1st PUC History Question Bank Chapter 9 Napoleon and Rise of Nationalism

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Karnataka 1st PUC History Question Bank Chapter 9 Napoleon and Rise of Nationalism

1st PUC History Napoleon and Rise of Nationalism Text Book Questions and Answers

Napoleon Bonaparte and Rise of Nationalism

I. Answer in one word or one sentence (Each carries 1 Mark).

Question 1.
Who was the first consul of France?
Napolean Bonaparte.

1st PUC History Question Bank Chapter 9 Napoleon and Rise of Nationalism

Question 2.
Who was Admiral Nelson?
British Naval chief who defeated Napolean Bonaparte in the naval battle of nile or Aboukir Bay.

Question 3.
In which year did Napoleon Bonaparte crown himself as the emperor of Franee?

Question 4.
Who established the Bank of France?
Napolean Bonaparte.

Question 5.
Which university was founded by Napoleon Bonaparte?
The university of France in 1808.

Question 6.
Who imposed the continental system?
Napolean Bonaparte.

Question 7.
Where did Napoleon Bonaparte die?
Helena, an island in the Atlantic ocean on may 5, 1821.

Question 8.
Which was the last battle of Napoleon Bonaparte?
Battle of water Loo (Belgium) in 1815.

Question 9.
Who is called as the second Justinian?
Napolean Bonaparte.

1st PUC History Question Bank Chapter 9 Napoleon and Rise of Nationalism

Question 10.
In which year was the Battle of Waterloo fought?
In 1815.

II. Answer in a two or three sentence each (Each carries two marks).

Question 1.
Name the parents of Napoleon Bonaparte.
Count Charles Bonaparte and countess Leticia Romalina.

Question 2.
Where and in which year was Napoleon Bonaparte born?
He was born at Ajaccio in the islands of Vorsica on August 15, 1769.

Question 3.
Between whom and when was ‘Tilsit Treaty’ concluded?
Napolean concluded the treaty of ‘Tilsit’ with the Tsar of Russia in 1807.

Question 4.
What is concordat?
After negotiations with pope Pius VII, he reached a religions understanding with the-pope in 1802. which came to be known as the ‘concordat’. With this treaty Catholicism became the state religion of France.

Question 5.
What is a continental system?
England’s strength was in its trade and commerce. Hence Napolean decided to attack England by destroying it. He issued 2 decrees from Berlin in 1806 and Milan in 1807. Accordingly British goods were fully excluded from the whole of Europe. This was called the ‘Continental system’.

Question 6.
What is Legion of Honour?
To honour those who rendered meritotious military and civil services to the state Napolean Bonaparte started an award called ‘Legion of Honour’. It was based on principles of equality with out distillation of class and religion.

III. Answer in 15 – 20 lines each (Each carries five marks).

Question 1.
Write about the life and rise of Napoleon Bonaparte.
Early Life of Napolean Napolean was bom at Ajaccio is the island of Corsica on 15 th August 1769. His parents were Count Charles Bonaparte and Countess Leticia Romalina. During his childhood he cultivated self confidence, an ability to work hard and immense ambition. He was educated at Brienne in Austria and then in the military Acadamy of Paris.

He took keen interest m the study of military science. Rejoined the French army at the age of 17 as an artillery’ officer. Because of his ability he rose from post to post during the French revolution he proved his talent by suppressing two rebellions against the French government.

Rise of Napolean:
In 1796. The Directory government nt appointed Napolean the commander of the French army in taly. His Italism compaign great success. He defeated Sardinians and then Austrians. By the treaty of’Compu Formic’ in 1797. Nepolean started redrawing the map of Europe through his conquests.

Napolean victorious in the battle of pyramids. But he was defeated by admiral Nelson in Naval battle of Nile. In 1799 he overthrew Directory Government and he became a first consul of France. In 1804 he declared himself as an emperor of France. Though Napolean was genius, his inordinate ambition, pride and self centered nature ruined him in the end.

1st PUC History Question Bank Chapter 9 Napoleon and Rise of Nationalism

Question 2.
Write about the military expeditions of Napoleon Bonaparte.
In 1804, Napoleon crowned himself as Napoleon I emperor of France. The ten years of the empire witnessed almost continuous warfare. England, Austria, Prussia, and Sweden were alarmed at the growth of the French power, formed an alliance against France.

Two of the most famous battles bought during this time were the battles of traingular in 1805 and another war was the battle of Austerlitz. In the naval battle, in which the French were defeated. In the battle of austerlitz Napoleon concluded the treaty with Tsar of Russian known as Tilsit treaty. Except England remaining nation of Europe came under his control.

Continental system imposed by Napolean was harmed France more than England. European nations suffered a lot, which depended on impacts from England. In this situation England sent its troops under General Arthur Wellesley. Who defeated French army. The Tsar Alexander, ruler of Russia violated the continental system and began to import British goods.

This war the main reason for the invassion of Moscow by Napoleon. He organised a huge army against Russia. But French army terribly suffered mainly from biting cold, hunger and thirst, Napoleam failed miserably and returned to France with a loss of 3 lakh soldiers.

After the Russian campaign Napoiian enemies increased. The combined armies of Austria and Prussia with the help of England defeated Napolean in the batde of Leipzig in 1813. Later he was arrested and deported to the island of Elba.

Nepolean fled back to France from Elba island and ruled for 100 days. Allied nations came together and decided to defeat him. They completely defeated Napolean in the battle of waterldo (Belgium) in 1815. Later Napolean was exiled to St.Helena, an Island in the Atlantic Ocean. On may 5th 1821 Napolean died of ulcer.

Question 3.
Discuss the continental system of Napolepn Bonaparte.
England’s strength was in its trade and commerce. Hence Napolean decided to atack England by destroying it. He issued 2 decrees from Berlin in 1806 and Milan in 1807. Accordingly British goods were fully excluded from the whole of Europe. This was called the continental system. Application of this method harmed France more than England.

Europeans nations suffered a lot. Which depended on imports from England. The civil war was broke out in spain. England took advantage of the situation and sent its army under General Arthur Wellesley, who defeated the French army. Napolean himself uttered at later stage as ‘The Spanish ulcer ruined me’

Question 4.
Explain the causes for the decline of Napoleon Bonaparte.
Causes for the downfall of Napolean.

  1. Napolean was genius, his inordinate ambition pride and self- centered nature ruined him in the end.
  2. Napolean empire depended only on his military strength. But his army consisted of different countries soldiers, who did not have any attachment to the empire.
  3. The rise of nationalism against the Napoleanic empire was another factor that led to his fall.
  4. The continental system was one of the great setback to Napolean.
  5. The Russian expedition was illfated and causes heavy damage to French army and Napolean.
  6. French Naval army was weak and not organised properly.
  7. The contribution of Admiral Nelson and General Wellesley to their mother land. They played a very important role to curb the Napolean power.
  8. Friends and relatives of Napolean, who enjoyed the favours when he was at the zenith of power, betrayed him in the end.

Question 5.
Napoleon Bonaparte was “The child of Revolution” and “the Destroyer of Revolution”. – Justify this statement.
French revolvtion produced a great hero and one of the greatest military general, and administrator called Napolean Bonaparte. He was one of the prominent figure of Europe from 1799tol815is considered as Napolean Era. He made radical changes in France administration.

He formed law code, popular as code Napolean. He minself said “I was bom when my country was dying” the child of the revolution in reforms “The destroyer of the revolution”. He overthrew Directory in 1799, and he became first consul, and declared himself as an emperor of France in 1804.

He removed chaos and confusion and reconstruct he nation through his valuable administrative reforms. He contralized the entire system of local government. He arranged the government decrees should promptly and uniformly be carried out. He established efficient police force to carry out the refoms smoothly.

IV. Answer in 30 – 40 lines each (Each carries ten marks questions).

Question 1.
Describe the administrative reforms of Napoleon Bonaparte.
Napolean was bom at Ajaccio is the island of Corsica on 15th August 1769. His parents were Count Charles Bonaparte and Countess Leticia Romalina. During his childhood he cultivated self confidence, an ability to work hard and immense ambition. He was educated at Brienne in Austria and then in the military Acadamy of Paris.

He took keen interest in the study of military science. He joined the French army at the age of 17 as an artillery officer. Because of his ability he rose from post to post during the French revolution he proved his talent by suppressing two rebellions against the French government.

French revolvtion produced a great hero and one of the greatest military general, and administrator called Napolean Bonaparte. He was one of the prominent figure of Europe from 1799 to 1815 is considered as Napolean Era. He made radical changes in France administration.

He formed law code, popular as code Napolean. He minself said “I was bom when my country was dying” the child of the revolution in reforms “The destroyer of the revolution”. He overthrew Directory in 1799, and he became first consul, and declared himself as an emperor of France in 1804.

He removed chaos and confusion and reconstruct he nation through his valuable administrative reforms. He contralized the entire system of local government. He arranged the government decrees should promptly and uniformly be carried out. He established efficient police force to carry out the refoms smoothly.

In 1796. The Directory government appointed Napolean the commander of the French army in Italy. His Italian compaign great success. He defeated Sardirdana end then Ausmans By the treaty of ‘Cornpu Forrnio’ in 1797 he gained immense success for France Nepolean started redrawing the map of Europe through his conquests.

Napolean victorious in the battle of pyramids. But he was defeated by admiral Nelson in Naval battle of Nile. In 1799 he overthrew Directory Government and he became a first consul of France. In 1804 he declared himself as an emperor of France. Though Napolean was genius, his inordinate ambition, pride and self centered nature ruined him in the end.

1st PUC History Question Bank Chapter 9 Napoleon and Rise of Nationalism

Question 2.
Write about rise and conquests of Napoleon Bonaparte.
Napolean was bom at Ajaccio is the island of Corsica on 15 th August 1769. His parents were Count Charles Bonaparte and Countess Leticia Romalina. During his childhood he cultivated self confidence, an ability to work hard and immense ambition. He was educated at Brienne in Austria and then in the military Acadamy of Paris.

He took keen interest in the study of military science. He joined the French army at the age of 17 as an artillery officer. Because of his ability he rose from post to post during the French revolution he proved his talent by suppressing two rebellions against the French government.

Rise of Napolean:
In 1796. The Directory government appointed Napolean the commander of the French army in Italy. His Italism compaign great success. He defeated Sardinians and then Austrians. By the treaty of ‘Compu Formio’ in 1797 he gained immense success for France.

Nepolean started redrawing the map of Europe through his conquests. Napolean victorious in the battle of pyramids. But he was defeated by admiral Nelson in Naval battle of Nile.

In 1799 he overthrew Directory Government and he became a first consul of France. In 1804 he declared himself as an emperor of France. Though Napolean was genius, his inordinate ambition, pride and self centered nature ruined him in the end. In 1804, Napoleon crowned himself as Napoleon emperor of France.

The ten years of the empire witnessed almost continuous warfare. England, Austria, Prussia, and Sweden were alarmed at die growth of the French power, formed an alliance against France. Two of the most famous battles bought during this time were the battles of traingular in 1305 and another war was the battle of Austerlitz.

In the naval battle, in which the French were defeated. In the battle of austerlitz Napoleon concluded the treaty with Tsar of Russian known as Tilsit treaty. Except England remaining nation of Europe came under his control. Continental system imposed by Napolean was harmed France more than England.

European nations suffered a lot, which depended on impacts from England. In this situation England sent its troops under General Arthur Wellesley. Who defeated French army. The Tsar Alexander, ruler of Russia violated the continental system and began to import British goods.

This war the main reason for the invassion of Moscow by Napoleon. He organised a huge army against Russia. But French army terribly suffered mainly from biting cold, hunger and thirst, Napoleam failed miserably and returned to France with a loss of 3 lakh soldiers.

After the Russian campaign Napolian enemies increased. The combined armies of Austria and Prussia with the help of England defeated Napolean in the battle of Leipzig in 1813. Later he was arrested and deported to the island of Elba. Nepolean fled back to France from Elba island and ruled for 100 days.

Allied nations came together and decided to defeat him. They completely defeated Napolean in the battle of Waterloo (Belgium) in 1815. Later Napolean was exiled to St.Helena, an Island in the Atlantic Ocean. On may 5th 1821 Napolean died of ulcer. French revolvtion produced a great hero and one of the greatest military general, and administrator called Napolean Bonaparte.

He was one of the prominent figure of Europe from 1799 to 1815 is considered as Napolean Era. He made radical changes in France administration. He formed law code, popular as code Napolean. He minself said “I was bom when my country was dying” the child of the revolution in reforms “The destroyer of the revolution”.

He overthrew Directory in 1799, and he became first consul, and declared himself as an emperor of France in 1804. He removed chaos and confusion and reconstruct he nation through his valuable administrative reforms. He contralized the entire system of local government. He arranged the government decrees should promptly and uniformly be carried out. He established efficient police force to carry out the refoms smoothly.

1st PUC History Unification of Italy Text Book Questions and Answers

Unification of Italy

I. Answer in one word or one sentence (Each carries 1 Mark).

Question 1.
Who is called the father of Italian unification?
Joseph Mazzini.

Question 2.
What is Carbonari?
‘Charcoal burners’. They were active in creating opposition to foreign rule.

Question 3.
Who founded Young Italy?
Joseph Mazzini founded ‘Young italy’ in 1831.

Question 4.
Who said ‘Pen is mightier than Sword’?
Joseph Mazzini believed that pen is mightier that sword.

Question 5.
Who published the paper ‘Resorgimento?
Count-De-Cavour started it.

1st PUC History Question Bank Chapter 9 Napoleon and Rise of Nationalism

Question 6.
Who helped Sardinia and Piedmont in her war against Austria?

Question 7.
Which treaty was concluded after the war between Austria and Sardinia?
‘Villa France’ treaty was concluded after tbe war between Austria and Sardinia.

Question 8.
Who established the Red Shirt Army?
Garibaldi established “Red shirts”.

Question 9.
Who was the first King of United Italy?
Victor Emmanuel II.

Question 10.
Name the capital of United Italy.
‘Rome’ was capital of uni tied Italy.

II. Answer in 2 words or 3 sentence (Each carries 2 marks).

Question 1.
Name the architects of Italian Unification.
Joseph Mazzini, Count-De-Covour, Garibaldi and Victor Emmanuel were the architects of Itallian unification.

Question 2.
What were the aims of Young Italy?
It was founded by Joseph Mazzini. The young Italy was an organisation of the youth and a secret and underground organisation. They felt that unification of Itlay has to be actived only by Italians.

Question 3.
Who was called the Sword of Italian Unification? Name the army he established.
‘Garibaldi’ was called as sword of Itallion unification. He founded ‘Red shirts’ organisation.

Question 4.
Name any 4 States of Italy.
Tuscany, PAMA, Lombarclv. Rome, were the 4 states of Italy.

Question 5.
Who was the Chancellor of Victor Emmanuel II? What was his policy?
Count-De-Cavour was the chancellor of Victor Emmanuel He believed in the policy of war and diplomacy to unite Itlay. He also believed that Italian unification could be achieved only with the help of other European countries

III. Answer in 15 to 20 sentences (Each carries 5 marks).

Question 1.
Trace the role of Joseph Mazzini in the Unification of Italy.
He was bom at Gehoa in 1805. He was a lawyer by profession. He was called soul of Italian unification. He believed that pen is Jmighter than sword and decided to infuse patriotism among the people through his articles. He founded a society called ‘Young Italy’ in 1831.

‘Young Italy’ was an organisation of the youth and a secret undergrammed organisation. He felt-that unification has to be achieved only by Italians. The unity of Italy was preached as a new religion and a holy mission. ‘God, the people and Italy’ were the watch words of this organisation.

Because of his activities, he was banished and lived in exile in France, Switerland and England and guided the movement from outside. Mazanni’s inthience was such that in 1848, well oiganised revolts were seen in Italy. People of lambardy, parma, modema and tnscany rose in revolt against their rules. Since there was no unity amont than they were easily put down by Austria and France.

1st PUC History Question Bank Chapter 9 Napoleon and Rise of Nationalism

Question 2.
Describe the role of Count Covour in the Unification of Italy.
Count-De-covour Bom in 1810 at piedmont. He joined the military education He served the military for some years. He studied the history and culture of Italy developer a patriotic spirit. He advocated English constitutional system. In 1847, he started a news paper called Risorgimento (Rebirth). As the editor of paper, he nobalized public openion to unite Italy.

His political career began when he was elected to the parliment of Piedmont in 1850. He was appointed as the prime minister in 1852 to 1861. He had the dream of uniting Italy under the leadership of sardania. But before taking up that talk, he undertook many reforms to make Sardinia strong.

Economy was reformed. Commercial taxes w’ere reduced. He encouraged Education and industries. He thus developed the state and it became a “Model State”. He believed in the policy of war and diplomacy to unite Italy. Cavour believed that italian unification could be achieved only with the help of another European countries.

In the Paris peace congress, Cavour put forth the problems of Italy before the leaders. Napolean III. the ruler of France was very sympathetic to the cause of Itallian Unification. Cavouer signed as agreement with Napolean III at Plombieres in 1858.

The war concluded the treat of “Villa France” with Austria. Cavour was dissatified with abrupt end of the war Cavour advice not to accept Villa France but king Victor Emanuel refused it. Then Cavour resigned his primeminster post.

But soon reelected and took over as the prime minister in 1860 Modena, Parma, Tuscany, Romagna, Umbria and marches voted to merge with Sardinia. This led to the second step in the unification.Covou consider as’ The brain of Italian unification” he died in 1861. His last words were “ Italy is made, all is safe”.

Question 3.
Write about the part played by Garibaldi in the Italian Unification.
The third stage of Italian unification was achieved by a great patriot, Garibaldi. He was bom in 1807 at Nice. He became a member of ‘Young italy’ at the age of 24 and took part in the revolutionary activities. He participated in a revolt organised by Mazzini at Savoj in 1834. but the revolt was failed.

Because of his nationalistic activities he was given death sentence, He managed to escape to South America and lived in exile for 14 years. He got a large number of followers prepared for any sacrifice for the sake of their country. They were transformed to an army called ‘Red Shirts’.

During the 1848 revolution, he returned to italy and took part in Itallian nationalist movement. He commanded the Sardinia forces. In 1860 he defeated sicily and annexed it. Then he went to Naples and defeated Francis II.

Later he handed over the Sicily and Naples to victor Emmanuel Because his main aim was unification of Italy. He was called as “Sword of Italian unification”. A true patriot, he refused to accept titles and honours which were offered to him, went to back to his village and lived the life of a peasant.

IV. Answer in 30 to 40 sentences (Each carries 10 marks).

Question 1.
Describe the stages of Italian Unification.
He was bom at Gehoa in 1805. He was a lawyer by profession. He was called soul of Italian unification. He believed that pen is Jmighter than sword and decided to infuse patriotism among the people through his articles. He founded a society called ‘Young Italy’ in 1831.

‘Young Italy’ was an organisation of the youth and a secret undergrammed organisation. He felt-that unification has to be achieved only by Italians. The unity of Italy was preached as a new religion and a holy mission. ‘God, the people and Italy’ were the watch words of this organisation.

Because of his activities, he was banished and lived in exile in France, Switerland and England and guided the movement from outside. Mazanni’s inthience was such that in 1848, well oiganised revolts were seen in Italy. People of lambardy, parma, modema and tnscany rose in revolt against their rules. Since there was no unity amont than they were easily put down by Austria and France.

Count-De-covour Bom in 1810 at piedmont. He joined the military education He served the military for some years. He studied the history and culture of Italy developer a patriotic spirit. He advocated English constitutional system. In 1847, he started a news paper called Risorgimento (Rebirth). As the editor of paper, he nobalized public openion to unite Italy.

His political career began when he was elected to the parliment of Piedmont in 1850. He was appointed as the prime minister in 1852 to 1861. He had the dream of uniting Italy under the leadership of sardania. But before taking up that talk, he undertook many reforms to make Sardinia strong.

Economy was reformed. Commercial taxes w’ere reduced. He encouraged Education and industries. He thus developed the state and it became a “Model State”. He believed in the policy of war and diplomacy to unite Italy. Cavour believed that italian unification could be achieved only with the help of another European countries.

In the Paris peace congress, Cavour put forth the problems of Italy before the leaders. Napolean III. the ruler of France was very sympathetic to the cause of Itallian Unification. Cavouer signed as agreement with Napolean III at Plombieres in 1858.

The war concluded the treat of “Villa France” with Austria. Cavour was dissatified with abrupt end of the war Cavour advice not to accept Villa France but king Victor Emanuel refused it. Then Cavour resigned his primeminster post.

But soon reelected and took over as the prime minister in 1860 Modena, Parma, Tuscany, Romagna, Umbria and marches voted to merge with Sardinia. This led to the second step in the unification.Covou consider as’ The brain of Italian unification” he died in 1861. His last words were “ Italy is made, all is safe”.

The third stage of Italian unification was achieved by a great patriot, Garibaldi. He was bom in 1807 at Nice. He became a member of ‘Young italy’ at the age of 24 and took part in the revolutionary activities. He participated in a revolt organised by Mazzini at Savoj in 1834. but the revolt was failed.

Because of his nationalistic activities he was given death sentence, He managed to escape to South America and lived in exile for 14 years. He got a large number of followers prepared for any sacrifice for the sake of their country. They were transformed to an army called ‘Red Shirts’.

During the 1848 revolution, he returned to italy and took part in Itallian nationalist movement. He commanded the Sardinia forces. In 1860 he defeated sicily and annexed it. Then he went to Naples and defeated Francis II.

Later he handed over the Sicily and Naples to victor Emmanuel Because his main aim was unification of Italy. He was called as “Sword of Italian unification”. A true patriot, he refused to accept titles and honours which were offered to him, went to back to his village and lived the life of a peasant.

1st PUC History Question Bank Chapter 9 Napoleon and Rise of Nationalism

Question 2.
Describe the part played by Mazzini, Cavour and Garibaldi in the Italian Unification.
He was born at Gehoa in 1805. He was a lawyer by profession. He was called soul of Italian unification. He believed that pen is Jmighter than sword and decided to infuse patriotism among the people through his articles. He founded a society called ‘Young Italy’ in 1831.

‘Young Italy’ was an organisation of the youth and a secret undergrammed organisation. He felt-that unification has to be achieved only by Italians. The unity of Italy was preached as a new religion and a holy mission. ‘God, the people and Italy’ were the watch words of this organisation.

Because of his activities, he was banished and lived in exile in France, Switerland and England and guided the movement from outside. Mazanni’s inthience was such that in 1848, well oiganised revolts were seen in Italy. People of Lombardy, parma, modema and tnscany rose in revolt against their rules. Since there was no unity amount than they were easily put down by Austria and France.

Count-De-covour Bom in 1810 at piedmont. He joined the military education He served the military for some years. He studied the history and culture of Italy developer a patriotic spirit. He advocated English constitutional system. In 1847, he started a news paper called Risorgimento (Rebirth). As the editor of paper, he mobilized public openion to unite Italy.

His political career began when he was elected to the parliament of Piedmont in 1850. He was appointed as the prime minister in 1852 to 1861. He had the dream of uniting Italy under the leadership of Sardinia. But before taking up that talk, he undertook many reforms to make Sardinia strong.

Economy was reformed. Commercial taxes were reduced. He encouraged education and industries. He thus developed the state and it became a “Model State”. He believed in the policy of war and diplomacy to unite Italy. Cavour believed that Italian unification could be achieved only with the help of another European countries.

In the Paris peace congress, Cavour put forth the problems of Italy before the leaders. Napolean III. the ruler of France was very sympathetic to the cause of Italian Unification. Cavour signed as agreement with Napolean III at Plombieres in 1858.

The war concluded the treat of “Villa France” with Austria. Cavour was dissatified with abrupt end of the war Cavour advice not to accept Villa France but king Victor Emanuel refused it. Then Cavour resigned his prime minister post.

But soon reelected and took over as the prime minister in 1860 Modena, Parma, Tuscany, Romagna, Umbria and marches voted to merge with Sardinia. This led to the second step in the unification.Covou consider as’ The brain of Italian unification” he died in 1861. His last words were “ Italy is made, all is safe”.

The third stage of Italian unification was achieved by a great patriot, Garibaldi. He was bom in 1807 at Nice. He became a member of ‘Young italy’ at the age of 24 and took part in the revolutionary activities. He participated in a revolt organised by Mazzini at Savoj in 1834. but the revolt was failed.

Because of his nationalistic activities he was given death sentence, He managed to escape to South America and lived in exile for 14 years. He got a large number of followers prepared for any sacrifice for the sake of their country. They were transformed to an army called ‘Red Shirts’.

During the 1848 revolution, he returned to italy and took part in Itallian nationalist movement. He commanded the Sardinia forces. In 1860 he defeated sicily and annexed it. Then he went to Naples and defeated Francis II.

Later he handed over the Sicily and Naples to victor Emmanuel Because his main aim was unification of Italy. He was called as “Sword of Italian unification”. A true patriot, he refused to accept titles and honours which were offered to him, went to back to his village and lived the life of a peasant.

1st PUC History Unification of Italy Additional Questions and Answers

Question 1.
When was the unification of Italy completed?

Question 2.
Who was called as “the sword of Italian unification?

Question 3.
Who was victor emmanuel II?
He was the king of Sardinia.

1st PUC History Question Bank Chapter 9 Napoleon and Rise of Nationalism

Question 4.
Who was called as the brain of Italian unification?

Question 5.
Who, made sardanial as a “Model state”?

Question 6.
Which was the news paper started by count-De-Covour?
Risorgimento (Rebirth).

Question 7.
Who was called as Soul of Itdian unification.
Joseph Mazzini.

1st PUC History Unification of Germany Text Book Questions and Answers

Unification of Germany

I. Answer in one word or one sentence (Each carries 1 Mark).

Question 1.
What was the famous policy of Bismarck?
“Iron and Blood Policy”

Question 2.
In which year did Prussia attack Denmark?

Question 3.
Which King of Denmark declared the annexation of Schleswig and Holstein?
Christian EX.

Question 4.
Which treaty ended the Austro-Prussian War?
Treaty of Prague in 1866 ended the Austro-Prussian war.

Question 5.
Which treaty ended the Franco-Prussian War?
The treaty of Frankfurt.

II. Answer in two words or two sentences each. (Each carries 2 marks).

Question 1.
What was Zollverein?
Prussia was the strongest and largest among the 39 states of the confederation of Rhine. It worked for ass economic union of the German states. The customs union called ‘Zollverein’ was formed in 1834. Zollverein allowed ‘Free Trade’, reduced the protectionist barriers and imposed the transportation of raw materials and finished goods among the German states.

Question 2.
Why did Fredrick William IV reject the offer of the Frankfurt Parliament?
Because, the representative of the states elected the crown, not of their Kings.
He was afraid of the military intervention of Austria and Russia. So, The Prussian king. Fredrick William IV refused the resolution passed by Frankfart parliament.

1st PUC History Question Bank Chapter 9 Napoleon and Rise of Nationalism

Question 3.
Who assisted Bismarck in the re-organization of the Prussian military?
General Roon and General Moltke were gave the full support to bismark.

III. Answer in 15 – 20 sentences (5 marks).

Question 1.
Discuss the role of Bismarck in the unification of Germany.
Edward Leopold Ottovan Bismark was born in 1815 in the aristocratic family of Prussia. He was well educated and he traveled widely in Europe, particularly in france and England. He was appointed as Russian ambassador to Russia and later to France. Thus, he gained first round knowledge and experience about the European politics.

He was appointed as chancellor (Prime minister) of Pru ssia in 1862 by King William I. So, then made up his unind tojnity Germany under the monarchy of prussia. He believed that prussia along had the ability to lead the German states. So, he began to reorganise the Prussian military with the help of General Roon and General Moltke.

Very soon the prussion army was amont the best in Europe. He followed Iron and blood policy to achieve the unification Germany. To annex Denmark Bismark made an alliance with Austria and defeated the Denmark in 1864. The peace treaty of Vienna was signed. Bismark made a diplomatic technique against.

Austrian aggresive policy. When Austria declare was on Prussia. The other German states support the Bismark (Prussia) and he got help from Italy. The decisive battle was bought at Koniggratz near Sadowa, in which Austria was completely defeated. This was known as “seven weeks war”, This was ended with the treaty of prague.

When Napolean III declared war on Prussia, Bismark diplomatically solve this problem. The Prussian forces defeated France army and they captured Napolean III. The Prussian King William was crowned as the emperor of united Germany with the title ‘Kaiser’ at Versailles. The treaty of frankfurt ended the war on 10th May 1871.

IV. Answer In 30 – 40 sentences (10 marks).

Question 1.
Discuss in detail the different stages of the German unification.
The revolutionaries hoped that such a constitution would provide a universal male sufferage, a permanent national parliament and a united Germany under the Leadership of Prussian king. The Frankfurt parliament decision was refused by the Prussian King Fredrick William IV: Thus the attempt of the unification failed.

1. War with Denmark:
(1864) Bismark with the assistance of Husfria, defeated Denmark in 1864. The war ended with the peace treaty of Vienna.

2. Austro-Prussian war:
(1866) The war ended with the treaty of Prague. The north German confederation was formed under the leadership of the Prussian king. This resulted in a partial unifi cation of Germany only a few south German states remained out of unification.

3. Franco-Prussian was (1870-1871):
The French were alarmed at the growth of the Prussian power. Napolean HI declared war on Prussia Bismark diplomatically solved the problem the Prussian forces defeated the French army. Genuends captured Paris. The Prussian king willian was crowned as the emperor of united Germany. The treaty of Frankfurt ended the war on 1 Oth May 1871. Thus the great effort Bismark Germany united.