KSEEB Solutions for Class 8 Economics Chapter 3 National Income and Sectoral Aspects of The Indian Economy

Students can Download Economics Chapter 3 National Income and Sectoral Aspects of The Indian Economy Questions and Answers, Notes Pdf, KSEEB Solutions for Class 8 Social Science helps you to revise the complete Karnataka State Board Syllabus and to clear all their doubts, score well in final exams.

Karnataka State Syllabus Class 8 Social Science Economics Chapter 3 National Income and Sectoral Aspects of The Indian Economy

Class 8 Social Science National Income and Sectoral Aspects of The Indian Economy Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers

I. Fill in the blanks:

1. Per capita income = National income divided by _______ (Population of the country)
2. Agency responsible for estimation of national income in India is _______ (Central Statistical Organization)
3. The highest share in national income of India today is from _______ sector (primary)
4. Small scale industries are defined in terms of _______ (investment)
5. Indian agriculture is said to be _______ with monsoons, (gamble)
6. Extent of irrigated area in India is about _______ percent of cultivated area. (30)

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II. Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
Define national income.
National income refers to the total value of goods and services produced annually in a country.

Question 2.
If the total income of a family of 5 members in 2015 was Rs.567890, calculate the per capita income of the members of the family.
PCI = Total income / no of members of family
= 567890/ 5 = 113578

Question 3.
State how small industries are helpful for the growth of a country like India.

  1. Small scale industries generate huge employment opportunities.
  2. Mobilization of resources and entrepreneurial skill
  3. Stimulate redistribution of wealth, income, and political power in a Society.
  4. Bring about the dispersion of industries across the country.
  5. Have a high capacity to generate and absorb innovations.
  6. Promotes exports

Question 4.
What are the reasons for the decline in the size of agricultural holdings in India?
As the population dependent on agriculture has increased, the holdings have been subdivided into smaller pieces.

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Question 5.
Examine the reasons for the crisis in Indian agriculture.

  1. uneconomic size of cultivated holdings.
  2. High population pressure.
  3. Rainfed farming and recurrence of droughts.
  4. Partial impact of the green revolution. ‘
  5. Inadequate credit from institutional sources.

Question 6.
Discuss the measures to overcome the agricultural crisis in India.

  • Increasing Public investment
  • Expanding credit availability
  • Marketing reforms
  • Crop insurance
  • Counseling and moral support
  • Regulating private money lenders

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