and clay.
  • The technique used in making the statues was greek but, the idea, inspiration and personality were all indian. According to Dr. R.C. Mazumdar-“The Gandhara artist had the hand of a Greek but the heart of an indian. It is for.this reason, that in the statues and images made under “ this art, an attempt was made to carve Lord Buddha like the Greek God Appolo. The Gandhara style spread to south east asian countries as the parent of the Buddhist art.”

Question 25.
Describe the village administration of the Cholas.
Village (local self) Administration :
An important feature of the Chola administration was the village autonomy. People of a village looked after administration through their own elected bodies. The Chola inscriptions mention the existence of two types of villages Ur and Brahmadeya Villages. Ur had its own local assembly, consisting of all the male members of the village excluding untouchables. It looked after all aspects of the village administration. The Brahmadeya villages (Agraharas) were granted by the King to learned brahmins. They had their own assemblies called Mahasabhas, which had complete freedom in governance.

Uttarameruru inscription of Paratanka -1, gives us detailed information about the village administration. (Uttarameruru is in the Chengulpet district of Tamilnadu). The villages enjoyed complete independence in the management of local affairs. Two kinds of assemblies existed which were 1. Ur or Urar (kuri) and 2. The Mahasabha. According to the Uttarameruru inscription, Uttarameruru village was divided into 30 parts (Kudumbu). One member from each unit was elected for a period of one year. The representatives of the people were elected through a lucky draw (Kuduvalai) system.

Villagers assembled in the temple and conducted an election through a lucky draw. The names of the candidates were wrritten on palm leaves and put in a pot. Then a small boy was asked to pick out the leaves one after the other in the presence of the people and thus the representatives were elected. Elected representatives had to work in the Annual, Garden (Tottavariyam) and Tank Bund (Erivariyam) committees called ‘Variyams’. The representatives were called ‘Variya Perumakkat. The village assemblies were autonomous and democratic institutions.

Duties of the committees : The village committees performed duties like the . protection of the village properties, collection of taxes and the protection of temples, lakes, groves and forests etc. The resolutions of the committees were written down. The central administration did not interfere in the village administration.

Minimum qualifications of members : The Uttarameruru inscription deals with rules and regulations regarding the election,the qualifications and disqualifications of members. These committees worked for 360 days when fresh elections were held.

2nd PUC History Model Question Paper 2 with Answers

Qualifications needed for a member to be elected:

  • The candidate should possess a minimum of 1/2 acre of taxable land,
  • He should reside in his own house built on his own site
  • Candidate should be more than 35 years old and less than 70 years of age.
  • Candidate should have knowledge of Vedas, Brahmanakas and Commerce.
  • Candidate should possess a good character.

Disqualifications of members:

  • A member was disqualified for re¬election, if he had been a member of any committee continuously for the previous 3 years.
  • Those who were in the committee and who had not submitted accounts and their close relatives.
  • Persons who were wicked, cheats, alcoholics, thieves, accused of murdering brahmins and committing adultery. This way, certain minimum qualifications and disqualifications were enforced in the village administration. Scholars have termed the Chola village administration as “Small Democratic States”.

Question 26.
Explain the achievements of Mahmud Gawan.
Mahmud Gawan 1463 – 1481 B.C.:
He was the Prime minister of Mohammad Shah- in. He was a fascinating personality. He was born in Persia in 1411 C.E. He was well educated and came to India with the intention of carrying on trade. He visited the court of Allauddin Ahmad Shah – II. The Sultan offered Gawan an administrative post. Gawan entered into Sultan’s service and by his sincerity and honesty, rose to the position of the Prime Minister (Wazir) in 1463 C.E. He carried on the administration of the state and saved it from all dangers.

As a Prime minister (Wazir), he undertook many conquests and implemented reforms in the Kingdom:-

  • Mahmud Gawan first paid attention for the establishment of unity and integrity of the Kingdom.
  • Mohammad Khilji of Malwa tried to enter the Deccan Region. Gawan expelled the Sultan of Malwa Bidar, made a treaty with the Sultan and established political stability.
  • Gawan conquered Rajamahendri and Kondaveedu. In the west, he extended the territory to the coast, by annexing Konkan. Gajapathi Kapilendra of Orissa invaded the Kingdom. Gawan successfully repelled his attack.
  • He subdued many chieftains in the western coastal belt and conquered Hubli, Belagavi (Belgaum) and Goa regions from the Vijayanagara Empire.
  • The number of provinces were increased from 4 to 8 for the convenience of administration. They were called ‘Tarafs’. The Jahagir system was abolished. The administration was highly centralised.
  • Gawan classified all the land of the Kingdom on the basis of fertility and irrigation facility. Land was surveyed and the revenue was fixed. The collection of revenue was only in cash.
  • Gawan established a Madarasa : a College for higher education, at Bidar in 1472 C.E. He built a library and collected over 3000 manuscripts from all over the world. He was a scholar. He wrote books on religion, mathematics, literature and medicine. His important works were Manazir – ul- Insha and Riyaz – ul – Insha. Gawan’s progress was not tolerated by the native muslim leaders. They made false allegations against him. He was beheaded in 1481 C.E. After his death, the Bahamani Kingdom started declining.

Question 27.
Describe the life and teachings of Ramanujacharya.
Early life of Ramanujacharya (1017- 1137 C.E.): Ramanuja was the great exponent of Vishishtadvaita or qualified monoism. He was bom in 1017 C.E. at Sri, Perambadur near Chennai (T.N.). His parents were Keshva Somayaji and Kantimati. It is believed that Ramanuja was the incarnation of Adisesha. He studied in Kanchi under Yadhavaprakasha. As per the wishes of his mother, he married Tangamma at the age of 16. His married life was very unhappy. As his wife did not co-operate with him in his spiritual exercises, he left his family and became a sanyasi. He went to Srirangam. Later Ramanuja became the head of Srirangam mutt and popularized Vaishnavism. This was not liked by Kulottunga Chola, and Ramanuja left Srirangam and came to Karnataka.

2nd PUC History Model Question Paper 2 with Answers

Works of Ramanuja: Vedantha Saara, Vedantha Sangraha, Vedantha Sutra, Geetha Bhashya, Sree Bhashya, Sri Rangagadhya, Sharanagati Gadhya, Vykunta Gadhya, Nitya Gadhya etc., were the important works of Ramanujacharya. Srivaishnava or Vishishtadvaita (qualified monoism) Philosophy: This was propounded by Ramanuja. He differed from Shankaracharya’s views in many points. According to Ramanuja, the entire universe is divided into three parts. They are God (Brahma), individual Soul (Chit) and the world (Achit) The universe was controlled by God.

  • Vishnu is the supreme God, Sri Lakshmi is the mediator between God and humans. (Universal Soul) Vishnu may be  called Brahma.
  • God is omniscient, permanent and possesses all the great qualities (God is Suguna) like mercy, beauty, justice etc.
  • God is the creator of all things in the world. The individual Soul and the world are controlled by God.
  • According to Ramanuja, the Soul does not have independent existence. The individual Soul has limited power and it can never become identical with God. All Souls are the creations of God. In a state of salvation, the individual Soul becomes free from birth and rebirth and enjoys eternal bliss in the presence of God.
  • Ramanuja condemned the illusion (Maya vada) of Shankaracharya. For Ramanuja, the world is not an illusion but is real.
  • Ramanuja advocated Bhakti Marga as the only path for the attainment of Salvation. Through Bhakti, the individual Soul gets redemption and attains salvation.
  • Ramanuja advocated the worship of Vishnu accompanied by Lakshmi. His Philosophy is known as Srivaishnava or qualified monoism. There are two elements in Ramanuja’s Bhak- timarga.

(i) Prapatthi – absolute surrender to God.
(ii) Acharya- bhimana – Subjugation to guru. Ramanuja preached that irrespective , of one’s caste, the sure way to salvation was through Bhakti. He was an enlightened saint who tried – to wipe out the evils of the caste system. He was able to equate all human beings at par, by breaking down the artificial barriers of the caste system.

Question 28.
Explain drain theory.
The Drain of Wealth: The British were not interested in the development of Indian agriculture. They were interested only in safeguarding their commercial interests. They forced Indian farmers to produce commercial crops like cotton, tea, Indigo, etc., which were in great demand in the European markets. They converted India into a source for raw materials and a market for their finished goods.

Indian handicrafts could not compete with the machine made products and the British had not started any industries in India. The impact of the Drain was that employment within the country was scarce and artisans and craftsmen turned into labourers. Hence ‘ the stability and development of Indian villages also suffered.

The British exported India’s enormous wealth to England through various means and that India did not get any economic and material benefit in return is known as drain of wealth. Dadabai Naoroji explained the drain theory in his book ‘Poverty and Un-British Rule in India’ (1876 C.E.). He declared that drain was the basic cause of India’s poverty and fundamental evil of the British rule in India.

Source of the Drain: India’s enormous wealth flowed into England in the form of salaries and pensions of civil, military and railway officers, interest on loans, profits by British capitalists and expenditure on administration. Excess taxes were imposed on Indian export goods and less taxes were levied on British imports.

Results of the Drain:

  • The most important results of the drain was that India became poor.
  • The impact of the drain on income and employment within the country was harmful.
  • The drain produced shortage of capital in the country. This hindered Indian industrial development.
  • Since the drain was mainly paid out of land revenue, it hit the peasantry the most and made them poor.
  • Nearly 12% of interest (6,30,000 pounds) was being paid out of Indian resources, for the loans raised by the English to construct Railways and seaports. Loans on unproductive items were also included.

2nd PUC History Model Question Paper 2 with Answers

Question 29.
Describe the role of Raja Ram Mohan Roy in socio – religious movement.
Raja Ram Mohan Roy was the great socio – religious reformer of modem India. He is called the “Father and prophet of Indian Renaissance”. He had a deep knowledge of Hinduism, Islam, Christianity and Sufism. He was very much influenced by the English language and western thoughts. His primary aim was to reform the society and religion. He had to face the challenges of orthodox Hindus and fanatic Christian missionaries.

(a) Religious reforms : Raja Ram Mohan Roy wanted to bring about reforms in Hindustan by getting rid of idol-worship, sacrifices and caste rigidity. On 20th August 1828, he founded the Brahmo Samaj at Calcutta. The main purpose of Brahmo Samaj was to establish a casteless society based on common worship. Brahmo Samaj taught that ‘God is one, every religion possesses truth, idol worship and ritualism are meaningless and social evils have no connection with religion”. The followers of all religions were invited to come and worship in the same temple in a spirit of brotherhood.

(b) Social reforms: He carried on a long struggle against the social evils like the practice of Sati, child marriages, polygamy, untouchability and purdah system. Widows used to burn themselves up in the funeral pyres of their husbands and Raja Ram Mohan Roy organised agitations against this inhuman custom of Sati. It was due to his persuasion that Lord William Bentinck abolished Sati in 1829 and declared it a legal offence. He worked for the improvement of the status of women and for their education. He encouraged inter caste marriages and remarriage of widows.

Question 30.
Discuss briefly the causes for the rise of Extremism.
The period of the Extremists 1905 – 1920: The Indian National Movement entered a new phase after 1905. The period between 1905 and 1920 is known as the period of the Extremists. Extremists believed that reforms could not be secured by mere talk, only by action and they blamed the British rule in India for all the problems and economic backwardness. They were also called Radical Nationalists. The prominent leaders of the Extremists were Lala Lajpat Rai, Bipin Chandra Pal and Balgangadhar Tilak. The trio were popularly known as Lal-Bal-Pal. Extremists convinced the public that Self-Government was essential for the sake of the economic, political and cultural progress of the country and they grew in self – confidence.

Causes for the rise of Extremism :

(a) The Moderates failed to achieve any noteworthy results through their constitutional methods of prayers, petitions and protests. This angered the Extremists and the Moderates themselves were disillusioned by the British attitude. The approach of the Moderates towards the foreign invaders was termed by the Extremists as ‘Political Mendicancy’.

(b) The lethargy of the British Government in handling the terrible famine and plague attacks of 1896 – 1901 resulted in thousands of people becoming victims of starvation, disease and death. The Government took some measures to check the disease, but they were inadequate. The British were interested only in the economic exploitation of India and not in the welfare of the people. The Plague Commisioner Mr. Rand was murdered and Bal Gangadhar Tilak was arrested for the same. This further increased the radical nationalism.

(c) The Indian Council Act of 1892 did not satisfy the Congress, which expected more power. It was just an eye-wash. The act gave some additional powers to the elected representatives, but Viceroy was the final authority.

(d) Viceroy Lord Curzon followed an anti-Indian racial policy and introduced many reactionary measures like Calcutta Corporation Act (1899), Official Secrets Act (1904), Indian University Act (1904), Partition of Bengal (1905) etc., His actions curbed Indians and increased the dominance of the British. He held that only Englishmen were fit to rule India. The intention of the British was to create a Hindu – Muslim divide under the pretext of making the Partition for better administration. The angry reactions of the Indian population gave scope to extremist sentiments.

(e) The efforts of leaders like Swami Vivekananda, Dayananda Saraswati, Aurobindo Ghosh, Tilak, Bankim Chandra Chatterjee and others, instilled confidence and self respect among the Indians. Bal Gangadhar Tilak initiated the public celebration of Ganesha festival and Shivaji Jayanthi, which encouraged the nationalist sentiments. International events like the nationalist movements in Egypt, Turkey, Persia, unification of Italy, Germany and ; China influenced the Indian thought process. Nationalists began to think that Indians too can unite and drive away the British.

Part – D

IV. Answer the following questions as indicated 5 + 5 = 10

Question 31. (A)
Mark any five of the following Historical places on the outline map of ancient India provided to you and write an explanatory note on each marked place in two sentences.
(a) Harappa
(b) Takshasila
(c) Pataliputra
(d) Delhi
(e) Pondicherry
(f) Meerut
(g) Hampi
(h) Dandi
2nd PUC History Model Question Paper 2 with Answers 1
(a) Harappa: It is one of the important sites of Indus Civilization. It is located on the banks of the river Ravi, now in Montegomy district of Punjab in Pakistan. Dayaram Sahan excavated this site in 1921. The great granary is an important building found here.

(b) Taxila (Takshashila): It was the capital of the Gandhara Province now in Pakistan. Takshashila University was an important educational centre in ancient India. Kautilya (Chanuk’a) was a teacher in this University.

(c) Pataliputra: It is the capital of Bihar State. now called as Patna. which is on the banks of the river Ganga. It was the capital of the Magadha Empire, the Mauryas and the Guptas rule.

(d) Delhi: It is presence the capital of India. located on the banks of River Jamuna, it was the capital of the Delhi Sultanate and the Mughals.Man monuments like Qutub Minar.Red Fort. Jama Masjid etc., are located here.

2nd PUC History Model Question Paper 2 with Answers

(e) Pondicherry: It is a Union territory located on the east coast of India (Coramandel Coast). It was the capital of the French in India. It played an important role during the Carnatic wars.

(f) Meerut: It is in Uttar Pradesh. The first war of Indian independence started at Meerut. The sepoys broke out into open revolt against the British on 10th May 1857.

(g) Hampi: It is situated on the banks of River i’ungabhadra (Bel larv). It wasthe capital of the Vijayanagara Empire. Virupakslia temple.Vila) avittala swarny temple, Stonechariot etc., are the noteworthy monuments here.

(d) Badarni: The early name of Badami was Vatapi and it was the capital of the Chalukyas. It ¡s famous for rock cut cave temples. It is in bagalkote district of Karnataka.

(e) Kanchi (Kancitipuram): It is near Chennai ill Tamil Nadu. It was the capital of the Pahlavas. The city is famous for Shaia and Vaishanava temples. [lie famous Karnakshi teinole is located here.

(f) Halebeedu: its early name was Dwarasamudra and it as the capital the Hovsalas. The Hosa Ieshwara and Shantaleshwara temples are here. It is in Hassan district of Karn a taka.

(g) Delhi: It is present the capital of India. located on the banks of River Jamuna, it was the capital of the Delhi Sultanate and the Mughals.Man monuments like Qutub Minar.Red Fort. Jama Masjid etc., are located here.

(h) Dandi: Dandi is a coastal town in Gujarat. Mahatma Gandhi launched his famous Dandi March in 1930. Gandhi and his followers collected water and made sail and deliberately violated the salt law.

(For Visually Challenged Students only)

Question 31. (B)
Answer the following questions in 30 to 40 sentences: 1 x 10 = 10

(i) Critically examine the Administrative experiments of Mohammad bin- Tughaiak.
Administrative experiments of Mohammad-bin-Tughalak:

(a) Tax increase in Doab area: The area between the Ganga and Yamuna (Doab) rivers being a very fertile land of the Empire and capable of yielding a large revenue to the state, Mohammad – bin – Tughalak decided to increase the taxes there. But he  enforced the tax raise at the time of a famine. People were hard hit by the burden of additional taxation. Revenue collection was also strict, which the farmers were unable to pay. This measure made him extremely unpopular. He tried to make amends later, but it was too late. The scheme failed through mismanagement and corruption.

(b) Transfer of capital in 1327 C.E.: Mohammad-bin-Tughalak decided to transfer his capital from Delhi to Devagiri (Daulatabad). His main objective was to safeguard his capital from the Mongol invasions. Also, Devagiri occupied a central position in India and it was equidistant to Delhi and the other important cities of his Kingdom. He desired to shift the entire Delhi population along with his court. Barani says that “Not a cat or a dog was left”. Causes for the shifting of the capital were very practical, but the method was impractical. The entire population of Delhi was made to march to Daulatabad.

The tiresome journey passing through the dense forest, heavy rains, diseases, attacks by dacoits, hunger, mental agony etc., resulted in death and sufferings of many. The Sultan having atlast realised his folly, reshifted the court back to Delhi and ordered a return march of the people. The entire incident made him unpopular. According to Leen Pool, operation – Daulatabad was a “Monument of misdirected energy”. This scheme also failed on account of the Sultan’s unplanned method of forcing it on his people.

(c) Circulation of token currency in 1329 C.E.: Mohammad-bin- Tughalak carried out experiments on coinage and currency, because maintaining a large army, relief to the Doab people famine, transfer of the capital, his unsuccessful expeditions, scarcity of silver etc., caused much loss to the treasury. Hence, to increase the amount of currency in circulation, the Sultan issued token coins of copper and brass. Tanka was the token currency and its value was made equivalent to gold and silver coins. Minting of the copper coins was not retained as a monopoly of the Government. Thornes described him as the ‘Prince of Moneyers’ and a currency expert. The Sultan did not take precautionary measures to minting of the coins.

People started minting their own coins. Hence, the empire was flooded with thousands of counterfeit copper coins. People paid their taxes with these counterfeit coins. Copper coins lost their value as a medium of exchange. Trade was seriously affected and Sultan realised his error in judgement and withdrew the new copper coins in 1333-34 C.E. He announced that the copper coins would be redeemed with gold and silver coins. When every body was there to exchange their copper coins with silver and gold coins, the treasury became empty. Mohammad – bin-Tughalakwas an extraordinary personality and it is difficult to understand his character and determine his place in history.

He lacked practical judgement and common sense. He evolved an idealistic approach by trying to put his theoretical experiments into practice, without any forethought about the consequences. According to scholars, he was a ‘mixture of opposites”. Dr. Eshwari Prasad remarks that , “Mohammad appears to be an amazing compound of contra-dictions”. He possessed sound knowledge, but his policies though well meant, were ill planned and badly executed.


Briefly explain the Carnatic wars.
Introduction: British and French were rivals in India, because the objective of the British which was to establish complete monopoly over trade and commerce in India brought them into conflict with the French. They fought for seventeen years (1746-1763) to establish their supremacy in the Deccan. This rivalry with the French led to the Carnatic wars

First Carnatic war (1746-1748) : The first Carnatic war took place between the British and the French during 1746-1748 in the Carnatic area. This war was a part of the European war, between the two countries over the Austrian succession issue (1740-1748) in Europe.

Course war : British commander Burnett captured some French ships. At this juncture Dupleix appealed to Anwaruddin, theNawab of Arcotto prevail upon the British to desist from hostile action. British did not take any action. In 1746, Dupleix (French Governor) besieged and captured Madras. British sought the help of Anwaruddin who ordered the French to free Madras. Dupleix refused to free it. So, Anwaruddin sent an army against the French. A battle was fought at St. Thome (battle of Adyar), in which the French were defeated. The Austrian succession war came to an end in Europe by the treaty of Aix-la-Chape! in 1748. Thus, the first Carnatic war also came to an end.

Result: Treaty of Aix-la-Chapel in 1748.

  • The British and the French agreed to stop their hostilities in India forthwith.
  • The French agreed to return Madras to the British and prisoners of war were released from both the sides.

Second Carnatic war (1748-1754): The second Carnatic war broke out due to two succession disputes – one at Hyderabad and the other at Arcot, for which the British and the French took sides. There were civil wars of succession between Anwaruddin and Chandasaheb at Arcot and Nasir Jung and Muzaffar Jung at Hyderabad. Dupleix and the French supported Chandasaheb (Arcot) and Muzaffar Jung (Hyderabad) whereas the British supported Anwaruddin (Arcot) and Nasir Jung (Hyderabad) This struggle led to the second Carnatic war (1748-1754).

Course of the war : The French troup defeated and killed Anwaruddin in the battle of Amber. His son Mohammad Ali Upd to Trichmapalh. Dupleix proclaimed Chandasaheb as the Nawab of Arcot. Dupleix was equally successful in Hyderabad. Nasir Jung was killed and Muzaffar Jung was made the Nizam of Hyderabad.

2nd PUC History Model Question Paper 2 with Answers

Dupleix and Chandasaheb besieged Trichinapalli to kill Mohammad Ali. The British were aware that Chandasaheb was an ally of the French and his succession to throne would adversely affect the British trade. Robert Clive (British) laid siege to Arcot. Chandasaheb rushed to protect his capital. He was defeated and killed in the battle of Arcot in 1752. As a result, British crowned Mohammad Ali as the Nawab of Arcot. Dupleix was defeated in the war and was recalled by the French Government. The war ended with the Treaty of Pondicherry in 1754. Both the parties agreed not to interfere in the internal affairs of the Indian states. They also agreed to return the territories conquerred from each other.

Third Carnatic war (1758-1763) : The seven years war (1756-1763) was fought between the French and the British in Europe. The tension between the two in India also increased and ultimately took the shape of the third Carnatic war. Course of the war: Robert Clive (British) captured Chandranagore, a French settlement. The French were determined to end the British settlements in India and sent Count-de-Lally as Governor to India. He launched an attack on Madras, and recalled Bussey from Hyderabad to help him. The British attacked Hyderabad and captured it. Count-de-Lally was defeated by the British (Sir Eyrecoote) in the battle of Wandiwash in 1760. In 1761, the British captured Pondicherry and other French settlements in India. The seven years war came to an end by the treaty of Paris in 1763. The war in India also ended.

Treaty of Paris in 1763 :

  • The trading centres of the French were returned with restrictions, that they would not fortify them.
  • The Anglo-French rivalry in India ended with the success of the British and failure of the French.

Part – E

V. Answer any two of the following questions in 30 – 40 sentences each: 2 x 10 = 20

Question 32.
Sketch the life and teachings of Buddha.
Life of Gauthama Buddha: Gauthama Buddha was the founder of Buddhism. He was born at Lumbinivana in 583 BCE. He was the son of a shakya chief Shuddhodhana and Mayadevi. Gauthama lost his mother and was brought up by his stepmother, Mahaprajapati Gautami. The early name of Gauthama was Siddhartha. He was brought up in great luxury and married Yashodhara at the age of 16. A son was bom to them, who was named Rahula. According to a Jataka story, one day when Siddhartha went out with his charioteer Channa, he saw for the first time in his life four ominous sights. Seeing an oldman, a diseased (sick) person, a dead body and an ascetic (sage), resulted in bringing in him a realization of the miseries of the world. He renounced the world to find a remedy to end these human woes.

This event is known as “The Great Renunciation”. To find a solution to the problems of old age, sickness, and death, he left his home, went out to Uravela forest near Gaya and spent six years wandering in that pursuit. During that period he self inflicted maximum pain to his body and soul and finally came to the conclusion that hunger and starvation was not the way to find the truth. Thereafter he spent some period, meditating under a pipal tree at Bodhgaya. He got enlightenment at last, about the truths regarding life and death. Having received the light, Gauthama became Buddha or the Enlightened one. He was also called “Thathagatha” which means one who has realised the truth.

Gauthama as a preacher: After attaining knowledge (Enlightenment), he decided to spread his ideas among the suffering humanity. In the deer park near Saranath (near Benaras), he delivered his first sermon and converted five disciples into Buddhism. This is known as the Dharma Chakra Pravarthan or turning of the wheel of law (Dharma). Dharma chakra is the symbol of Buddhism. Buddha went on preaching, travelling from place to place. His personality and simplicity attracted people towards Buddhism. Buddha attained parinirvana at Kushinagara (U.P.), at the age of eighty. Edwin Arnold refers to him as “The light of Asia”. His birth day (full moon day) is famous and celebrated as ‘Buddha Poomima”.

Teachings of Buddha: Buddha wanted to prescribe a new code of conduct, which would lead to the spiritual development of , the soul. He condemned the authority of the Vedas, superiority of Brahmins, meaningless performance of sacrifices and the caste systerm. He laid down the Principles of equality among all human beings. Buddha never wished to discuss about the creator of the Universe or God. Buddha taught his preachings through conversation, lectures and parables. His method of teaching was unique. He – preached that the w’orld was full of sorrow and ignorance. Ignorance produces desire, desire leads to action (karma), action leads to impulses, to be bom again and again in order to satisfly the desires. Thus, he believed in transmigration and that the chain of rebirth can be stopped, if the person realises that worldly things are not – permanent.

Buddha laid down the analysis of life with . four different priniciples. His favourite sutra was ‘Four Noble Truths or Aiyasatyas’, which emphasised the fact that life was full of pain (misery) which could be removed only by the removal of all desires. His four noble truths are:

  • Life is full of sorrow and pain. (Existence of sorrow).
  • Desire is the root cause for sorrow. (Cause of sorrow).
  • To destroy misery, desire must be destroyed first. (The removal of sorrow).
  • Desire can be overcome by following the ‘Asthangamarga or the Middle Path’.
    When desire ceases, rebirth ceases and the soul can find peace and enjoy eternal, bliss.

Buddha prescribed the Middle path or Asthangamarga, in order to achieve self-control and salvation. The eightfold path or the midde path consists of

  • Right faith
  • Right thought
  • Right speech
  • Right conduct
  • Right effort
  • Right meditation
  • Right livelihood and
  • Right mindfulness.

This path is known as the middle path or eightfold path. Buddha ruled out the completely self indulgence and self mortification. Buddhist teachings consitute the three pitakas. Buddha prescribed several codes of conduct for his followers such as – not to steal other’s properties, not to kill (non-violence), not to use intoxicants, not to tel I lies, not to accept or keep money, not to commit adultery, not to sleep on comfortable beds, always intent upon achieveing their sacred goals. Nirvana is the final result of the end of all desires.

2nd PUC History Model Question Paper 2 with Answers

Man is to be judged by his deeds rather than by his birth and family. He opposed caste system and advocated equality. He gave importance to non-violence. He did not refer to God. Buddha, Dharma and ‘ Sangha are the three gems of Buddhism.

Question 33.
Describe the achievements of Pulikeshi II.
Pulikeshi – II (609-642 C.E.): Pulakeshi – II was the most outstanding personality among the Chalukyas of Badami. He was a benevolent monarch and people enjoyed plenty and prosperity under him. Pulikeshi- II was the son of Keertivarma-I. He was still a boy when Keertivarma died. Hence, Mangalesha (Brother of Keertivarma) took over the charge of administration. Mangalesha planned to pass on the throne to his son instead of Pulikeshi-II, the rightful heir. This led to a civil war between the two. Finally, Mangalesha was defeated and he died in the battle. Pulikeshi came to the throne in 609 C.E. Hieun Tsang’s Si-Yu- Ki, Bana’s – Harshacharite, Aihole inscription etc, render information about Pulikeshi -II.

This civil war was an unfortunate incident, but became inevitable for Pulikeshi II, and the throne inherited by him was not a bed of roses. This indicates that the civil war had caused a confused situation in the Kingdom. Many chiefs wanted to take advantage of the situation and become independent. Hence they rebelled against Pulikeshi-II.

Conquests of Pulikeshi-II:

(a) Attack on the Rashtrakuta chiefs:
The Rashtrakutas were following a policy of aggression and expansion during the time of Pulakeshi. The Rashtrakuta chiefs Appayika and Govinda rebelled against Badami rule. Pulakeshi crushed them in a battle on the banks of River Bhima. Appayika  ran away from the battle field, while Govinda surrendered to Pulakeshi II.

(b) Subjugation of the Kadambas, Mauryas, Alupas and Gangas: After strengthening his power and resources, Pulakeshi – II adopted a policy of conquest. He took an expedition against the rulers of places surrounding Badami. He subjugated the Kadambas of Banavasi, Mauryas of Konkan, Alupas of south Canara and Gangas ofTalakadu.

(c) Attack on Lata, Malwa and Gurjaras: Pulakeshi II set his eyes towards the North-west, on Lata, Malwa and Gurjarat. As a result, these rulers were also defeated and he extended his territories upto Malwa. He appointed his brother, Jayasimha as the Governor of Gujarat.

(d) War with Ilarshavardhana: The most significant and memorable of his military career was his victory over Harshavardhana of Kanauj. A powerful Kingdom had been established by Harsha who had conquered most of north India, and was making an attempt to extend his reign in the south also. Pulakeshi took an expedition towards north, and Harsha came into conflict with Pulakeshi – II.

But Pulakeshi II who had camped on the banks of the river Narmada, did not allow’ Harsha to cross the river. Harshavardhana was defeated by Pulakeshi II in the battle of Narmada in 634 C.E. Narmada became the common frontier of the two Kingdoms. After the battle, Pulakeshi II assumed the title of ‘Parameshwara and Dakshina patheslnvara’. Hieun Tsang’s record and the Aihole inscriptions give testimony to this victory of Pulakeshi -II.

(e) Expedition towards East: After the Northern campaign, Pulakeshi turned his eyes towards east and conquered Kosala and Kalinga regions and the important fort of Pistapura (Godavari). He appointed his brother Kubja Vishnuvardhana as the Governor of these provinces. Kubja Vishnuvardhana became the founder of the Eastern Chalukya dynasty.

(f) Expedition in South: The Pal lava ruler Mahendravarma -1 had become powerful in the south. Pulakeshi II invaded the Pallava Kingdom and defeated Mahends-avarma – I in the battle of Pallalur. Then he annexed other Pallava territories also and seized Kanchi in 632 C.E.

2nd PUC History Model Question Paper 2 with Answers

After these successful military campaigns. Pulakeshi returned to his capita! and reigned m peace for quite some time. His name and fame began to spread far and w ide. He performed the ‘Ashwamedha Sacrifice’ to commemorate his victory and assumed titles like ‘Sathyashraya, Vikrama, Parameshwara, Dakshin apathe- shwara, Pruthvi Vallabha, Maharaj adh iraj a etc.

Extent of his Kingdom: The Kingdom of Pulakeshi – II extended from the Kosala and Kalinga (Bay of Bengal) in the east, to Konkana in the west, the river Narmada in the north and upto river Cauvery in the south.

Due to the campaigns of Pulakeshi- II, his name and fame began to spread far and wide. He maintained cultural and commercial contacts with Persia and exchanged Ambassadors with the Persian Emperor Khusru-II (Ajantha cave paintings depict this scene). The Chinese’pilgrim HieunTsang visited the court of Pulakeshi- II in 641 C.E. He has given us a factual and reliable . description about the King and his Empire. In his last days, Pulakeshi – 111 had to face the attack of the mighty Pallava forces under Narasimha- varman – I. Pulakeshi was defeated in the battle, and Narasimhavarman seized the Chalukyan capital in 642 C.E. In memory of this victory, Narasimhavarman assumed the title ‘ Vatapikonda’

Question 34.
Describe the cultural contributions of the Vijayanagara Empire.
Administration: Vijayanagara Rulers provided internal peace to the Empire and protection from external threats. They introduced a strong Central Government along with decentralization of power.

(a) Central Administration: Monarchy was the existing system. The King was the supreme authority of the state. He enjoyed enormous powers but he always worked for the welfare of the people. The King was the highest court of appeal. Law was based on customs and traditions punishments were very severe like f death sentences, trampling to death, etc. Kingship was hereditary. The King was assisted by a ‘Council of Ministers’ headed by the Prime Minister called ‘Maha Pradhani’. The Council of Ministers played an important role in the administration.

They supervised over many departments and advised the King in taking proper decisions. Important officers were Upa Pradhani (Deputy P M), Danda Nayaka, Mahasaman tadipati (Minister of Feudatories), Raya Bhandari (Treasurer), Sabhanayaka (Leader of the council), Mahasand ivigrahi (Foreign Affairs). Yuvaraja was associated with the administration.

(b) Provincial Administration: There were two types of provinces in the Vijayanagara Empire. They were: –

  • Provinces which were under the direct rule by the King’s representatives.
  • The provincial rule by the feudatories (Nayakas), which was called the Nayankara system. The Nayankara system gave more autonomy to the feudatories. The King had the power to transfer or remove the provincial officers. Nayakas were required to pay annual tributes to the King and had to maintain military troops for wars. These Nayakas maintained Military and Civil representatives in the court of the King. Rajya was further divided into Vishaya and Nadu.

(c) Village administration: The village was the last unit of the administration. Village had its own assemblies (Gramapanchayat). The social, administrative and judicial matters in the village were taken care of by the local assemblies. The head of the village administration was ‘Gouda’. Collection of revenue was his main duty and accounts were looked after by the Karanika. Talawara discharged the duties of a policeman.

Revenue System: Land Revenue was the main source of income for the state. It was nearly 1/6 of the gross produce. Property tax, commercial tax, tax on industries, war booty, judicial fines, and taxes of all professions including prostitution, customs and toll were the other sources of income. Taxes were collected either in cash or in kind.

(d) Military Administration: Vijayanagara Empire had a strong military . to safeguard the vast area from its enemies. The army administration was looked after by the ‘Dandanayaka’. The army consisted of infantry, cavalry, elephants and artillery. Forts played an important role in the defensive warfare.

Social conditions:
(a) Caste System: The Vijayanagara society was divided into four castes namely Brahmanas, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Sudras. Brahmanas had a high position in the society. Blacksmiths, goldsmiths, weavers, farmers and traders played very ’ important role in the social activities. Social harmony existed in the Empire.

(b) Position of Woman: Women enjoyed a respectable position in the society. They participated in activities like dancing and singing. Few women received education, but they were confined to household work. Social evils like dowry, sati, devadasi, prostitution, child marriage and polygamy existed in that society.

(c) Social Harmony: Muslims settled in the empire and they were given security by the Kings. Mosques were built for prayers and Quran was placed in a respectable place. The members of the Royal family worshipped Flindu, Buddha and Jain deities had followed the common tenets of these religions. Hence it is clear that social harmony prevailed in the Vijayanagara Empire. Dasara, Holi and Deepavali were the national festivals. People observed these festivals with great pomp and splendour.

Economic Condition:

(a) Agriculture: Agriculture was the main occupation of the people. Land revenue was fixed on the basis of the quality of soil. Land was divided into wet, dry and horticultural land. Rice, wheat,, cotton, pulses, spices, are canuts, ginger, fruits, turmeric, etc., were the main products of agriculture.

(b) Irrigation: They gave much attention for irrigation. Large number of wells, tanks, lakes, canals and dams were constructed. A huge tank was constructed by Krishnadevaraya near Magaiapura. A dam and a Raya . canal were also built by him at Korrangal.

(c) Trade and Commerce: Internal and external trade flourished under the Vijayanagara Rulers. Vijrakurur mines in Andhra Pradesh supplied the most valuable diamonds. Main exports of the time were cloth, rice, sugar, spices, iron, etc. The important imports were elephants, horses, pearls, coral, mercury, silks, etc. Udayagiri, Tanjore, Madurai, Calicut, Mangalore, Barakur and Bhatkal were the main centers of trade. There were about two hundred ports in the eastern and western coasts. The
standard currency was the gold (Varaha) pon. Visa, Kasu and Pagods were the other coins.

Vijayanagara Rulers encouraged and ensured religious tolerance among the Hindus, Jains and Muslims. The Sangama rulers encouraged Shaivism and the later rulers gave importance to Vaishnavism. Devaraya – II built a Jain basadi in the Empire during his reign. Shravanabelgola inscription of Bukka -1, refers to the peace treaty between the Srivaishnavas and Jains. The Vachana Movement was popular during this time. The Varkari Movement of Lord Vittala of Pandrapura and the Dasakuta tradition were encouraged. Hampi, Sringeri, Shravanabelagola, Shrishaila, Srikalahasti, Ahobilam, Madurai, Srirangam were the important religious centres. Temples and Mathas were the notable religious institutions. The temples were the places of worship and Mathas stood for the spread of religious principles. They encouraged education and culture.

Mathas, Agraharas and temples played an important role in imparting education. ‘Dhulakshara’ was a system of education, which is referred to ‘Mohanatarangini’ of Kanakadasa. It was a system of learning to write on sand. Primary education was called ‘Balabodha’. Hampi, Kodimatha, Sringeri, Yediyur, Kunigal etc., were notable centers of education of that time.

2nd PUC History Model Question Paper 2 with Answers

The Vijayanagara Rulers encouraged Sanskrit, Kannada and Telugu literature. Harihara, Bukkaraya, Devaraya – II and Krishnadevaraya extended liberal patronage to scholars and poets. Some important literary works of the period are:

Sanskrit Works:
Vidyaranya was a prolific writer in Sanskrit, he wrote more than 60 works. Madhava – Sayana wrote Parasara Madhaviya, Gangadevi, Queen of Veerakampan wrote Maduravijayam (Veerakamparaya Charitam),Tirumalamba wrote Varadam bikaprinayam. Guru Vidyaranya wrote Raja Kalanirnaya. Krishanadevaraya wrote Madalasacharite, Rasamanjari, Jambavati Kalyanam, Usha Parinayam, etc.

Kannada Works:
Tontada Siddaling- eshwara wrote Vachanas, Kumaravyasa – Karnataka Kathamanjari (Gadugina Bharata), Nanjunda Kavi – Kumara Ramanakathe, Siddalinga Yathi wrote . Shunyasampadane, Ratnakarvarni- Bharatesha Vaibhava, Bhimakayi- Basavapurana, Chamarasa – Prabhu lingaleele, Kanakadasa – Mohana Tarangini, Nala Charita, Haribhakti Sara etc., Purandaradasa – Keertans, Virupakshapandita – Channabasapurana Narahari – Torave Ramayana, Nijaguna Shivayogi – Viveka Chintamani.

Krishnadevaraya was a great scholar in Telugu. He wrote Amukta Malyada in Telugu. He patronized eight great Telugu poets in his court who were called ‘Ashtadiggajas’. Allasani Peddanna was revered as the father of Telugu he was conferred with the title of ‘Andhrakavi Pitamaha’. Srinatha wrote Kashikhanda Nachaha, Somanatha wrote Harivamsha, Allasani Peddanna wrote Manucharitamu, Vemana wrote poems. Krishnadevaraya is often described as ‘Andhra Bhoja’.

Question 35.
Sir.M. Vishweshwaraiah is called the ‘Maker of Modern Mysore’ Explain.
Pulikeshi – II (609-642 C.E.): Pulakeshi – II was the most outstanding personality among the Chalukyas of Badami. He was a benevolent monarch and people enjoyed plenty and prosperity under him. Pulikeshi- II was the son of Keertivarma-I. He was still a boy when Keertivarma died. Hence, Mangalesha (Brother of Keertivarma) took over the charge of administration. Mangalesha planned to pass on the throne to his son instead of Pulikeshi-II, the rightful heir. This led to a civil war between the two. Finally, Mangalesha was defeated and he died in the battle. Pulikeshi came to the throne in 609 C.E. Hieun Tsang’s Si-Yu- Ki, Bana’s – Harshacharite, Aihole inscription etc, render information about Pulikeshi -II.

This civil war was an unfortunate incident, but became inevitable for Pulikeshi II, and the throne inherited by him was not a bed of roses. This indicates that the civil war had caused a confused situation in the Kingdom. Many chiefs wanted to take advantage of the situation and become independent. Hence they rebelled against Pulikeshi-II.

Conquests of Pulikeshi-II:

(a) Attack on the Rashtrakuta chiefs:
The Rashtrakutas were following a policy of aggression and expansion during the time of Pulakeshi. The Rashtrakuta chiefs Appayika and Govinda rebelled against Badami rule. Pulakeshi crushed them in a battle on the banks of River Bhima. Appayika  ran away from the battle field, while Govinda surrendered to Pulakeshi II.

(b) Subjugation of the Kadambas, Mauryas, Alupas and Gangas: After strengthening his power and resources, Pulakeshi – II adopted a policy of conquest. He took an expedition against the rulers of places surrounding Badami. He subjugated the Kadambas of Banavasi, Mauryas of Konkan, Alupas of south Canara and Gangas ofTalakadu.

(c) Attack on Lata, Malwa and Gurjaras: Pulakeshi II set his eyes towards the North-west, on Lata, Malwa and Gurjarat. As a result, these rulers were also defeated and he extended his territories upto Malwa. He appointed his brother, Jayasimha as the Governor of Gujarat.

(d) War with Ilarshavardhana: The most significant and memorable of his military career was his victory over Harshavardhana of Kanauj. A powerful Kingdom had been established by Harsha who had conquered most of north India, and was making an attempt to extend his reign in the south also. Pulakeshi took an expedition towards north, and Harsha came into conflict with Pulakeshi – II.

But Pulakeshi II who had camped on the banks of the river Narmada, did not allow’ Harsha to cross the river. Harshavardhana was defeated by Pulakeshi II in the battle of Narmada in 634 C.E. Narmada became the common frontier of the two Kingdoms. After the battle, Pulakeshi II assumed the title of ‘Parameshwara and Dakshina patheslnvara’. Hieun Tsang’s record and the Aihole inscriptions give testimony to this victory of Pulakeshi -II.

(e) Expedition towards East: After the Northern campaign, Pulakeshi turned his eyes towards east and conquered Kosala and Kalinga regions and the important fort of Pistapura (Godavari). He appointed his brother Kubja Vishnuvardhana as the Governor of these provinces. Kubja Vishnuvardhana became the founder of the Eastern Chalukya dynasty.

(f) Expedition in South: The Pal lava ruler Mahendravarma -1 had become powerful in the south. Pulakeshi II invaded the Pallava Kingdom and defeated Mahends-avarma – I in the battle of Pallalur. Then he annexed other Pallava territories also and seized Kanchi in 632 C.E.

2nd PUC History Model Question Paper 2 with Answers

After these successful military campaigns. Pulakeshi returned to his capita! and reigned m peace for quite some time. His name and fame began to spread far and w ide. He performed the ‘Ashwamedha Sacrifice’ to commemorate his victory and assumed titles like ‘Sathyashraya, Vikrama, Parameshwara, Dakshin apathe- shwara, Pruthvi Vallabha, Maharaj adh iraj a etc.

Extent of his Kingdom: The Kingdom of Pulakeshi – II extended from the Kosala and Kalinga (Bay of Bengal) in the east, to Konkana in the west, the river Narmada in the north and upto river Cauvery in the south.

Due to the campaigns of Pulakeshi- II, his name and fame began to spread far and wide. He maintained cultural and commercial contacts with Persia and exchanged Ambassadors with the Persian Emperor Khusru-II (Ajantha cave paintings depict this scene). The Chinese’pilgrim HieunTsang visited the court of Pulakeshi- II in 641 C.E. He has given us a factual and reliable . description about the King and his Empire. In his last days, Pulakeshi – 111 had to face the attack of the mighty Pallava forces under Narasimha- varman – I. Pulakeshi was defeated in the battle, and Narasimhavarman seized the Chalukyan capital in 642 C.E. In memory of this victory, Narasimhavarman assumed the title ‘ Vatapikonda’

Part – F

VI. Match the following :

Question 36.
1. Gargi – (a) Iron man of India
2. Sardar Vallaba Bhai Patel – (b) Famous Musician
3. Tansen – (c) Woman scholar
4. Ponna – (d) First Chief Minister of the Mysore state
5. Nijalingappa – (e) Ubhaya Kavi Chakravarti

  • (c) Women scholar
  • (a) Iron man of India
  • (b) Famous Musician
  • (e) Ubhaya kavi chakravarti
  • (d) First Chief Minister of the Mysore state

2nd PUC History Model Question Paper 2 with Answers

Question 37.
Arrange the following events in Chronological Order. 5 x 1 = 5

(a) Quit India Movement
(b) The conference of world religions held at Chicago
(c) Coming of Aryans to India
(d) Battle of Narmada
(e) Unification of Karnataka.
(d) Battle of Narmada
(c) Coming of Aryans to India
(b) 1893 The conference of world religions held at Chicago
(a) Quit India Movement
(e) Unification of Karnataka.