KSEEB Solutions for Class 8 English Prose Chapter 1 A Day in the Ashram

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Karnataka State Syllabus Class 8 English Prose Chapter 1 A Day in the Ashram

A Day in the Ashram Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes

Education for Life

(Listening passage L – 1)

ILA – Your teacher reads a passage. Listen to it. Then answer these questions.

Question 1.
Why did Sangappa feel sad?
There were no classes. Students were moving around freely. Some were reading books and trying to memorize answers.

Question 2.
What was his son doing?
His son was sitting on a tree, watching the birds singing. He was also trying to draw pictures of the birds.

Question 3.
What did the headmaster say about learning?
The headmaster said that reading and memorizing answers is not learning. Real learning is studying Nature and learning from it.

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Question 4.
Does learning mean only reading books and preparing for the examination? Share your views with your partners in the class.
No. It also means observing the surroundings and learning from them.

IRA – Some statements are given below. If you agree to tick [Yes]. If not tick [No].

1. I love to get answers to all the questions by heart. Yes/No

2. We should play in the evening. Yes/No

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3. I learn a lot while l am outside the classroom. Yes/No

4. Learning must be an enjoyable experience. Yes/No

5. Singing, praying, practicing Yoga and drawing are also some of the ways of learning. Yes/No

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Textbook Questions and Answers

C1 Answer the following questions and share your responses with your partner.

Question 1.
Who named the School ‘Shantiniketan’?
Rabindranath Tagore named the school Shantiniketan.

Question 2.
When does the day in Shantiniketan begin?
The day begins long before sunrise.

Question 3.
What is termed by Gurudeva as ‘The darling of our hearts’?
Shantiniketan is termed as ‘the darling of our hearts’.

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Question 4.
Which phrase used in paragraph 1 means ‘both the old and the young people’?
The phrase used is “old and young alike”.

Question 5.
The boys in Shantiniketan get up early in the morning. Who else are the early risers?
The birds are the early risers.

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C2. Work in pairs. Answer the following questions and share your responses with your partners.

Question 1.
What kind of work do the boys practise in the afternoon?
The boys practise handiwork such as carpentry, mechanics, spinning, weaving, painting, drafting and musical instruments.

Question 2.
What are Shantiniketan boys famous for?
Shantiniketan boys are famous for their sports and games.

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Question 3.
How do the boys spend their evenings before they go to bed?
The boys meditate for some time. They participate in school gatherings. They tell fairy tales, recite short dramas and sing Gurudeva’s songs.

Question 4.
Read the second paragraph carefully. What it describes is:
a) the greatness of the teacher
b) the song of the choristers
c) the lessons taught in the Ashram
d) the silent meditation of the inmates.
(b) The song of the choristers.

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Read and Write:

C3 Read and discuss your responses with your partner. Then write.

Question 1.
What is the effect of the song of the choristers on the listeners?
The beauty of the sound of the song in the silence of morning brings joy, reverence and peace to the soul of the listeners.

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Question 2.
How are the classes held in the afternoon, in Shantiniketan?
The afternoon classes start at 2 ‘O’Clock in Shantiniketan. The class chiefly consists of handiwork. The boys could learn their own choice of interest. The different handiwork’s to be taught were Carpentry, Spinning, Weaving, drafting, painting, music, etc.

Question 3.
How do the boys spend their evenings in Shantiniketan?
In the evening boys play in the field. They play a variety of games, especially football. After the game, the boys return from the playfields. All the boys sit to meditate in silence for a short time.

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Question 4.
How are the classes at Shantiniketan different from the classes in other schools?
There are no classrooms in Shantiniketan. The classes are held in the open fields, under the trees. A group of eight or ten boys sit with their teacher under the trees and discuss things. The boys have the freedom to study what interests them. Very few books are used. The teachers help the students to learn on their own. In other schools, there are fixed timings, prescribed textbooks. The students are expected to read the books, learn the answers for questions by heart, and reproduce them in the examination. There is no freedom for the students.

Question 5.
How does Shantiniketan prepare the boys for life?
Shantiniketan was founded by Rabindranath Tagore. It is different from other schools in providing education. The boys enjoy the freedom and are not forced to learn a particular thing. Teachers help the boys to learn things that interest them. There is scope for the boys to discover their own talents and capabilities. The boys enjoy learning things which would help them in their future life. The school aims at all-round development of the boys. The boys gain confidence and become ready to face the challenges of life.

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C4. The writer has used the phrase ‘living education’ to describe the experience in Shantiniketan. Some features of education are given below. Classify them into the categories of ‘living education’ and ‘unimaginative instruction’.

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Memorizing, meditating, punishing learners, learning outside in nature, dictating notes, open discussion, students asking questions to teachers, students passively listening, experimenting, creative thinking, identifying students’ natural taste, bookish learning.
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C5. Write a paragraph describing your idea of a good school.

A good school is one where there are no prescribed textbooks, syllabus, tests and examinations. The children must be given opportunities to learn on their own, by observing nature, reading books in the library, visiting places. Teachers should be there to clarify doubts, answer questions and instill confidence in the students. The children should not be made to memorize answers for questions. Each child has some talent of his or her own. This should be discovered and encouraged.

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C6. Write a few lines about your school using the following clues:

  • Name of the School
  • Location
  • School building
  • Facilities – about teachers, laboratory, library, sports, etc.

I am a student at Ace High School. It is situated on the outskirts of Karwar. The school building is very big. It has twenty rooms. There are three sections in each standard. There are fifty students in each section. The classrooms are spacious and well ventilated. The school has a good library, three laboratories, a sports room, a teacher’s room, and separate toilets for boys and girls. The school premises are always kept clean and tidy.

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Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow:

Question 1.
“Our own poet and teacher, whom we call Gurudeva, has named it in his song, ‘The darling of our hearts’ ”.
a) Who is their own poet and teacher’ referred to here?
b) Who is called ‘Gurudeva’?
c) What is ‘it’ mentioned here?
a) Rabindranath Tagore.
b) Rabindranath Tagore.
c) Shantiniketan.

Question 2.
‘The darling of our hearts’
a) What is referred to here?
b) Who said this?
c) What does it mean?
a) Shantiniketan.
b) Rabindranath Tagore.
c) It means that Shantiniketan is the beloved of all who live in the Ashram.

Question 3.
“whom we call Gurudeva, has named it in his song, ‘The darling of our hearts’, and it is worthy of the name’’.
a) Who does Gurudeva refer to?
b) What has been called ‘The darling of our hearts’?
c) Why is it worthy of the name?
a) Rabindranath Tagore.
b) Shantiniketan.
c) All who have visited the Ashram have felt its inner beauty growing more and more upon them.

Question 4.
Stich living education can never be dull.
a) From which lesson is this sentence taken?
b) How is education carried on in Shantiniketan?
c) Why is it called living education?
a) ‘A Day in the Ashram’.
b) A greater part of the education is carried on through conversation.
c) In Shantiniketan, very few books are used. A greater part of the education is through conversation between the teacher and the students.

Question 5.
“Their faces tell the story of their joy and their freedom
a) Who has made this statement?
b) Who are the ‘they’ referred to in the sentence?
c) What freedom do the boys enjoy?
a) C.F. Andrews.
b) The boys at Shantiniketan.
c) The boys enjoy freedom in everything they do – from education to sports to handiwork and recreation.

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V1. Observe the use of nearer and nearer in the following example:

e.g. You can hear the. voices in the distance, drawing nearer and nearer [near].

Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the help of clues given in brackets.

  1. When you blow air into a balloon it becomes _________ and _______ (big)
  2. As the train approaches the station, the sound of its whistle becomes _________ and ___________. (loud)
  3. If you practise harder and harder, you will feel __________ and ________ (much) confident to solve the problems.
  4. Man has been constructing _______and _________ (tall) buildings in the cities.
  5. As you move away from a tree it looks __________ and ________ . (small)


  1. bigger, bigger
  2. louder, louder
  3. more, more
  4. taller, taller
  5. smaller, smaller.

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V2. Fill in the blanks using some and others.

e.g. Some prefer carpentry, others prefer mechanical work.

  1. You can see shining objects in the sky at night. ___________ of them are planets, ________ are stars.
  2. There are many fruits in the basket. ___________ of them are mangoes, _________are bananas.
  3. After the bell, __________ boys went out to play, ___________went home.
  4. There are a few books on the table. _________ of them are text books, are not.
  5. __________ of the apples in the basket are good. __________ are bad.


  1. You can see shining objects in the sky at night. Some of – them are planets, others are stars.
  2. There are many fruits in the basket. Some of them are mangoes, others are bananas.
  3. After the bell, some boys went out to play, others went home.
  4. There are a few books on the table. Some of them are textbooks, others are not.
  5. Some of the apples in the basket are good. Others are bad.

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V3. Fill in the blanks choosing the appropriate words from the words given in brackets.

Last ___ (week, weak) I went to a shop to _________ (by, buy) a pair of trousers. I bought one and returned
home. When I tried to _______ (wear, ware) it, I found that it was rather __________ (loose, lose). So, I went to the shop in fury. But, the shopkeeper was out. So, I had to _______ (wait, weight) for half an hour. When he returned, I shouted at him, “See, how big it is. It fits an elephant”. He replied coolly looking at my pot belly, “Therefore we offered it to you, sir”.
week, buy, wear, loose, wait.

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V4. Fill in the blanks using the antonyms of the words underlined.

  1. Krishna was a rich king, while his friend was a ________ man.
  2. Madanika is tali but her brother is _________
  3. Radhika is strong but her sister is __________
  4. Silk is soft; iron is __________
  5. I can remember stories but _________ lessons.


  1. poor
  2. short
  3. weak
  4. hard
  5. forget

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V5. Classify the following into prefixes and suffixes:

re, less, ful, mis, non, anti, ment, able, ish, in, ex, ion,- ship, multi, sub, ive.

One example for each is given.
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V6. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate prefixes choosing from the ones given above [V5]:

  1. The school ___________ opens on June 1.
  2. Manish eats meat. He is a __________vegetarian.
  3. Terrorists are ___________ social.
  4. Bakra Nangal is a __________ purpose project.
  5. Plastic chairs are __________ expensive.


  1. re
  2. non
  3. anti
  4. multi
  5. in.

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V7. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate suffixes choosing from the ones given above [V5]:

  1. He was comfort ________ in his seat on the train.
  2. He was acting in a very child _________ way.
  3. She looked at her reflect ________ in the mirror.
  4. India has won the Champion _________ at Sharjah.
  5. The rate of employ _______ in India has been rising steadily.


  1. able,
  2. ish,
  3. ion,
  4. ship,
  5. ment.

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A. Listen And Speak:
Vowels /i:/ and /I/

Task 2. Your teacher will say these words. Listen and write them in two different columns. A few examples are given.

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C. Reading:

Reading Warning Signs:
Read the warning on each picture below. Write the meaning of each warning in your notebook choosing the appropriate one from the list given below.

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A. Do not use it in a closed room.
B. Do not eat or drink it.
C. Do not breathe it in.
D. Do not store it in a cupboard. Keep it cool.
E. Do not burn it.
F. Keep it in a place where a child cannot go near it.
1 – E; 2 – B; 3 – A; 4 – D; 5 – F; 6 – C.

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D. Grammar:

Task 1. Read the following passage. Underline the common nouns. Say whether they are countables, that is, whether they can be counted one, two etc., or whether they are uncountables, that is, they cannot be counted. List them under different columns. Two examples are given.
There was a merchant in a town. His name was Parashuramappa. He had many friends. They helped him in selling milk all over the town. Parashuramappa loved to live in peace. Also, he always spoke the truth. These qualities endeared him to alt the people in the locality.
Countable Nouns – Uncountable Nouns
People -Truth
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Task 2. Fill in the blanks using ‘a’, ‘an’ or ‘the’ only where necessary. If no article is necessary write (ø) in the blank.

1. Abdul is _____. excellent football player. As ________ student, he won many prizes. Now he has joined ________ multinational company ________ company encourages him to play for _____ state level tournaments.
an, a, a, The, ø,

2. ______ Democracy is _______ best form of government for all _______ people have _________ right to vote. Even in _______ emergency, ________ people do not lose their _______ rights in that form of government.
ø, the, ø, the, an, the, ø.

3. ______ Peter lives in ________ same locality as I do. His father is _______ Assistant Engineer. He loves _______ music and ______ sports. His most favourite sports is _____ cricket.
ø, the, an, ø, ø, ø.

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Task 3. Look at the following pairs of sentences. Why is ‘the’ (the definite article) used in some cases but not in others? Discuss with your partner and write the reason.
1. Man is mortal.
2. The man going there is carrying a bag. The bag is full.

In (1) Man stands for all men in general. So, there is no article.
In (2) the man ‘the’ is used, for, it stands for a particular person, not everybody. In (2) a bag takes an article ‘a’, for the writer and the reader do not know which bag the man is carrying, as it is used for the first time, whereas in the last sentence, the bag is used as both the reader and the writer have a definite bag (already referred to once) in their minds.

1. I’d like to see a tiger.
2. Would you? Then see the tiger in the calendar.
3. A. Where is your father?, B. He is in hospital.
4. A. Which hospital?, B. The Government hospital.
1. The indefinite article ‘a’ is used because the reference is to any ‘one’ tiger.

2. The definite article ‘the’ is used as it refers to the particular tiger on the calendar.

3. No article is used as places of worship, educational institutions, places of work, etc., have no article before them when they are referred to for the primary purpose. For example, a student would say, ‘I went to school to collect my books.’ An old student would say, ‘I went to the school to collect my TC.’

4. Here, the definite article ‘the’ is used as the reference is to one particular hospital.

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Fill in the blanks with suitable articles:

  1. ______ rose is a beautiful flower.
  2. ______ rose on your coat is fading.
  3. Do you have _______ tickets? (The ticket collector to the passenger)
  4. Here are _____ tickets.
  5. It is _______ e-mail.
  6. I have not yet read _____ e-mail.


  1. A
  2. The
  3. the
  4. the
  5. an
  6. the

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Task 4. What do you understand after doing these exercises? Answer the following questions by filling in the blanks:

  1. Nouns can be countable or _________
  2. Countable nouns can be singular or ______
  3. ‘a’, ‘an’ and _______ are articles.
  4. ‘a’ and ‘an’ are used only with ______ nouns.
  5. ‘The’ can be used with both singular and ________ forms of nouns.
  6. ‘The’ is called the definite; ‘a’ and ‘an’ are called _______ articles.


  1. uncountable
  2. plural
  3. the
  4. singular/countable
  5. plural
  6. the article, indefinite.

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E. Writing:

Choice of words:
Task. Read the following descriptions. Substitute each with an appropriately descriptive word from the ones given in brackets below. One example is given.
(punctual, forgetful, flexible, shy, lazy)

  1. He often promises to do things, but half the time he forgets. ( )
  2. She is always here on time, (punctual)
  3. I don’t think he has done any work since he has been here.
  4. She finds it difficult to meet people and talk to strangers. ( )
  5. He can work in any department and it doesn’t matter to him if he is on his own or part of a team. ( )


  1. forgetful
  2. punctual
  3. lazy
  4. shy
  5. flexible.

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A Day in the Ashram Additional Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Who is the author of the lesson ‘A Day in the Ashram’?
C. F. Andrews is the author of the lesson ‘A Day in the Ashram’.

Question 2.
Who founded Shantiniketan?
Rabindranath Tagore founded Shantiniketan.

Question 3.
What do the choristers of the Ashram do?
The choristers go round the Ashram singing hymns.

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Question 4.
What gives peace to the soul?
The melodious sound of the hymns sung by the choristers early in the morning gives peace to the soul.

Question 5.
Why do the boys go into the fields with their asans?
The boys go into the fields to meditate alone in the silence of the morning.

Question 6.
What do the boys sing before school work begins?
The boys sing their hymn before the school work begins.

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Question 7.
There are no classrooms in Shantiniketan. Where do the boys sit and learn?
The boys sit in small groups of eight or ten under the trees with their teachers.

Question 8.
How are things learned by the boys?
The boys learn through conversation. They ask questions, discuss, and clarify their doubts.

Question 9.
What does C.F. Andrews call the education imparted in the Ashram?
C. F. Andrews calls the education imparted in the Ashram “Living education”.

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Question 10.
When do the morning classes come to an end?
The morning classes go on till half-past ten.

Question 11.
When do the afternoon classes begin?
The afternoon classes begin at two o’clock.

Question 12.
How do the boys discover their natural tastes?
A variety of handicrafts are taught and practiced in the afternoon classes. The boys try their hand at each of them and discover the handiwork that they like.

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Question 13.
Give a list of the handicrafts practiced by the boys.
a) Carpentry
b) spinning
c) weaving
d) drafting
e) painting
f) mechanical work
g) playing musical instruments.

Question 14.
What do the boys do after the school work is over?
The boys go into the fields to play football and other games.

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Question 15.
When do the boys go to bed?
The boys go to bed by nine o’clock at night.

Question 16.
What do the faces of the boys tell?
The faces of the boys tell the story of their joy and their freedom.

Multiple Choice Questions:

Four alternatives are given for each of the following questions/ incomplete statements. Choose the most appropriate one.

Question 1.
‘A Day in the Ashram’ is written by
A) A.L. Hendricks
B) Charles Dickens
C) C.F Andrews
D) Daniel Miller
C) C.F Andrews

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Question 2.
Whose experience does the lesson ‘A Day in the Ashram’ reveal?
A) Choristers
B) Students
C) Rabindranath Tagore
D) C.F. Andrews
D) C.F. Andrews

Question 3.
Shantiniketan was founded by
A) Rabindranath Tagore
B) C.F Andrews
C) Mahatma Gandhi
D) C.V. Raman
A) Rabindranath Tagore

Question 4.
The person who was referred to as ‘Gurudeva’ was
A) C.F Andrews
B) Mahatma Gandhi
C) Devendranath Tagore
D) Rabindranath Tagore
D) Rabindranath Tagore

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Question 5.
Who has referred to Shantiniketan as ‘The darling of our hearts’?
A) Mahatma Gandhi
B) Rabindranath Tagore
C) C.F. Andrews
D) Sarojini Naidu
B) Rabindranath Tagore

Question 6.
The first to rise in the morning in Shantiniketan is the
A) boys
B) choristers
C) teachers
D) students
B) choristers

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Question 7.
In the ashram, what gives peace to the soul?
A) The singing of the birds in the amloki groves
B) The boys meditating in the fields in the morning
C) The beauty of the sound of the choristers singing in the morning
D) The boys standing in the shade of the trees and singing hymns.
C) The beauty of the sound of the choristers singing in the morning

Question 8.
The boys at Shantiniketan study in the
A) open-air
B) classroom
C) playground
D) auditorium
A) open-air

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Question 9.
A greater part of the teaching in Shantiniketan is carried on through
A) books
B) discussions
C) conversation
D) examinations
C) conversation

Question 10.
What kind of work do the boys practice in the afternoon?
A) Sports
B) Bookwork
C) Singing
D) Handicraft
D) Handicraft

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Question 11.
In the ashram, the boys’ own natural tastes are discovered through
A) singing of hymns
B) the handiwork they practice
C) sports and games
D) reciting of short dramas
B) the handiwork they practice

Question 12.
The school at Shantiniketan is over at
A) five O’ clock
B) four O’ clock
C) two O’ clock
D) three O’ clock
B) four O’ clock

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Question 13.
The Shantiniketan boys are famous for
A) sports and games
B) studies
C) discipline
D) knowledge
A) sports and games

Question 14.
The boys spend the evenings before they go to bed
A) telling fairy tales
B) reciting short dramas
C) singing Gurudeva’s songs
D) all of the above
D) all of the above

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A Day in the Ashram Summary in English

A Day in the Ashram Summary in English 1

Charles Freer Andrews was born on 12th February 1871, He was a Christian Missionary. He came to India in 1904 and worked in St. Stephen’s College, Delhi. He was a social reformer who stood for the Indian cause. Gandhiji called him Deenabandhu, a friend of the poor. He visited Shantiniketan and stayed there for some time. He was greatly impressed with the activities in the school and ashram. He considers it a great place for learning where children learn with joy.

C.F. Andrews describes a day in the Ashram. He says that words cannot describe the beauty of Shantiniketan. Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore praises Shantiniketan as ‘The darling of our hearts’, in one of his poems. The people who visited the Ashram have experienced the peace and inner beauty that prevails there. The students in the Ashram get up early in the morning.

A group of singers goes round the Ashram singing hymns. The sound of the songs in the silence of the morning brings a sense of joy and peace to the soul. After some time, the boys go into the fields and meditate. Then, they all stand in a group and sing the morning prayer.

A Day in the Ashram Summary in English 2

The school work goes on till half-past ten. There are no classrooms. The boys sit in groups of eight or ten, with their teachers, under the trees in the open air. Very few books are used. Teaching is done through interaction with students. The boys are encouraged to ask questions and discuss their problems.

As there is no pressure the boys feel free and enjoy learning in such an atmosphere. The morning work comes to an end. The boys take their bath and have their meal. The afternoon classes begin at two o’clock. In this session, handiwork is practiced. The boys learn the crafts they are interested in. Handicrafts such as carpentry, spinning, weaving, mechanics, painting, drafting, etc., are taught. Some boys learn music. There is no book-work in the afternoon. The school work will be over at four o’clock. Then, the boys go out into the field to play football. Shantiniketan boys are famous everywhere for their sports and games.

At sunset, the boys return from the fields and meditate again for a short time. They take part in telling fairy tales, singing Gurudeva’s songs, and reciting short dramas. A number of other school gatherings are also held. At nine o’clock, they all go to bed. The choristers go round the Ashram singing the evening hymn. The boys are very happy and enjoy the freedom in the Ashram. The author calls such an education “Living Education”, which can never be dull and monotonous.

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A Day in the Ashram Summary in Kannada

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