KSEEB Solutions for Class 8 Sociology Chapter 2 Culture

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Karnataka State Syllabus Class 8 Social Science Sociology Chapter 2 Culture

Class 8 Social Science Culture Textbook Exercise Questions and Answers

I. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words.

1. Culture means _________ (Cultivate).
2. Customs mean _________ activities (human).
3. _________ in diversity is found in India. (Unity)
4. _________ relationship is found between culture and society, (indivisible)
5. Culture is the _________ of transfer of ideas from generation to generation, (abstract)

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II. Answer the followings in a Sentence

Question 1.
What is Culture?
Answer :
Culture means the transfer of knowledge, experience, belief, value, behavior, hierarchy, relationship from generation to generation.

Question 2.
Give examples of Cultural diversity present in your neighborhood.
Answer :

  1. Customs
  2. Moral values
  3. Art
  4. Belief
  5. Language etc.
  6. Traditions
  7. Food habits

Question 3.
Who divided the culture into two groups?
Answer :
Ogburn divides the culture into two groups

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Question 4.
What is Material Culture?
Answer :
Material Culture includes all those physical objects that are visible to eyes and the tools used by human beings.

Question 5.
What is the non-material culture?
Answer :
Non-Material Culture includes thoughts, ideas, beliefs, and values. Totally it means human achievements.

III. Answer the following in 4 or 5 sentences :

Question 1.
What is a Custom? Give examples.
Answer :
Our beliefs, values, rules, Social conventions, and morals can be collectively called a custom. Ex: The religious customs and rituals, our beliefs about life and death. Giving respect to the elders etc.

Question 2.
Explain Cultural diversity.
Answer :

  1. Culture is not uniform
  2. Aspects of culture like customs, moral values, art, belief, language differ from society to society considerably.
  3. The difference is also visible in rural and urban and tribal societies.
  4. Even people living in the same place tend to have different cultures.

Question 3.
Explain the features of culture.
Answer :
Culture is abstract, Social, culture is learned, culture means co-existence, culture is continuous. Culture is diverse. The accepted way of life is carried from one generation to another generation. This process of shifting remains abstract.

Culture means sharing a community’s way of life, food, dress, rituals, and living with them. A child receives culture thorough socialization, interactions, and discussions. Hence, culture is learned.

Question 4.
Culture and Society are two faces of the same coin. How?
Answer :

  1. Culture makes human beings different from other animals.
  2. School controls in a society are based on cultural aspects.
  3. The social controls define human behaviour.
  4. Individuals in a society have memberships in various social institutions.
  5. Every institution regulates the behaviour of the individual through its cultural tools.

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