2nd PUC Sanskrit Textbook Answers Shevadhi Chapter 6 अनुरागोदयः

Students can Download 2nd PUC Sanskrit Shevadhi Lesson 6 अनुरागोदयः Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes Pdf, 2nd PUC Sanskrit Textbook Answers helps you to revise the complete Karnataka State Board Syllabus and to clear all their doubts, score well in final exams.

Karnataka 2nd PUC Sanskrit Textbook Answers Shevadhi Chapter 6 अनुरागोदयः

अनुरागोदयः Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes

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अनुरागोदयः Summary in Kannada

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अनुरागोदयः Summary in English

‘Audible” and “Visible’ poetries are the two types of poetry (काव्यम्). Audible poetry again divided into two types. One is called पद्य and another is गद्य, हर्षचरितम् and कादम्बरी are the two poetic prose works written by Mahakavi Banabhatta who was popular as गद्यसाम्राज्यसार्वभौम (The emperor of the kingdom of poetic prose). It is confirmed that he lived in first half of 7th century A.D. This lesson is an extract from महारवेतावृत्तान्त of Kadambari. Here the first love of Pundareeka and Mahashweta is depicted very attractively.

Tarapeeda the king of Ujjaini appointed his son Chandrapeeda as crown prince. So Chandrapeeda with his army started for Conquer. While wondering he reached the place of Kailasa mountain. There he saw lake named अच्छोदा and on the right side bank of the lake he saw an ancient Shiva temple and reached there. There he saw a girl (lady) who was performing great penance wearing white dress. With the curiosity, after prostrating her, he asked the reason for her great penance. Then she told her story.

Introduction : Poetry has divided into दृश्य (Visible) and श्रव्यम् (readable & audible). श्रव्य has two more divisions गद्यं (prose) पद्यं (poem) respectively. Banabhatta who is famous as the emperor of prose literature, has authored two books कादम्बरी and हर्षचरितम्. His time is first half of 7th century A.D. This part of the lesson is taken from ‘महाश्वेतवृत्तान्तः’ of कादम्बरी. The first meeting of Pundareeka and Mahashweta is depicted very well in this lesson

Flashback :

The king of Ujjaini has enthroned his son Chandrapeeda as prince. Then Chandrapeeda stepped out for the conquest. Thus, marching he reached Kailasa. There he spotted Achoda lake and came to Shiva temple which was on southern part of the lake. There he beheld a girl wearing white cloth and following some ‘Vrata’ (व्रत). Being curious he saluted her and asked reason for following such difficult worship. At that time she narrates her story.

Prince, what is the of listening to my story which is not worth listening and who is cruelhearted, unfortunate and renounced by birth. Though you have curiosity, then listen – “A demigod called Hamsa had been enthroned in his childhood. A girl called Gowri was born in the nymph’s family. Hamsa married her. I was born to those childless couple. Father celebrated my birth as if he has got son. The tenth day having finished all the rituals they kept me a significant name. I spent my childhood at father’s house. Then the youth filled my body gradually like chaitra month in the spring, fresh flower in the shoots, bee in the flower and like intoxicated bee.

Once I came to Achoda lake which was filled with lotus, water lily and son on with my mother to take bath. In a place I smelt a pleasant smell which was carried by breeze, chased by bees telling ‘I am the first I am first’, not smelt before and which surpassed the fragrance of the world. I was being curious about the place of fragrance, looked at that direction with wide opened eyes like bee attracted towards fragrance. There I saw a young sage who came to take bath, who was like spring who got birth after the death of cupid by the third eye of Shiva, like moon who is meditating to get complete shape who is on the head of Shiva, like Manmatha who is penancing to influence Shiva, wearing lotus like tender thread (यज्ञोपवीत), in the ocean like penance, holding a Bakula fruit like one piped Kamandala (kind of vessel which sages use) in one hand, in another holding a rosary of crystal which was made by the tears of Ratha who cried due to the death of her husband cupid (मन्मथः), like the decoration of bachelorhood, like Dharma has got the youth, like the brightness Saraswathi, like the abode of all vedas, like spring, decorated by the white ash on the forehead which prepared by flower and accompanied by same aged another young sage.

I saw an unseen nectar dropping bunch of flowers on his cars. I thought seeing the sage – “Brahma who has no scarcity of creation instruments has created this sage with the remaining heap of beauty having created three world’s hero cupid. The creator had just practiced the making of his face by creating the moon and lotuses in Lakshmi’s abode. Otherwise Brahma has created similar faces? My curious body parts felt horripilated as if they will to scan and want to embrace him. The colour of the leg entered into the heart. I saluted him attracted by his face, without closing the eye and staring him and thinking this caste ought to be respected by all.

At that time even he felt horripilated as if newly cupid is welcomed. The rosary in his hand shook because he thought like his worship is broken. After seeing his mentality my desire of getting him doubled and I had an inexplicable condition.

Then getting a right time I asked the young sage who accompanied him “Oh revered, what is the name? Who’s son he is? What is the name of the flower which he has placed on his ear”.

He smiling at me said – “Oh, girl listen, there is a sage called Shwetaketa who lives in heaven. The beauty of the sage was unmatched in the three world. Once he entered the Mandakini river to pluck some lotuses for worship. That time Lakshmi spotted him. By seeing him, she got ecstacy and Pundarika was born. Then she brought Pundarika to sage Shwetaketu and told him to receive his son. He was born from lotus hence he was called Pundarika. He is Pundarika. This flower is parijatha which was born during churning of the mountain to get the nectar by demons and gods. Everything is explained in detail.

When he told this, the young sage smiling at me said “Oh, curious girl, why do you tire yourself by questioning? If you like the smell of the flower, then receive it”. After telling this, nearing me and affectionately removing that from from ear, he placed it on my ear. I felt thrilled because his hand touches me. In shy, he couldn’t notice that his rosary slipped from his hand when he touched my chin. Then I caught that rosary before it reaches the ground and easily wore around my neck feeling happy as if his shoulders have hugged me.

When I moved a bit, the second sage told Pundarika “Friend Pundalika, this is not suitable for you. Sages are courageous, where is your courage? Where is the advice of teacher? How the drop of rosary from your hand went unnoticed? Oh it is lack of spirit, which has just kidnapped you. You just hold back your heart which is being stolen from her.”

At that time feeling ashamed he replied “friend Kapinjala, why do you mistake me?” having told this, with the fake angry on the face, frowning, throbbing lips and with moon like mouth he told me. “Oh fickle minded ! You should not move a step without returning the rosary.” Keeping the rosary in his hand who is desirous of seeing my face and empty hearted, I went to take bath. Then dragged forcibly by the friends, thinking about him, I went to home with my mother.”